
A mother of mankind wished to see me in joy,

هوى أم بشر أن تراني بغبطة

1. A mother of mankind wished to see me in joy,
While Numayr desired other than that, and Aklub,

١. هَوى أُمِّ بِشرٍ أَن تَراني بِغَبطَةٍ
وَتَهوى نُمَيرٌ غَيرَ ذاكَ وَأَكلُبُ

2. Quda'iyya on which our spears bore down,
Deserts wherein the sly foxes gambol,

٢. قُضاعِيَّةٌ أَحمَت عَلَيها رِماحُنا
صَحارِيَ فيها لِلمَكاكِيِّ مَلعَبُ

3. And how many a playground and wilderness beneath it,
Wherein the light leaves flutter and turn.

٣. وَكَم دونَها مِن مَلعَبٍ وَمَفازَةٍ
تَظَلُّ بِها الوُرقُ الخِفافُ تَقَلَّبُ

4. When the summer rains of El-Qata drew near to him,
Because of the heat, he brought them the Sura, and it was confused,

٤. إِذا ما مَصايِيفُ القَطا قَرَبَت بِهِ
مِنَ القَيظِ أَدناها السُرى وَهيَ لُغَّبُ

5. When it took what the howdahs take, and it emptied
The waters of its cisterns, the buckets pulled up.

٥. إِذا ما اِستَقَت ما تَستَقي الهيفُ فَرَّغَت
مِياهَ سَواقيها حَواصِلُ نُضَّبُ

6. With ample intervening plains its depths were not pierced,
And its waters mouths drank not, nor were they aimed straight.

٦. بِوَفرٍ رِقاقٍ لَم تُخَرَّز قُعورُها
وَلا شُربُها أَفواهُها لا تُصَوَّبُ

7. By bleak Uensa my companions passed the night, so it seemed
As if from confinement in settled regions and wadis, distracted.

٧. وَعَنسٍ بَراها رِحلَتي فَكَأَنَّها
مِنَ الحَبسِ في الأَمصارِ وَالخَسفِ مِشجَبُ

8. Though it guides the rider, when wandering at night,
With arms outstretched, confused.

٨. عَلى أَنَّها تَهدي المَطِيَّ إِذا عَوى
مِنَ اللَيلِ مَمشوقُ الذِراعَينِ هَبهَبُ