
I was told that two thousand Khazraj defended

نبئت أن الخزرجيين حافظوا

1. I was told that two thousand Khazraj defended
With armor and lances held high

١. نُبِّئتُ أَنَّ الخَزرَجِيِّينَ حافَظوا
بِأَلفَينِ مِنهُم دارِعونَ وَحُسَّرُ

2. And the cavalry never rested, charging
At the leopards until overwhelmed with men

٢. وَما فَتِئَت خَيلٌ تَثوبُ وَتَدَّعي
إِلى النَمرِ حَتّى غَصَّ بِالقَومِ عَرعَرُ

3. The captives now belong to whoever survives the fray
Among them Hubain and Ya'mar were disappointed

٣. وَقَد صارَتِ الأَسرى لِمَن يَصطَلي الوَغى
فَخابَت مِنَ الأَسرى حُبَينٌ وَيَعمَرُ

4. And the Adi went to help their neighbors and were successful
While others in their stead were more patient

٤. وَسارَت عَدِيٌّ لِلجِوارِ فَأَجزَرَت
وَغَيرُ عَدِيٍّ في المَواطِنِ أَصبَرُ

5. And Attab son of Sa'd plundered their possessions
As Bahra the sly and scheming took control

٥. وَغَنَّمَ عَتّابَ اِبنَ سَعدٍ سِواهُمُ
وَشَمَّصَ بَهراءَ الوَشيجُ المُمَكَّرُ

6. The crescent shone between ruins and villages
Sweeping over them in the dusky twilight

٦. وَحَلَّت هِلالٌ بَينَ حَرثٍ وَقَريَةٍ
تَروحُ عَلَيها بِالعَشِيِّ المُعَصفَرُ

7. Lo! The worst of men wherever you meet them
Are the wanton and reckless, the rabble and riffraff

٧. أَلا إِنَّ شَرَّ الناسِ حَيثُ لَقيتَهُم
أَراهيطُ بِالثَرثارِ حَضرى وَوُفَّرُ

8. And Amr son of Bakr, his secrets were not unveiled
As I listed Abdallah among those to be ransomed

٨. وَعَمروُ بنُ بَكرٍ لَم تُكَشَّف سُتورُها
وَحَرَّرتُ عَبدَ اللَهِ فيمَن يُحَرَّرُ