
We are steadfast guardians of its sanctuary

إنا لحباسون عكافة بنا

1. We are steadfast guardians of its sanctuary
To see what fate its dice will cast for it

١. إِنّا لَحَبّاسونَ عَكّافَةً بِنا
لِتَنظُرَ ما يَقضي إِلَيها الأَراقِمُ

2. When we divide the captives and possessions of a tribe
Its sign summons us against another encroaching tribe

٢. إِذا ما قَسَمنا سَبيَ قَومٍ وَمالَهُم
دَعانا لِقَومٍ آخَرينَ مُزاحِمُ