1. Wisdom has unveiled my ignorance and dispelled my confusion,
Neither humble nor devout am I now,
١. قَد كَشَّفَ الحِلمُ عَنّي الجَهلَ فَاِنقَشَعَت
عَنّي الضَبابَةُ لا نِكسٌ وَلا وَرَعُ
2. And people disdained me but those of propriety,
As birds take heed of the falling acorns.
٢. وَهَرَّني الناسُ إِلّا ذا مُحافَظَةٍ
كَما يُحاذِرُ وَقعَ الأَجدَلِ الضُوَعُ
3. My detractors glanced at me askance, their eyes betraying their rancor,
Though to my face they feigned meekness and restraint.
٣. وَالمَوعِدِيَّ بِظَهرِ الغَيبِ أَعيُنُهُم
تُبدي شَناءَتَهُم حَوضي لَهُم تَرَعُ
4. Foolishness had made them rave mindlessly when defending their words,
They flew not high nor struck true.
٤. أَخزاهُمُ الجَهلُ حَتّى طاشَ قَولُهُمُ
عِندَ النِضالِ فَما طاروا وَما وَقَعوا
5. They would vilify me to their women, yet if they saw me themselves,
Humbly their tongues would still and their heads bow.
٥. يُحاوِلونَ هِجائي عِندَ نِسوَتِهِم
وَلَو رَأَوني أَسَرّوا القَولَ وَاِتَّضَعوا
6. Among the men no hearts had they, merely foolish driveling louts,
Who neither harmed nor helped aught.
٦. وَفي الرِجالِ يَراعٌ لا قُلوبَ لَهُم
أَغمارُ شُمطٍ فَما ضَرّوا وَما نَفَعوا
7. If I assail a people with blame, the stalwarts among them grow frail
Or stumble along abjectly lame.
٧. إِذا نَصَبتُ لِأَقوامٍ بِمَشتِمَةٍ
أَوهَنتُ مِنهُم صَميمَ العَظمِ أَو ظَلَعوا
8. I see what the Maliki School has wrought,
When the throngs of Hijaz fell apart and cracked.
٨. وَالمالِكِيَّةُ قَد أَبصَرتُ ما صَنَعَت
لَمّا تَفَرَّقَ شَعبُ الحَيِّ فَاِنصَدَعوا
9. Your stolen glance from behind the veil is like
Pebbles cast without sling or staff.
٩. تُسارِقُ الطَرفَ مِن دونِ الحِجابِ كَما
يَرميكَ مِن دونَ عيصِ السِدرَةِ الذَرَعُ
10. About them the perfume circulates, above a pair
Of cheeks, and eyes no lewdness has taint.
١٠. بِعارِضَينِ يَجولُ الطيبُ فَوقَهُما
وَمُقلَةٍ لَم يُخالِط طَرفَها قَمَعُ
11. To them belong lips drinking sweetly the proffered kiss,
As the thirsty drink of their like, eagerly quaff.
١١. وَأَنا كَالسَدمِ مِن أَسماءَ إِذ ظَعَنَت
أَوهَت مِنَ القَلبِ ما لا يَشعَبُ الصَنَعُ
12. The wife of rabid Ashmat,
In whose head were madness and raving unremitting.
١٢. إِذا تَنَزَّلُ مِن عُلِيَّةٍ رَجَفَت
لَولا يُؤَيِّدُها الآجُرُّ وَالقَلَعُ
13. Her cheeks unfettered by veils,
As if shackled to her temples were scraping platters.
١٣. يُروي العِطاشَ لَها عَذبٌ مُقَبَّلُهُ
إِذا العِطاشُ عَلى أَمثالِهِ كَرَعوا
14. Say, O bearer of momentous missives, does your parchment convey,
By its breadth and length of scripture, requite?
١٤. زَوجَةُ أَشمَطَ مَرهوبٍ بَوادِرُهُ
قَد كانَ في رَأسِهِ التَخويصُ وَالنَزَعُ
15. She resembles an ostrich, but for her hollowed socket,
Bare of lashes should you strip the lid back.
١٥. نَفى الزَعانِفَ مِنهُ حَولَ هامَتِهِ
كَأَنَّما هِيَ في أَصداغِهِ القَزَعُ
16. She escapes the coupling of wild mountain asses, when in heat
Their hooves fall short as the paths rise steep.
١٦. يا صاحِ هَل تُبلِغَنها ذاتُ مَعجَمَةٍ
بِصَفحَتَيها وَمَجرى نِسعِها وَقَعُ
17. As if she were a piebald racing mare, behind her follow
Two legs whose heels in each stride land with a clap.
١٧. مِثلُ المَحالَةِ إِلّا أَنَّ نُقبَتَها
عَيساءُ فيها إِذا جَرَّدتَها شَجَعُ
18. Or a gazelle, keeping pace with her in pursuit
Is a nimble hyrax, succeeding its mate with rapid foot.
١٨. تَنجو نَجاءَ أَتانِ الوَحشِ إِذ ذَبَلَت
وَمَسَّ أَخفافَهُنَّ النَصُّ وَالوَقَعُ
19. Close they vie as their race intensifies,
With but waste-land between them as boundary and limit.
١٩. كَأَنَّها أَسحَمُ الرَوقَينِ مُنتَجِعٌ
تَتلوهُ رِجلانِ في كَعبَيهِما صَمَعُ
20. A female hare, tiring, is startled by the call
Of another male further behind, giving chase, acute.
٢٠. أَو هِقلَةٌ مِن نَعامِ الجَوِّ عارَضَها
قَردُ العِفاءِ وَفي يافوخِهِ صَقَعُ
21. Twenty five were counted, then she accepted the buck
As though they had reached the upper ridges again.
٢١. هَيقٌ خَفيفٌ يُباريها إِذا نَهَضَت
وَهوَ لَها بَعدَ جِدٍّ مِنهُما تَبَعُ
22. By the Lord of the Christians on their feast day,
And the Muslims when convened by the crowds without,
٢٢. تَعاوَرا الشَدَّ لَمّا اِشتَدَّ وَقعُهُما
وَكانَ بَينَهُما مِن غائِطٍ وَشَعُ
23. By the Lord of each monk sequestered in his abbey
Who passes evenings unconcerned by worldly wares,
٢٣. نَعّابَةٌ بَعدَ جَهدِ الأَينِ يُفزِعُها
صَوتٌ لِآخَرَ تالٍ بَعدَها يَقَعُ
24. By the mendicants in their faded woolen robes,
In them from distant wanderings, the signs of age show clear,
٢٤. خَمساً وَعِشرينَ ثُمَّ اِستَدرَعَت زَغَباً
كَأَنَّهُنَّ بِأَعلى لَعلَعٍ رِجَعُ
25. Their mounts' saddle-bags swelling, the necessities of the riders abound,
Be they urgent affairs or journeys far and near.
٢٥. إِنّي وَرَبِّ النَصارى عِندَ عيدِهِمِ
وَالمُسلِمينَ إِذا ما ضَمَّها الجُمَعُ
26. I praised the Quraysh and implored them for aid,
When my companions slept and slumber snatched them away.
٢٦. وَرَبِّ كُلِّ حَبيسٍ فَوقَ صَومَعَةٍ
يُمسي وَلا هَمُّهُ الدُنيا وَلا الطَمَعُ
27. When some folks maligned me, the tribe came to my defense,
Whose lofty station with God is secure and will not decay.
٢٧. وَالمُلبِدينَ عَلى خوصٍ مُخَدَّمَةٍ
قَد بانَ فيهِنَّ مِن طولِ السُرى خَضَعُ
28. In a Garden of spirits belonging to The Divine,
No alarm disturbs the birds along its boughs as they sway.
٢٨. حَثّوا الرَواحِلَ مَشدوداً حَقائِبُها
مِن شَأنِ رُكبانِها الحاجاتُ وَالسَرَعُ
29. When storms whipped the meadows, they shared the milk
Of the nursing mothers, neglecting nor greed displaying.
٢٩. لَقَد مَدَحتُ قُرَيشاً وَاِستَغَثتُ بِهِم
إِذ ما أَنامُ إِذا ما صُحبَتي هَجَعوا
30. They fed in time of hardship, while pretentious pedants
Scoffed in their distant enclaves, deceitful and feigning.
٣٠. وَإِذ وَشى بِيَ أَقوامٌ فَأَدرَكَني
رَهطُ الَّذي رَفَعَ الرَحمَنُ فَاِرتَفَعوا
31. Summoned I was by Bishr to a feast,
Well-known is his charity, the folk his custom obey.
٣١. في جَنَّةٍ هِيَ أَرواحُ الإِلَهِ فَما
يُفَزِّعُ الطَيرَ في أَغصانِها فَزَعُ
32. O Bishr, were I not so esteemed among you,
The overbearing lout would confront me to bray.
٣٢. كانوا إِذا الريحُ لَفَّت عُشبَ ذي إِضَمٍ
غَيثَ المَراضِعِ ما ضَنّوا وَما مَنَعوا
33. You are the elite of Quraysh, your lineage is purest,
The lords of Mecca, of noble descent today.
٣٣. وَالمُطعِمينَ عَلى ما كانَ مِن إِزَمٍ
إِذا أَراهيطُ مَلّوا ذاكَ أَو خَدَعوا
34. God granted you that which you most deserved,
When kings of your calibre for themselves fortune fray.
٣٤. إِنّي دَعاني إِلى بِشرٍ فَواضِلُهُ
وَالخَيرُ قَد عَلِمَ الأَقوامُ مُتَّبَعُ
35. Those they drive out do not thrive,
Nor can the mightiest seize what they turn away.
٣٥. يا بِشرُ لَو لَم أَكُن مِنكُم بِمَنزِلَةٍ
أَلقى يَدَيهِ عَلَيَّ الأَزلَمُ الجَذَعُ
36. So today I exert myself to the utmost for your sake,
Though no soul tasked beyond its means can essay.
٣٦. أَنتُم خِيارُ قُرَيشٍ عِندَ نِسبَتِها
وَأَهلُ بَطحائِها الأَثرَونَ وَالفَرَعُ
٣٧. أَعطاكُمُ اللَهُ ما أَنتُم أَحَقُّ بِهِ
إِذا المُلوكُ عَلى أَمثالِهِ اِقتَرَعوا
٣٨. لَيسوا إِذا طَرَدوا يَنمي طَريدُهُمُ
وَلا تَنالُ أَكُفُّ القومِ ما مَنَعوا
٣٩. فَاليَومَ أَجهَدُ نَفسي ما وَسِعتُ لَكُم
وَهَل تُكَلَّفُ نَفسٌ فَوقَ ما تَسَعُ