
Why not conclude a pact with the son of Wahf, for he

هلا أنختم لابن وحف فإنه

1. Why not conclude a pact with the son of Wahf, for he
Will provide you on the day of crisis with sure mounts;

١. هَلّا أَنَختُم لِاِبنِ وَحفٍ فَإِنَّهُ
لَكُم بِالمَخازي يَومَ أَبقَينَ مَتيَحُ

2. And he turned upon you the wives of your women
On the plain of Dhi Qar, a piercing calamity;

٢. وَرَدَّ عَلَيكُم مُردَفاتِ نِسائِكُم
بِبَطحاءِ ذي قارٍ صَلادِمُ قُرَّحُ

3. So he saved them from blows and stabs of the spears
With hands aided by the heroes of the battalion who wounded;

٣. فَأَنقَذَهُنَّ الضَربُ وَالطَعنُ بِالقَنا
وَأَيدٍ بِأَبطالِ الكَتيبَةِ تَجرَحُ

4. And every long-armed one as though he were
A noble steed who takes the people unawares with his spearpoint.

٤. وَكُلُّ طَويلِ الساعِدَينِ كَأَنَّهُ
فَنيقٌ خَطيرٌ يَفرَعُ الناسَ شَرمَحُ