1. My master, I am ardently in love with you
Amid worries and longing I am plundered
١. سَيِّدِي أَنْتَ إِنَّني بِكَ صَبٌّ
بَيْنَ أَيدِي الْهُمُوم والشَّوْق نَهْبُ
2. My intercessor with you is that I'm a lover
And I've always loved those who don't love back
٢. وشَفِيعِي إِلَيْكَ أَنِّي مُحبٌ
وقَدِيماً أَحِبُّ مَنْ لاَ يُحِبُّ
3. Love has made me sick and thus destroyed me
With lasting sorrow that doesn't go away
٣. بَعَثَ الحُبُّ لي سَقاماً فَأَعْدَى
بِيَ حُزْناً مداوماً ما يَغِبُّ
4. I have no intention to comfort my soul
For what it saw, nor do I have a heart
٤. لَيْس لي نَيَّةٌ أُسَلِّي بها النَّفْ
س لِمَا قَدْ رَأَى وَلاَ لِيَ قَلْبُ
5. My patience is gone and hopes betrayed me
Lies that delight those who pour out tears
٥. ضَاعَ صَبْرِي وَأَخْلَفَتْنِي ظُنُونٌ
كاذِباتٌ يَلَذُّها مَنْ يَصَبُّ
6. Except I was relieved by the words of the critic
It's worry upon my heart and distress
٦. غَيْرَ أنِّي أُرِحْتُ مِنْ قَوْلِ لاَحِ
هُوَ هَمٌّ عَلَى الفُؤادِ وكَرْبُ
7. The blamers blamed you and said
No blame upon one who loved the likes of you
٧. عَذَلَ العَاذِلُونَ فِيكَ وقالُوا
ما عَلَى منْ أَحَبَّ مثلَكَ عَتْبُ
8. You have a reddish cheek, smooth
A mouth of sweet conversation, fresh
٨. لكَ خَدٌّ مُوَرَّدُ اللَّوْن سَهْلٌ
وَفَمٌ طَيِّبُ الْمُجَاجَةِ عَذْبُ
9. A forehead where beauty glistened
Like a new moon unveiled from its wrap
٩. وجَبينٌ تَلأَلأَ الحُسْنُ فيه
كهِلالٍ تكَشَّفَتْ عَنْهُ حُجْبِ
10. Fluttering, pleased eyelids
Whose feminine speech is moist
١٠. وجَفونٌ مُفَتَّراتٌ مِرَاضٌ
وحديثُ الْمُؤَنَّثِ اللَّفْظِ رَطْبُ
11. A figure wherein the breeze takes pride
Bending the branch of the willow
١١. وقَوامٌ للرِّيح فيهِ احْتِكَارٌ
يَتَثَنَّى الغُصْنِ شَطْبُ
12. Beauty flourished in all of you
Except my share of all that is barren
١٢. أَخْصَبَ الحُسْنُ في جميعكَ إلاَّ
أَنَّ حظِّي منْ كُلِّ ذَلكَ جَدْبُ
13. If love were just it would have humbled you to me this morning
Yet that was difficult from you
١٣. لَهْفَ نفسي عَلَيْكَ لو أَنْصَفَ الْح
ب لَذَلَّ الغَداةَ لي منْكَ صَعْبُ
14. I don't call you fickle, rather I avert
My teary eye from you as it pours out
١٤. لا أُسَمِّيك خَيفَةً بلْ أَعدِّي
عنك طَرْفاً دُمُوعُهُ فيكَ سَكْبُ
15. You counted love for me as sins
If so, then the beauty of your face is the sin
١٥. وعَدَدْتَ الْهَوَى عَلَيَّ ذُنوباً
إِنْ يَكُنْ ذَا فَحُسْنُ وجهك ذَنْبُ
16. Will time order pardoning between us?
No use has been attained, no weeping fulfilled
١٦. أيمر الزمان صَفْحاً عَلَيْنا
لَمْ يُنَلْ طائلٌ ولم يُقْضَ نَحْبُ
17. You wronged me like your wronging gray hair
Until my head grayed and the call to white hair a cause
١٧. ظَلَمَتْنِي كظُلْمِكَ السِّنُّ حَتَّى
شَابَ رَأْسِي ودَعْوَةُ الشَّيْبِ سَبُّ
18. Thirty took from me the garb of youth
And after that white hair had the spoils
١٨. سَلَبَتْني ثَوْبَ الشَّباب الثَّلاَثُو
نَ وللشَّيْب بَعْدَ ذَلِكَ سَلْبُ
19. It brought anxiety to my head in the form of gray hair
Not recompensed by the steeds of vanity and gray hair
١٩. وأحالَتْ دُهْمَاً عَلَى الرَّأْسِ شُهْباً
لَيْسَ يَجِزي بِخَيْلِهِ اللَّهْوِ شُهْب
20. If he traveled intentionally to Damascus
And folded up like the setting sun in the west
٢٠. إِنْ يَكُنْ سَارَ عَامداً لِدِمَشْقٍ
وطَوانِي كَمَا طَوَى الشَّمْسَ غَرْب
21. Then for my heart wherever his mention turned
And for my eye wherever its goal inclined
٢١. فهوَ للْقَلْب حيثُ ما مال ذِكْرٌ
وهُوَ للطَّرْف حيثُ ما دار نُصْبُ
22. The good opinion of the minister replaced him
Thus he is for generosity and noble deeds the lord
٢٢. حُسْنُ رَأْيِ الْوَزِيرِ عَوَّض فيه
فَهُو للْجُودِ الْمَكارمِ رَبُّ