1. Oh, hail to a house for the mother of Hisham,
How can a land be called safe with peace?
١. أَلا حَيِّيا داراً لِأُمِّ هِشامِ
وَكَيفَ تُنادى دِمنَةٌ بِسَلامِ
2. Rewarding with union when it was prevented,
What is mention after despair but sickness?
٢. أَجازِيَةٌ بِالوَصلِ إِذ حيلَ دونَهُ
وَما الذِكرُ بَعدَ اليَأسِ غَيرُ سَقامِ
3. It erased the courtyards of the house after you,
Torrents of evening rain accumulating.
٣. مَحا عَرَصاتِ الدارِ بَعدَكَ مُلبِسٌ
أَهاضيبَ رَجّافِ العَشِيِّ رُكامِ
4. And every bird of prey as if its hunting
When the ostriches departed were hooves of ostriches.
٤. وَكُلُّ سِماكِيٍّ كَأَنَّ نَشاصَهُ
إِذا راحَ أُصلاً جافِلاتُ نَعامِ
5. It faces Iraq after desires were cut off,
The aspirations below determination severed.
٥. تَعَرَّضُ بِالمِصرِ العِراقِيِّ بَعدَما
تَقَطَّعَتِ الأَهواءُ دونَ عِصامِ
6. When she laughs she does not stop, and when she smiles
With bright teeth, not blunting the essence of bones.
٦. إِذا ضَحِكَت لَم تَنتَهِت وَتَبَسَّمَت
بِأَبيَضَ لَم تَكدِم مُتونَ عِظامِ
7. One evening we left while the eyes were as if
Streams of torrential rain not sleeping.
٧. عَشِيَّةَ رُحنا وَالعُيونُ كَأَنَّها
جَداوِلُ سَيلٍ بِتنَ غَيرَ نِيامِ
8. To the loud-voiced king, my family his ransom,
And my hip bones and high collar bones.
٨. إِلى المَلِكِ النَفّاحِ أَهلي فِداؤُهُ
وَكوري وَأَعلاقي العُلى وَسَوامي
9. So do not fail to meet expectation, you and dew
Are allies of serenity in the place of abode.
٩. فَلا تُخلِفَنَّ الظَنَّ إِنَّكَ وَالنَدى
حَليفا صَفاءٍ في مَحَلِّ مُقامِ
10. Hisham slept for the doer, and Nawfal
And the family of Abul 'As for the best of people.
١٠. نَماكَ هِشامٌ لِلفِعالِ وَنَوفَلٌ
وَآلُ أَبي العاصي لِخَيرِ أَنامِ
11. So you are hoped for from all of Umayyah,
And praised from dew and perfection.
١١. فَأَنتَ المُرَجّى مِن أُمَيَّةَ كُلِّها
وَتُرفَدُ حَمداً مِن نَدىً وَتَمامِ
12. And though I preferred Taghlib among towns
When it was dusty, of deep darkness.
١٢. وَإِنّي وَإِن فَضَّلتُ تَغلِبَ بِالقِرى
إِذا أَصبَحَت غَبراءَ ذاتَ قَتامِ
13. And every headstrong man inclined to the fires
Insulting a Bakr for the worst of sins.
١٣. وَراعَ إِلى النيرانِ كُلُّ مُعَصَّبٍ
لَمُثنٍ عَلى بَكرٍ بِشَرِّ أَثامِ
14. When the Bakrite knew you had descended,
He faced you with insults instead of any food.
١٤. إِذا عَلِمَ البَكرِيُّ أَنَّكَ نازِلٌ
قَراكَ سِباباً دونَ كُلِّ طَعامِ
15. By your life, the locks of Bakr ibn Wa'il
Are not with a returning people, their honor safe.
١٥. لَعَمرُكَ ما قُفّالُ بَكرِ بنِ وائِلٍ
بِراجِعَةٍ أَعراضُهُم بِسَلامِ