
May Allah bless the Prince Abu al-Abbas, the best of kings, on New Year's

بارك الله للأمير أبي العباس

1. May Allah bless the Prince Abu al-Abbas, the best of kings, on New Year's
And let him see his noble children succeeding with established rule and glorious power

١. بَارَكَ اللهُ لِلأَمِيرِ أَبِي الْ
عَبَّاسِ خَيْرِ الْمُلُوكِ فِي النَّيْرُوزِ

2. He is most deserving of it and of generosity in it
More than Ibrois and more than Fairous

٢. وَأَرَاهُ أَوْلاَدَهُ الْغُرَّ أَجْدَا
داً بِمُلْكٍ نَامٍ وَعِزٍّ عَزِيزِ

3. They have in the crescent Harmozerous
And we have the eternal in you Harmozerous

٣. فَهُوَ أَوْلَى بِهِ وبَالْجُودِ فِيهِ
مِنْ ابْرِويزَ وَمِنْ فَيْرُوزِ

4. So embrace the vigor of time with a prominent year
Bursting with full moons and without eclipse

٤. لَهُمُ فِي الْهِلالِ هُرْمُزُروزٍ
وَلَنَا الدَّهْرِ فِيكَ هُرْمُزُرُوزِ

5. Its days laughing and obedient
Obedient to love after long sulking

٥. فَاقْتَبِلْ جِدَّةَ الزَّمَانِ بِعَامٍ
بَارِزٍ بِاللُّجِيْنِ وَلابْرِيزِ

6. And fulfill the right of New Year in it with a cup
Whose drinking is urging, with cup and goblet

٦. ضَاحِكَاتٍ أَيَّامُهُ طَائِعَاتٍ
طَاعَةَ الْحبِّ بَعْدَ طُولِ النّشُوزِ

7. In it an inscribed painting by the work of one
Whose faults do not resemble the defects of embroidery

٧. وَاقْضِ حَقَّ النَّيْرُوزِ فيه بِكَأْسِ
مُزْعَجٍ سَقْيُهَا بكَأْسٍ وَكُوزِ

8. The sun of his face rose under dark, curly hair
The color of red myrtle

٨. فِيهِ نَقْشٌ مُلَوَّنُ مِنْ يَدَيْ مَنْ
لَمْ تَشُبْهُ مَعَايِبُ التَّلْوِيزِ

9. From a meadow where one sees the youth
Old age was unable to attain the perfection of their beauty

٩. طَلَعَتْ شَمْسُ وَجْهِهِ تَحْتِ دَاجِيَ ال
شَّعَرِ الْجَعْدِ صِبْغَةَ الشِّيرُوزِ

10. Its generosity complains to free-flowing rivers
And it continues gushing in springs

١٠. مِنْ عُقَارٍ تَرَى الْفَتِيَّةَ مِنْهَا
عَجَزَتْ عَنْ كَمَالِ حُسْنِ الْعَجُوزِ

11. Upon one approaching good fortune, protected
From misfortune and harm, reserved

١١. يَشْتَكِي كَرْمُهَا الأُوَامَ لَدَى الْقَطْ
فِ وَمَا زَالَ كَارِعاً في البُرُوزِ

12. In Zabaidiya, famed for beauty
And quarters of deliciousness, reserved

١٢. وعَلَى مُقْبِلٍ مِنَ السَّعْدِ مَحْجُو
بٍ عَنِ النَّحْس والأَذَىَ مَحْجُوزِ

13. And types of jewels appear each day
From its hidden treasures, stored

١٣. بِالزَّبَيْدِيَّةِ الْمُشَهَّرَةِ الْحُسْ
نِ وَحَوْزِ الَّلَذَاذَةِ الْمَاحُوزِ

14. Oh Jasmine! Quradha told of pure gold
So seek its perfume with clove-perfumed kerchief

١٤. وصُنَوفٍ مِنَ الْجَوَاهِرِ تَبْدُو
كُلَّ يَوْمٍ مِنْ كَنْزِهَا المَكْنُوزِ

15. The roses smile in it between Nisrin
And gardens - damn their makers!

١٥. يَاسَمِينَ حكَى قُرَاضَةَ تِبْرٍ
فَتَقُوا طِيبَهُ بِمَرْمَاحُوزِ

16. And winds blowing fragrances
Spreading musk with ambergris

١٦. يَضْحَكُ الْوَرْدُ عْنْدَهُ بَيْن نِسْرِي
نَ وَبُسْتَانُ لعنُهم آيْرُوز

17. And in it zealous protectors
Overlooking beauty on carpets

١٧. ورِياحٍ مِنَ الرِّياحِين أدَّتْ
نشرَ مِسْكٍ بعَنْبر مَعْرُوز

18. And waters - the rivers complain of sorrow
Not torn by occurrences of visiting

١٨. وبها من حَمَاحمٍ هَامُ رَنْجٍ
مُشْرفات الطُّلَى على سينيز

19. And we built its impassioned, pure gold
And waters from its preserved springs

١٩. ومياهٍ يَشْكو الْجَداول أَبْساً
لم تَمَزِّقْهُ حادثاتُ النُّزُورِ

20. And palms whose quality is above
Conversing with dates and raisins

٢٠. وبنا رِنْجِها المَحَمَّلِ تِبْراً
ومياه منْ آسها الْمَجزُوزِ

21. And in it fruits like the eggs of palms
That emerged from pollinated spadices

٢١. ونخيلٍ ترفَّع النَّوْعُ منها
عن حِوار الأَنْفَالِ والشَّهْرِيز

22. And the dead fronds separated from them
Are like turbans with opened fabric

٢٢. وبها الطَّلْعُ مثْلُ بِيضِ أَكُفٍّ
بَرَزَتْ من مَخَصَّرات القُزُوز

23. How many delightful past days in it
We spent its nights like Laylat al-Qadr

٢٣. وتجافَتْ عَنْها الجُفوفُ فشُبِّهْ
ن كَمَاماً مفَتَّقات الدُّرُوز

24. Before the departure of passions from us
And the packing up of belongings after July

٢٤. كَمْ زمانٍ مضَى بها مُسْتَلَذٍّ
لَيْلنُا فيه مثلُ لَيْل الحَزِيز

25. May He who is pleased, God, be pleased with the rule
That empowered the religion greatly

٢٥. قَبْلَ أَن تَرْحَلَ البوارحُ عنَّا
وتُحَطَّ الرِّحَالُ من تَمَّوز

26. For with Allah he is in a place of safety
Under a protected plan of destiny

٢٦. رضِيَ الرَّاضِيَ الإِلهُ لمُلْك
عَزَّزَ الدَّينَ أيَّما تعزيز

27. May Allah support his rule with sincere counsel
Whose gleam made the times most perceptive

٢٧. فهُوَ بالله في مَحَلِّ أَمانٍ
تَحتَ حِرْزٍ من القَضاء حَريز

28. With a minister of supported opinion who
Won with fortunate management the best gains

٢٨. أَيَّد اللهُ مُلكَه بنَصيحٍ
رازَ منه الزَّمانَ أَذكى مَروز

29. So the treasures of the fathers remain fixed through him
Each renewed day in treasures

٢٩. بوَزير مؤَيَّد الرَّأْي قَدْ حا
زَ بيُمْن التَّدبير خَيْرَ مَحُوز

30. A pen that rules the lands so it is more decisive
Than a sharpened sword against the enemies' necks

٣٠. فكنُوزُ الآباءِ ثابتَةٌ منْهُ
كُلُّ يوم مُجَدَّدٍ يكنُوزِ

31. And than an arrow when it takes life
Snatching and an effective fate, twisted

٣١. قَلَمٌ يملكُ الوَرَى فهو أَمْضى
من حُسامٍ على الأَعادي جَرُوز

32. Allah has granted Mardawaj victory with an edge
Amongst humanity twisted in their souls

٣٢. ومن السَّهْمِ حينَ يَسْتَلِبُ الْعُمْ
رَ اخْتِطافاً وعاملٍ مَجْلُوزِ

33. How many enemies he destroyed without being
Held back, with havoc and unrestraint

٣٣. حَتَفَ اللهُ مَرْدَواجَ بحدّ
منْهُ في أَنْفُس الوَرَى مَرْكُوز

34. And so he continues with each disobedient
And contumacious tribe, insolent and defiant

٣٤. كم عَدْوٍّ أَبادَهُ غيْرَ مَقْبُو
نٍ بَمَرْدَى الرَّدَى ولا مَجْنُوز

35. They roved like locusts, a brood of corruption
Allah has destroyed those miscreations

٣٥. وكذا يَسْتَمرُّ في كُلِّ عاصٍ
وَنَبِيطٍ لهُمْ عُتاةٍ وخُوز

36. For he is like honey to the sincere loyalist
And like a sword against the enemy, made to bend

٣٦. عَرُزُوا كالْجَرَادِ نَسْلَ فسادٍ
مَحَقَ الله ذاكَ منْ تَغْرِيزِ

37. He has not been vexed by matters nor has
He become confused in them like one lost and wandering

٣٧. فهو كالشَّهدِ للنَّصيحِ المُوَالِي
وَكَسَيْفٍ عَلَى العِدَا مَهْزُوزِ

38. And Ali is the same, not suspecting
In his caretaking nor twisted

٣٨. لم يَضقْ بالأُمور صَدْراً ولا أَصْ
بَحَ فيها كحائر مَلْهُوز

39. Rather he calls out to enemies through
Advice not belittled nor obscured

٣٩. وعَليٌّ كذاك غَيْرُ ظنِينٍ
في مُراعاتَه ولا مَلْمُوز

40. The garb of youth adorns him
And he has wisdom and perceptive reason

٤٠. بَلْ يُنادِي الأَعْدَاءَ منْهُ برَأْي
غَيْرِ مُسْتَنْقَصٍ ولا مَغْمُوز

41. How many enemies spend the night because of him
In a sick body on a twisted night!

٤١. فَرِداءُ الشَّباب ضَافٍ عَلَيْهِ
وهو ذو حُنْكَة ورأيٍ مَريز

42. O greatest of kings in mind and knowledge
Unparalleled in precedence, unmatched

٤٢. كم عدُوٍّ يبيتُ منهُ على ص
حَّةِ جسمٍ بلَيْلَةٍ الْمَنْكُوز

43. You have a servant who prides himself on praise
Whose dress is the attire of old robes

٤٣. يا أَجلَّ المُلوك عَقْلاً وعلْماً
مفَرَدَ السبق غَيْرَما مَلْزُوز

44. Mention of lineages and description did not tempt him
Under the saddle cloth, piled up

٤٤. لَكَ عَبْدٌ كَساكَ فاخِرَ مَدْحٍ
رَائِقِ لُبْسُهُ لِبَاسَ الخُزُوز

45. On mounts surpassing others in speed
Their socks apparent, embroidered

٤٥. لم يَشِنْهُ ذكُر السَّبَاسِبِ والوَصْ
فُ لعيسِ تَحْتَ الرِّحال جَمُوز

46. Verses with praise came to you
Neither imported nor constricted

٤٦. من قوافٍ علَى سِواهُ صِعَاب
سُبَّقِ الْجَرْي ظاهرات البُرُوز

47. Between saad and daad and seen
Then a clear zay, Damascus-inscribed

٤٧. خَطَرْت نَحْوَكَ القَوَافِي بِمَدْحٍ
غيرِ مُسْتَهْجَنٍ ولا مَكْزُوز

48. A nature flowing, speech radiant, facile
Not shrouded by darkness of ambiguity

٤٨. بَيْن صادٍ وبَيْن ضادٍ وسينٍ
ثُمَّ زايٍ مُبينةٍ التَّبْريز

49. Its water comes obedient
Neither drawn out nor contained

٤٩. سائلُ الطَّبْع مُشْرقُ اللَّفْظ سَهْلٌ
ما تُغَشِّيه ظُلْمَةُ التَّكْزيز

50. Poetry turns away from it when it aspires
With nose held high, as if broken

٥٠. فائضٌ ماؤُه يجيءُ مُطيعاً
غيرَ مُسْتَجْلَب ولا مَنْحَوز

51. Whoever attempts its quality is snatched away
By shining stars from that embroidery

٥١. يَرْجعُ الشِّعْرُ عَنْهُ حِين يُسامِي
هِ بأَنفٍ مُجَدَّعٍ مَحْزُوز

52. The educated plagiarizer falls short
Of ascending the peaks of repetitive ambiguity

٥٢. مَن يَرُمْ نَسْجَ مثْله تَخْتَطفْهُ
لامعاتٌ من ذلك التَّطْريز

53. And so one cannot compare between withered grass
Whose number is abundant by a filled well

٥٣. قَصَّرَ الْمُخْلِفُ المُعَلَّمُ عَنْ فَيْ
ض صَيُودٍ مُعاوِدِ التَّكْزيز

54. I have attained with them an arena I see filled
With poets of script and prosody

٥٤. وكذا لاَ يُقاسُ بَيْنَ خَسِيفٍ
فائضٌ عِدُّهَا بِبِئْرٍ نَكُوز

55. They distinguish others' words in which
There is defeat like a conqueror's plunder

٥٥. جُزْتُ فيه مَيْدَان قَوْمٍ أَراهُمْ
شُعَراءً بالْخَطِّ والتَّجْوِيز

56. With low verses and contrived meanings
And defective speech, ambiguous

٥٦. يَسْتَمِيزُونَ لَفْظَ غَيْرهم في
ه غِلاباً كَغَارة التَّكْليز

57. They followed him to overtake him but fell
Back, too short of the goal, constricted

٥٧. بقَوَافٍ مَدُوسَةٍ ومَعانٍ
مَخْلِقاتٍ ومَنْطِقٍ مَرْمُوز

58. Deprived of nature, humiliated, they travelled
A path to it, unauthorized

٥٨. وَكَزُوهُ ليَلْحقُوهُ فَآبُوا
بِقَصِيرٍ عنِ المَدَى مَوْكُوز

59. Wondrous! And the predator lies in ambush, that one
Of strength, from the step of the feeble elder

٥٩. حُرِموا الطَّبْعَ صاغرينَ فَسَارُوا
منْ طَريق إليَهْ غيرِ مَجُوزِ

60. How can one whose heart aches
With sorrow, twisted, contain proper recitation

٦٠. عَجَبٌ والقَضادُ يَقْعِد ذا الْقُ
وَّةِ عَنْ خُطْوِةِ الضَّعِيفِ الْعَجِيز

61. I do not see one contending with them in a vessel
Or in their seas, unrestrained

٦١. كيف يحوِي التَّجْويدَ صاحبُ قَلْبٍ
مُوَجعٍ من تَأَسُّفٍ مَوْحُوز

62. I have no share accumulated from
What is in their scales or purse

٦٢. لا أَرَى كارعاً لَهُمْ في إناء
لا ولا في بحارِهِمْ ذا نُهُوز

63. Nor in their land a handspan
In valley or plateau for them

٦٣. ليس لي غَلَّةٌ تَحَصَّلُ ممَّا
في موازينهم ولا في قَفيز

64. The jewels of honor attack them
While for us are the durable pieces, determined

٦٤. لاَ وَلاَ في أَرضهم قِيدُ شِبْرٍ
في وِهادٍ لَهُمْ ولا في نُشُوز

65. They planted the legs of greed in a ride
That debased their worth and eminence

٦٥. دَرَّةُ العُزْرِ هامِيَاتٌ عَلَيْهِمْ
وَلَنَا دَرَّةُ القَطُوعِ الْعَزُوز

66. If composure were an abode
They would not have crossed its corridor

٦٦. غَرَّزُوا أَرجُلَ الطَّمَاعَةِ فِي رُكْ
بٍ أَخَسَّتْ مِقْدَارَهُمْ وغُرُوزِ

67. When it was permitted without selection for you
I said: you have luck's share with us so take it

٦٧. لَوْ يكونُ التَّجْويدُ دارَ ثَوَاءٍ
لَمْ يَجوزُوا منها مدى الدَّهْلِيْزِ

68. A group of them won people
And my dependence on you in analysis

٦٨. قُلْتُ إِذْ جُوِّزَتْ بغَيْر انْتِقَاب
لَكِ حَظٌّ الْقِنَاعِ فِينا فجُوزي

69. I do not hope for other than you, my God
In their composition, nor in order

٦٩. فازَ مْنُهْم جَمَاعَةٌ بأَناسٍ
واتِّكَالِي عَلَيْكَ في التَّفْويز

70. And two ministers equipped me with kindness
They made me happy with that preparation

٧٠. لَسَتُ أَرْجُو سواكَ بعدَ إلهي
عِنْدَ تَقْصِيدِهِمْ ولا التَّرجِيز

71. When time forgot my fortune
It compensated my want generously

٧١. وَوَزِيرَيْنِ جَهَّزِانِي بجُودٍ
تَعَّشَانِي بذَلِكَ التَّجْهِيزِ

72. You know poetry better than its speaker
So judge in it with wisdom and precedence

٧٢. حِينَ عَيَّ الزَّمانُ عن ذِكْرِ حَظِّي
جَبَرَاً فاقَتِي بِجَودٍ وجِيز

73. And so knowledge of vowel marks and letters
In its syntax and glottalization

٧٣. أَنتَ أَدْرَى بالشِّعْر من قائلِيهِ
فاقضِ فِيهِ بالْحَزْم والتَّعْجيز

74. It is only that which includes them, the council
For plagiarism and distinction

٧٤. وكذا العِلْمُ بالمحرَّكِ والسَّا
كِنِ في نَحْوِهِمْ وبالمَهْمُوز

75. They are a cocoon to whoever sees truthful speech
Not shocking nor prohibited

٧٥. لَيْس إلاَّ الَّذي يَضُمُّهُمُ المَجْ
لِسُ للإِنْتِحالِ والتَّمْييز

76. So compensate me by your knowledge of poetry, O best
Of benefactors and gift-givers

٧٦. فَهُمُ قَوْقَ مَنْ يَرَى قَوْلَ حَقٍّ
غيرَ مُسْتَنْكَرٍ ولا مَنْهُوز

77. With dinars - I do not refer regarding them
To ignorance or books of legends

٧٧. فأَجِزْنِي بِقَدْرِ علمِكَ بالأَشْ
عار يا خَيْرَ مُنْعِمٍ ومُجيز

78. And the loaf of affection with which they bound me
And enrich from that gift, prohibited

٧٨. بِدَنانِيرَ لا أَحَالُ على الْجِهْ
بِذِ فيهَا وَلاَ عَلَى كتُبْ رُوز

79. Thieving hands snatched it from me
They shook it, with their shaking, scattered

٧٩. وَرَغِيفُ النَّدِّ الَّذي عَصَبُوني
هِ وأَكْرِمْ بِذَاكَ مِنْ مَجْنُوز

80. Predatory beasts beat me to it
Snatching with commotion and uproar

٨٠. غَلَبَتْني عَلَيْهِ أَيْدِي نِهَابٍ
نَهزَتْهُ بحَظِّهَا المَنْهُوز

81. It was their prey like the disciples'
The sword of Allah - their crime prohibited

٨١. سَبَقَتْني إليه سَبْقَ ذئابٍ
خاطِفَاتٍ بِهِزَّةٍ وأَزِيزِ

82. If we feared discord from them, we would have stirred
Amongst them like lions in the den

٨٢. كان خَتْلاً منهم كَخْتَل الحَواريِّ
سَيْفِ الله ذِي الرَّدى جُرْمُوز

83. Then they came to a good side
While we came to a forbidden side

٨٣. لو خَشِينَا الْبِدَارَ مِنهُمْ لَعِثْنا
فيهِم كاللُّيُّوثِ فِي الأَمْعُوزِ

84. My soul yearns for it discarded
Like a discarded spear, engraved

٨٤. ثُمَّ آبوا بجانِبٍ طَيِّب النَّشْ
رِ وَأُبْنا بِجانِبٍ مَحْبوز

85. So my tears of sorrow flow
Flowing, abundant, racing

٨٥. لَهْفَ نفسي عليه مُلْقىً كَتُرْسٍ
وافرِ الحَرْف مُشْرفٍ التَّفْريز

86. My allotted fortune has frowned at me from it
And my afflictions from my twisted fortune

٨٦. فَدُموعي من التَّأَسُّف تَجْري
جَرْيَ وَفْرَاءَ وافياتِ الخُرُوز

87. My lord has seen me pause in confusion
Like a bewildered marksman, scattered

٨٧. جَمَزَتْنِي فَوايِتُ الحظِّ منْهُ
وابلاَئِي منْ حَظِّيَ الْمجمُوز

88. So remain, my lord, with enduring survival
Not disrupted or prohibited

٨٨. قَدْ رَأَى سَيِّدِي وُقُوفِيَ حَيْرا
نَ كَمُصْمِي الرَّمْيَةِ الْمَتْرُوز

89. And happiness continues in your entire kingdom
Not diminished or banned

٨٩. فابْقَ يَا سَيِّدي بَقاءَ ثَبِيرٍ
غَيْرَ ما مَزْعِجٍ ولاَ مَحْقُوز

90. Surpassing the milestones of every leader
Conqueror of honor, unmatched

٩٠. وتَمَلَّ السُّرُورَ سائِرَ مُلْكٍ
غَيْرَ مُسْتَنْقَصٍ ولاَ مَبْرُوز

٩١. تَتَخطَّى مداسَ كلِّ إِمامٍ
قاهرَ العزِّ غَيْرَ مَا مَعزُوز