
Abu Layla has wronged me with deceit and slander,

لقد جارى أبو ليلى بقحم

1. Abu Layla has wronged me with deceit and slander,
Lying in wait to attack and injure me.

١. لَقَد جارى أَبو لَيلى بِقَحمٍ
وَمُنتَكِثٍ عَلى التَقريبِ واني

2. Whenever news arrives, he comes rushing to hear it,
Throwing himself upon the crowds and throngs of people.

٢. إِذا هَبَطَ الخَبارَ كَبا لِفيهِ
وَخَرَّ عَلى الجَحافِلِ وَالجِرانِ

3. He looks at me askance while the spear is aimed toward me,
Though I had excused him when dangers threatened clear.

٣. يُبَصبِصُ وَالقَنا زورٌ إِلَيهِ
وَقَد أَعذَرنَ في وَضَحِ العِجانِ

4. Abu Layla frightens me, and all around me
Are his allies, armed for war and strife.

٤. يُخَوِّفُني أَبو لَيلى وَدوني
بَنو الغَمَراتِ وَالحَربِ العَوانِ

5. The tribe Wa'il will hurl against me accusations,
And you can thrust with your spears if you desire.

٥. سَتَقذِفُ وائِلٌ دوني جَميعاً
وَتَطعُنُ إِن أُشِئتَ إِلى الطِعانِ

6. But I do not wish to satirize the clan of Qais,
With slander, nor rouse the sleeping Jinn.

٦. وَما أَنا إِن أَرَدتُ هِجاءَ قَيسٍ
بِمَخزولٍ وَلا خاشي الجِنانِ

7. I resist insulting them though anger fills me,
Curbing the bitter words that would attack my tongue.

٧. أَهُمُّ بِشَتمِهِم وَيَكُفُّ حِلمي
عَوارِمَ يَعتَلِجنَ عَلى لِساني

8. Like dung-beetles who seek only filth,
They bed on the mattress of an adulterer.

٨. خَنافِسُ أَدلَجَت لِمَبيتِ سوءٍ
وَرِثنَ فِراشَ زانِيَةٍ وَزاني

9. No mother raised them, dressing them
In robes of honor and virtue.

٩. وَما أُمٌّ رَبَوتَ عَلى يَدَيها
بِطاهِرَةِ الثِيابِ وَلا حِصانِ

10. Their faces are like the bearded muzzle of a hyena
Baring its teeth with a snarl.

١٠. كَأَنَّ عِجانَها لَحيا جَزورٍ
تَحَسَّرَ عَنهُما وَضَرُ الجِرانِ

11. If I unleashed my invective against you
I would not compliment you, not in the least!

١١. وَلَو أَنّي بَسَطتُ عَلَيكَ شَتمي
وَجَدِّكَ ما دَهَنتُكَ بِالدِهانِ

12. So do not threaten me, descendants of the reddish camel,
When the sheep are scattered on the smoking plain.

١٢. فَلا تَنزِل بِجَعدِيٍّ إِذا ما
تَرَدّى المُكرَعاتُ مِنَ الدُخانِ

13. For you will not find among them armies
To defend you or fortresses to hide within.

١٣. فَإِنَّكَ غَيرُ واجِدِهِ حَشوداً
وَلا مُستَنكِراً دارَ الهَوانِ

14. You pass your nights mounted on plodding she-camels,
Worthless hacks, mangy and thin.

١٤. يَبيتُ عَلى فَراسِنَ مُعجَلاتٍ
خَبيثاتِ المَغَبَّةِ وَالعُثانِ

15. Withered are the date-palms around your homes
When no flames can make the fruit ripen.

١٥. وَشَلوٍ مُزِّقَ الأَغراسُ عَنهُ
إِذا لَم يُصلِهِ لَهَبُ الأَفاني

16. Nor will you ever be left alone by the sneering hag
Who makes her home in the nearest hovel.

١٦. وَما تَنفَكُّ حَنكَلَةٌ زَموعٌ
تُواعِدُهُ إِلى أَدنى مَكانِ

17. Closing her eyelids with disdain are those
Of the despicable neighborhood where you dwell.

١٧. أَزَبُّ الحاجِبَينِ بِعَوفِ سَوءٍ
مِنَ الحَيِّ الَّذينَ عَلى قَنانِ

18. A tribe who sees treachery as glory,
Not knowing the finality the shroud will bring.

١٨. قُبَيِّلَةٌ يَرَونَ الغَدرَ مَجداً
وَلا يَدرونَ ما نَقلُ الجِفانِ