1. The ruins have changed since Salma's passing,
And the house is desolate without Sulaima.
١. تَغَيَّرَ الرَسمُ مِن سَلمى بِأَحفارِ
وَأَقفَرَت مِن سُلَيمى دِمنَةُ الدارِ
2. If only Salma were here to tell me,
Relating the loss of my jewelry and secrets.
٢. وَقَد تَكونُ بِها سَلمى تُحَدِّثُني
تَساقُطَ الحَليِ حاجاتي وَأَسراري
3. Yet ill intention took hold of Salma,
And the caravan of time moved on.
٣. ثُمَّ اِستَبَدَّ بِسَلمى نِيَّةٌ قَذَفٌ
وَسَيرُ مُنقَضِبِ الأَقرانِ مِغيارِ
4. As if after our separation, my heart
Was ripped to shreds, scattered to the lands.
٤. كَأَنَّ قَلبي غَداةَ البَينِ مُقتَسَمٌ
طارَت بِهِ عُصَبٌ شَتّى لِأَمصارِ
5. If only fate would bring together those I long for,
I would finish my rites and journeys.
٥. وَلَو تَلُفُّ النَوى مَن قَد تُشَوِّفَهُ
إِذاً قَضَيتُ لُباناتي وَأَوطاري
6. The she-wolves of the howling tribe wait to ambush him,
Until they seize him from afar, by evil and harm.
٦. ظَلَّت ظِباءُ بَني البَكّاءِ تَرصُدُهُ
حَتّى اِقتَنَصنَ عَلى بُعدٍ وَإِضرارِ
7. A grim, frightening disaster I fear its calamities-
I cut through it with my tears flowing free.
٧. وَمَهمَهٍ طامِسٍ تُخشى غَوائِلُهُ
قَطَعتُهُ بِكَلوءِ العَينِ مِسهارِ
8. With a pregnancy like a pregnant she-camel,
After my travels and journeying far,
٨. بِحُرَّةٍ كَأَتانِ الضَحلِ أَضمَرَها
بَعدَ الرَبالَةِ تَرحالي وَتَسياري
9. When the sister of desolation ties her bonds,
The powers of birth fail, no baby delivered.
٩. أُختِ الفَلاةِ إِذا شُدَّت مَعاقِدُها
زَلَّت قُوى النِسعِ عَن كَبداءَ مِسفارِ
10. As if she were a Roman tower built
With bricks, stones and rocks galore,
١٠. كَأَنَّها بُرجُ رومِيٍّ يُشَيِّدُهُ
لُزَّ بِجَصٍّ وَآجُرٍّ وَأَحجارِ
11. Or an abandoned place, dust covered,
Where rain has gathered in a soggy marsh.
١١. أَو مُقفِرٌ خاضِبُ الأَظلافِ قادَ لَهُ
غَيثٌ تَظاهَرَ في مَيثاءَ مِبكارِ
12. She spends the night by sandy dunes that shelter her
From the north wind's pouring showers.
١٢. فَباتَ في جَنبِ أَرطاةٍ تُكَفِّئُهُ
ريحٌ شَآمِيَّةٌ هَبَّت بِأَمطارِ
13. She tosses and turns all night, her eyes
Pelted by heavy rains and rumbling thunder.
١٣. يَجولُ لَيلَتَهُ وَالعَينُ تَضرِبُهُ
فيها بِغَيثٍ أَجَشِّ الرَعدِ نَثّارِ
14. When she tries sleeping, a torrent keeps her awake,
Gushing through and eroding the soil.
١٤. إِذا أَرادَ بِها التَغميضَ أَرَّقَهُ
سَيلٌ يَدِبُّ بِهَدمِ التُربِ مَوّارِ
15. As if when lightning illuminates her joy,
She is a lamp, shining bright with fire.
١٥. كَأَنَّهُ إِذ أَضاءَ البَرقُ بَهجَتَهُ
في أَصفَهانِيَّةٍ أَو مُصطَلي نارِ
16. Her tent is of smooth silk,
Its poles branded as if by fire.
١٦. أَمّا السَراةُ فَمِن ديباجَةٍ لَهَقٍ
وَبِالقَوائِمِ مِثلُ الوَشمِ بِالنارِ
17. Until night departs, the sky clears of
Its dark cover, bare and naked.
١٧. حَتّى إِذا اِنجابَ عَنهُ اللَيلُ وَاِنكَشَفَت
سَماؤُهُ عَن أَديمٍ مُصحِرٍ عاري
18. She hears a voice or senses them like
Jinns creeping, fleeing some crime.
١٨. آنَسَ صَوتَ قَنيصٍ أَو أَحَسَّ بِهِم
كَالجِنِّ يَهفونَ مِن جَرمٍ وَأَنمارِ
19. So she stirs, angrily mixing
Accusations and excuses.
١٩. فَاِنصاعَ كَالكَوكَبِ الدُرّيءِ مَيعَتُهُ
غَضبانَ يَخلِطُ مِن مَعجٍ وَإِحضارِ
20. She sends them off, scattering dust
As the pulling of strings shreds cotton.
٢٠. فَأَرسَلوهُنَّ يُذرينَ التُرابَ كَما
يُذري سَبائِخَ قُطنٍ نَدفُ أَوتارِ
21. Until I said, they have outrun her
And overwhelmed her with claws and fangs.
٢١. حَتّى إِذا قُلتُ نالَتهُ سَوابِقُها
وَأَرهَقَتهُ بِأَنيابٍ وَأَظفارِ
22. She glanced at them with watchful eyes
And stabbed the inferior peers, again and again.
٢٢. أَنحى إِلَيهِنَّ عَيناً غَيرَ غافِلَةٍ
وَطَعنَ مُحتَقِرِ الأَقرانِ كَرّارِ
23. She chased off her attackers by waving
Her garment, a stranger amidst a group.
٢٣. فَعَفَّرَ الضارِياتِ اللاحِقاتِ بِهِ
عَفرَ الغَريبِ قِداحاً بَينَ أَيسارِ
24. They fled from her stench, though she was
Scattered by the impact and traces.
٢٤. يَعُذنَ مِنهُ بِحُزّانِ المِتانِ وَقَد
فُرِّقنَ عَنهُ بِذي وَقعٍ وَآثارِ
25. Until he crept away stealthily to relieve himself,
Now herding males who were once free.
٢٥. حَتّى شَتا وَهوَ مَغبوطٌ بِغائِطِهِ
يَرعى ذُكوراً أَطاعَت بَعدَ أَحرارِ
26. A lone horse, serenaded by the birds of the meadow,
As nomads sing with the tambourine at night.
٢٦. فَردٌ تُغَنّيهِ ذِبّانُ الرِياضِ كَما
غَنّى الغُواةُ بِصَنجٍ عِندَ إِسوارِ
27. As if bathing in the dew of lilies
Or leaving a perfumer's shop,
٢٧. كَأَنَّهُ مِن نَدى القُرّاصِ مُغتَسِلٌ
بِالوَرسِ أَو خارِجٌ مِن بَيتِ عَطّارِ
28. Drinking aged wine that intoxicates me
Without jars or anything to restrict it.
٢٨. وَشارِبٍ مُربِحٍ بِالكَأسِ نادَمَني
لا بِالحَصورِ وَلا فيها بِسَوّارِ
29. I competed with its sweet fragrance, as the rooster crowed
And the time of departure drew near.
٢٩. نازَعتُهُ طَيِّبَ الراحِ الشَمولِ وَقَد
صاحَ الدَجاجُ وَحانَت وَقعَةُ الساري
30. It pours from the vines of Anah, so plentiful
The Euphrates diverts to flow in its channel, bitter and thick.
٣٠. مِن خَمرِ عانَةَ يَنصاعُ الفُراتُ لَها
بِجَدوَلٍ صَخِبِ الآذِيِّ مَرّارِ
31. It ferments through three stages until
It's halfway from being bitter to mature.
٣١. كُمَّت ثَلاثَةَ أَحوالٍ بِطينَتِها
حَتّى إِذا صَرَّحَت مِن بَعدِ تَهدارِ
32. A cure sipped and tasted with the eyelids and throat,
Neither pitch-black nor tortured by fire.
٣٢. آلَت إِلى النِصفِ مِن كَلفاءَ أَترَعَها
عِلجٌ وَلَثَّمَها بِالجَفنِ وَالغارِ
33. It wears two robes, one of spider webs,
The other of fiber and resin.
٣٣. لَيسَت بِسَوداءَ مِن مَيثاءَ مُظلِمَةٍ
وَلَم تُعَذَّب بِإِدناءٍ مِنَ النارِ
34. A blonde well-aged after years stored away
In cellars amongst gardens and rivers.
٣٤. لَها رِداءانِ نَسجُ العَنكَبوتِ وَقَد
لُفَّت بِآخَرَ مِن ليفٍ وَمِن قارِ
35. An untouched maiden whom suitors failed to court
Until a worshipper courted her with a dinar.
٣٥. صَهباءُ قَد كَلِفَت مِن طولِ ما حُبِسَت
في مَخدَعٍ بَينَ جَنّاتٍ وَأَنهارِ
36. In a house of torn garments and worn abayas,
With nothing but rags as attire.
٣٦. عَذراءُ لَم تَجتَلِ الخُطّابُ بَهجَتَها
حَتّى اِجتَلاها عِبادِيٌّ بِدينارِ
37. When I said let's settle on a price,
Her stingy soul recoiled like a conniving peddler.
٣٧. في بَيتِ مُنخَرِقِ السِربالُ مُعتَمِلٍ
ما إِن عَلَيهِ ثِيابٌ غَيرُ أَطمارِ
38. As if the cure, when I insisted on the deal,
Was a scoundrel, outcast among the moons.
٣٨. إِذا أَقولُ تَراضَينا عَلى ثَمَنٍ
ضَنَّت بِها نَفسُ خَبِّ البَيعِ مَكّارِ
39. When they came to her with a lantern and their abode,
She went to them, a sly fox, wild and cunning.
٣٩. كَأَنَّما العِلجُ إِذ أَوجَبتُ صَفقَتَها
خَليعُ خَصلٍ نَكيبٌ بَينَ أَقمارِ
40. They stab her above the glass, ancient and unlined,
As if musk was looted among our belongings.
٤٠. لَمّا أَتَوها بِمِصباحٍ وَمِبزَلِهِم
سارَت إِلَيهِم سُؤورَ الأَبجَلِ الضاري
41. I swear by the Lord of the dancing girls, and what
Remains of Mecca's veils and curtains,
٤١. تَدمى إِذا طَعَنوا فيها بِجائِفَةٍ
فَوقَ الزُجاجِ عَتيقٌ غَيرُ مُسطارِ
42. By the sacrifice, when its fields turn red,
On the day of ritual and stoning and slaughter,
٤٢. كَأَنَّما المِسكُ نُهبى بَينَ أَرحُلِنا
مِمّا تَضَوَّعَ مِن ناجودِها الجاري
43. By Zamzam's hovering bats,
And Yathrib's support and youth.
٤٣. إِنّي حَلَفتُ بِرَبِّ الراقِصاتِ وَما
أَضحى بِمَكَّةَ مِن حُجبٍ وَأَستارِ
44. Quraysh would have forced and frightened me,
And Quraysh would have abandoned me in poverty.
٤٤. وَبِالهَدِيِّ إِذا اِحمَرَّت مَذارِعُها
في يَومِ نُسكٍ وَتَشريقٍ وَتَنحارِ
45. The generous tribe of Harb, though death
Had come upon me and I awaited my supporters.
٤٥. وَما بِزَمزَمَ مِن شُمطٍ مُحَلِّقَةٍ
وَما بِيَثرِبَ مِن عونٍ وَأَبكارِ
46. With them, darkness lifts from the living,
Until it rises beyond hearing and sight.
٤٦. لَأَلجَأَتني قُرَيشٌ خائِفاً وَجِلاً
وَمَوَّلَتني قُرَيشٌ بَعدَ إِقتارِ
47. A people who, when they battle,
leave women be, even if pure.
٤٧. المُنعِمونَ بَني حَربٍ وَقَد حَدَقَت
بِيَ المَنِيَّةُ وَاِستَبطَأتُ أَنصاري
٤٨. بِهِم تَكَشَّفُ عَن أَحيائِها ظُلَمٌ
حَتّى تَرَفَّعَ عَن سَمعٍ وَأَبصارِ
٤٩. قَومٌ إِذا حارَبوا شَدّوا مَآزِرَهُم
عَنِ النِساءِ وَلَو باتَت بِأَطهارِ