1. Did not a dog thank us that we
Removed the dust from their faces?
١. أَلَم تَشكُر لَنا كَلبٌ بِأَنّا
جَلَونا عَن وُجوهِهِمِ الغُبارا
2. We uncovered from them the attacks of Qais
And the likes of our group prevented the predators.
٢. كَشَفنا عَنهُمُ نَزَواتِ قَيسٍ
وَمِثلُ جُموعِنا مَنَعَ الذِمارا
3. They were a people who lived next to us
In a status, so we honored the neighborhood.
٣. وَكانوا مَعشَراً قَد جاوَرونا
بِمَنزِلَةٍ فَأَكرَمنا الجِوارا
4. But when God abandoned them,
They raided when they saw us weaken.
٤. فَلَمّا أَن تَخَلّى اللَهُ مِنهُم
أَغاروا إِذ رَأوا مِنّا اِنفِتارا
5. So we punished them for their treachery
And did not make their punishment concealed.
٥. فَعاقَبناهُمُ لِكَمالِ عَشرٍ
وَلَم نَجعَل عِقابُهُمُ ضِمارا
6. And we extinguished their flames altogether
While the flame of Taghlib ignited and shone.
٦. وَأَطفَأنا شِهابَهُمُ جَميعاً
وَشُبَّ شِهابُ تَغلِبَ فَاِستَنارا
7. We endured, but when they provoked us,
They were afflicted with a fire that raged violently.
٧. تَحَمَّلنا فَلَمّا أَحمَشونا
أَصابوا النارَ تَستَعِرُ اِستِعارا
8. And Hatem escaped with the remnants of Qais
To al-Qatul while breaking through escape.
٨. وَأَفلَتَ حاتِمٌ بِفُلولِ قَيسٍ
إِلى القاطولِ وَاِنتَهَكَ الفِرارا
9. We repaid them when they became miserable
And companions to him, returning to settle.
٩. جَزَيناهُم بِما صَبَحوا شُعَيثاً
وَأَصحاباً لَهُ وَرَدوا قَرارا
10. The best one who befriends the people one day
Is one determined and patient in adversity.
١٠. وَخَيرُ مَتالِفِ الأَقوامِ يَوماً
عَلى العَزّاءِ عَزماً وَاِصطِبارا
11. So no matter what pain there was, we
Made them drink it like a bitter cup.
١١. فَمَهما كانَ مِن أَلَمٍ فَإِنّا
صَبَحناهُم بِها كَأساً عُقارا
12. If only our talk would reach Shu'ayth
Or Hanthalah bin Qais or Mirar.
١٢. فَلَيتَ حَديثَنا يَأتي شُعَيثاً
وَحَنظَلَةَ بنَ قَيسٍ أَو مِرارا
13. How we degraded them in every way
And replaced their homes with homes.
١٣. بِما دِنّاهُمُ في كُلِّ وَجهٍ
وَأَبدَلناهُمُ بِالدارِ دارا
14. No boasters called among Qais
Nor al-Qatul while they sought prey.
١٤. فَلا راذانُ تُدعى فيهِ قَيسٌ
وَلا القاطولُ وَاِقتَنَصوا الوِبارا
15. We endured the day we met Umayr
And we saturated, along with harm, the eagles.
١٥. صَبَرنا يَومَ لاقَينا عُمَيراً
فَأَشبَعنا مَعَ الرَخَمِ النِسارا
16. The son of Hubab borrowed glory
But the glory of Taghlib was not borrowed.
١٦. وَكانَ اِبنُ الحُبابِ أُعيرَ عِزّاً
وَلَم يَكُ عِزُّ تَغلِبَ مُستَعارا
17. So do not wish for the valleys to descend them
Nor the prairies, and seek the caves.
١٧. فَلا تَرجوا العُيونَ لِتَنزِلوها
وَلا الرَهَواتِ وَاِلتَمِسوا المَغارا
18. And march, O Hawazin, to a land
Where the chaste woman pursues the train.
١٨. وَسيري يا هَوازِنُ نَحوَ أَرضٍ
بِها العَذراءُ تَتَّبِعُ القُتارا
19. For wherever glory settled one day
We settled it and marched wherever it marched.
١٩. فَإِنّا حَيثُ حَلَّ المَجدُ يَوماً
حَلَلناهُ وَسِرنا حَيثُ سارا