
The souls were healed of Qutaybah's and 'Amir's slain

شفى النفس قتلى من كليب وعامر

1. The souls were healed of Qutaybah's and 'Amir's slain
On a day when the planets' ill omens appeared

١. شَفى النَفسَ قَتلى مِن كُلَيبٍ وَعامِرٍ
بِيَومٍ بَدَت فيهِ نُحوسُ الكَواكِبِ

2. Horsemen of Taghlib attacked them with spears
So they fled, leaving behind homes of loved ones

٢. تَعاوَرُهُمُ فُرسانُ تَغلِبَ بِالقَنا
فَوَلَّوا وَخَلَّوا عَن بُيوتِ الحَبائِبِ

3. 'Umayr met his doom from our spears
As for you, O Jahhaf, you cannot escape from it

٣. فَلاقى عُمَيرٌ حَتفَهُ في رِماحِنا
وَما أَنتَ يا جَحّافُ عَنها بِهارِبِ

4. Do you think us incapable across the whole land
By God's House! That is one of the wonders

٤. أَتُعجِزُنا في بَسطَةِ الأَرضِ كُلِّها
فَتِلَك وَبَيتِ اللَهِ إِحدى العَجائِبِ

5. Don't you know we raid settlements
When there is no protector for one seeking refuge

٥. أَلَم تَعلَموا أَنّا نَهُشُّ إِلى القِرى
إِذا لَم يَكُن في الناسِ قارٍ لِعازِبِ

6. O Bani Khatfah, count a father like Darim
Otherwise produce from yourselves one like Ghalib

٦. بَني الخَطَفى عُدّوا أَباً مِثلَ دارِمٍ
وَإِلّا فَهاتوا مِنكُمُ مِثلَ غالِبِ

7. He lodged a hundred settlements by his grave
Then returned to his comrades without loss

٧. قَرى مِئَةً ضَيفاً أَناخَ بِقَبرِهِ
فَآبَ إِلى أَصحابِهِ غَيرَ خائِبِ

8. Wretched Kulaib has no neighbor to protect him
So what can the miserable trickster Kulaibi do?

٨. وَما لِكُلَيبِ اللُؤمِ جارٌ تُجيرُهُ
وَفيمَ الكُلَيبِيُّ اللَئيمُ المَشارِبِ

9. You boasted vainly, O Jarir, but your place
Is a house set amidst the folding tents

٩. تَغَنّى ضَلالاً يا جَريرُ وَإِنَّما
مَحَلُّكَ بَيتٌ حَلَّ وَسطَ الزَرائِبِ

10. Do you strive with mounted spearmen to catch up to Darim
What can the son of Kalb's den do from a secluded house?

١٠. أَتَسعى بِيَربوعٍ لِتُدرِكَ دارِماً
وَفيمَ اِبنُ ثُفرِ الكَلبِ مِن بَيتِ حاجِبِ