1. My darling scolded me today, be gentle with me
Spare me your blame and do not exaggerate my guilt
١. أَعاذِلَتَيَّ اليَومَ وَيحَكُما مَهلا
وَكُفّا الأَذى عَنّي وَلا تُكثِرا عَذلا
2. Leave me alone for now, my money is enough for me
Soon I shall be unable to lavish or to hoard
٢. ذَراني تَجُد كَفّي بِمالي فَإِنَّني
سَأُصبِحُ لا أَسطيعُ جوداً وَلا بُخلا
3. When they have placed upon my tomb crumbling ruins
And my she-camel turns away, the luggage piled on her back
٣. إِذا وَضَعوا بَعدَ الضَريحِ جَنادِلاً
عَلَيَّ وَخَلَّيتُ المَطِيَّةَ وَالرَحلا
4. Every generous woman shall weep for one distressed
Her clothing rent for a beloved now lost forevermore
٤. وَأَبكَيتُ مِن عِتبانِ كُلَّ كَريمَةٍ
عَلى فاجِعٍ قامَت مُشَقَّقَةً عُطلا
5. Her face stained with tears as if neither boy nor elder
Had died before me, leaving her behind, bereft
٥. مُدَمِّيَةً حُرّاً مِنَ الوَجهِ حاسِراً
كَأَن لَم تُمِت قَبلي غُلاماً وَلا كَهلا
6. In what my feet have built with their nails
Lofty at top and broad below I take my final rest
٦. وَقَد كُنتُ فيما قَد بَنى لِيَ حافِري
أَعالِيَهُ تَوّاً وَأَسفَلَهُ دَحلا
7. I cannot look on that which lies ahead
Nor can I discover what destiny has in store
٧. فَلا أَنا مُجتازٌ إِذا ما لَقيتُهُ
وَلا أَنا لاقٍ ما ثَوَيتُ بِهِ أَهلا
8. My wealth they share amongst themselves and my wives
Have taken others in the place of me, to find their joy
٨. وَقَد قَسَموا مالي وَأَضحَت حَلائِلي
قَدِ اِستَبدَلَت غَيري بِبَهجَتِها بَعلا
9. To a husband other than Akhtal, Wail's son, she turns
Bemoaning, darkening her eyes with kohl
٩. وَأَضحَت لِبَعلٍ غَيرِ أَخطَلَ إِذ ثَوى
تَلُطُّ بِعَينَيها الأَشاجِعَ وَالكُحلا
10. My darling, when the Master calls the soul obeys
So spare me now, for my wealth cannot defeat mortality
١٠. أَعاذِلَ إِنَّ النَفسَ في كَفِّ مالِكٍ
إِذا ما دَعا يَوماً أَجابَت لَهُ الرُسلا
11. Nor can the niggard soul elude death with its gold
So know me only to jest, the open-handed cannot die
١١. ذَريني فَلا مالي يَرُدُّ مَنِيَّتي
وَما إِن أَرى حَيّاً عَلى نَفسِهِ قُفلا
12. Alas, how many fear for their people's sake
But death's blow strikes them swifter still
١٢. وَلَيسَ بَخيلُ النَفسِ بِالمالِ خالِداً
وَلا مِن جَوادٍ مَيِّتاً فَاِعلَمي هُزلا
13. And oh how often one walks on, hoped for still
Yet meets his end before returning, by some chance
١٣. أَلا رُبَّ مَن يَخشى نَوائِبَ قَومِهِ
وَرَيبُ المَنايا سابِقاتٌ بِهِ الفِعلا
14. You recall fate's endless changes, recall then my love
For I have left her truly, and her loss has slain me
١٤. وَيا رُبَّ غادٍ وَهوَ يُرجى إِيابُهُ
وَسَوفَ يُلاقي دونَ أَوبَتِهِ شُغلا
15. Her radiance stunned me when off-guard was I
And I knew not that I had strayed beyond propriety's rule
١٥. ذَكَرتَ اِنقِلابَ الدَهرِ فَاِذكُر وَسيمَةً
فَقَد خِلتُ حَقّاً حُبَّها قاتِلي قَتلا
16. I saw a face whose brilliance stunned and shocked me
A glance so dark it rendered me quite senseless
١٦. وَقَد عَلَّقَتني السُقمَ إِذ بَرَقَت لَنا
عَلى غِرَّةٍ مِنّا وَما شَعَرَت فُضلا
17. A soft cheek on which no down has yet appeared
Adorned with a beauty-spot next the braids upon her neck
١٧. رَأَيتُ لَها وَجهاً أَغَرَّ فَراعَني
وَطَرفاً غَضيضاً مِثلُهُ أَورَثَ الخَبلا
18. She who launched no arrow to pierce my heart
Who strung no bow, prepared no shafts to aim
١٨. وَخَدّاً أَسيلاً غَيرَ زَغبٍ مَقَذُّهُ
بِمُذهِبَةٍ في الجيدِ قَد فُتِلَت فَتلا
19. A fawn she passed me by one morn, neither short nor tall
Shaking the twin necklaces at her throat as she walked on
١٩. فَتِلكَ الَّتي لَم تُخطِ قَلبي بِسَهمِها
وَما وَتَّرَت قَوساً وَلا رَصَفَت نَبلا
20. Then spare me with that which cures the sick and free
A captive, though no crime he wrought, now bound in chains
٢٠. غَداةَ غَدَت غَرّاءَ غَيرَ قَصيرَةٍ
تُذَرّي عَلى المَتنَينِ ذا عُذَرٍ جَثلا
21. Of noble Taqb I am the farthest-reaching scion
My line the longest, my roots the most secure
٢١. فَجودي بِما يَشفي السَقيمَ وَخَلِّصي
أَسيراً بِلا جُرمٍ أَطَلتِ لَهُ الكَبلا
22. I am Jushamiy, my dwelling broad and lofty
Where one distressed resides, jesting though troubled he
٢٢. وَإِنّي لِمَن عَلياءِ تَغلِبِ وائِلٍ
لَأَطوَلُها بَيتاً وَأَثبَتُها أَصلا
23. My uncle is the noble Amr ibn Malik
And Tha'laba al-Muwali in Manzurah has yet more virtue
٢٣. أَنا الجُشَمِيُّ الرَحبُ في الحَيِّ مَنزِلاً
إِذا اِحتَلَّ مَضهودٌ بِمُضنِيَةٍ هَزلا
24. The valleys of Taqb know full well I am still fresh
Neither blighted nor bearing wicked fruit upon my branch
٢٤. وَعَمّايَ نِعمَ المَرءُ عَمروٌ وَمالِكٌ
وَثَعلَبَةُ المولي بِمَنظورَةٍ فَضلا
25. Never have I neglected to heal her wounds
Nor ceased to be Taqb’s champion and hero undefeated
٢٥. وَقَد عَلِمَت أُفناءُ تَغلِبَ أَنَّني
نُضارٌ وَلَم أَنبُت بِقَرقَرَةٍ أَثلا
٢٦. وَأَنِّيَ يَوماً لا مُضيعٌ ذِمارَها
وَلا مُفلِتي هاجٍ هَجا تَغلِباً بُطلا