
The trace of a house in ruins wiped away

محا رسم دار بالصريمة مسبل

1. The trace of a house in ruins wiped away
By floods and winds sweeping unrestrained

١. مَحا رَسمَ دارٍ بِالصَريمَةِ مُسبِلٌ
نَضوحٌ وَريحٌ تَعتَريهُ جَفولُ

2. So it changed the signs of the beloved
With members burying the soil in torrents

٢. فَغَيَّرَ آياتِ الحَبيبِ مَعَ البِلى
بَوارِحُ تَطوي تُربَها وَسُيولُ

3. A land for bushes, grasshoppers, and whoever
Has a place with bushes and grasshoppers

٣. دِيارٌ لِأَروى وَالرَبابِ وَمَن يَكُن
لَهُ عِندَ أَروى وَالرَبابِ تُبولُ

4. He spends the night sharpened against it unseen
To my tent and the burrows of the gazelles a path

٤. يَبِت وَهوَ مَشحوذٌ عَلَيهِ وَلا يُرى
إِلى بَيضَتي وَكرِ الأَنوقِ سَبيلُ

5. I did not fear among the living until I saw them
With skulls on the tops of the two barren tracts

٥. وَما خِفتُ بَينَ الحَيِّ حَتّى رَأَيتُهُم
لَهُم بِأَعالي الجَلهَتَينِ حُمولُ

6. So they appeared at Arwa as if it were
Among the leather, the singing slave girls, unkempt

٦. فَبانوا بِأَروى يَومَ ذاكَ كَأَنَّها
مِنَ الأُدمِ غَنّاءُ البُغامِ خَذولُ

7. A cavern wherever its sun declines
In a condition the sheep's horn in it a shade

٧. مُبِنَّةُ غارٍ أَينَما التَجَّ شَمسُهُ
بِحالٍ فَقَرنُ الشاةِ فيهِ ظَليلُ

8. It has from a soft leafiness that hides it
A pasture grazed at dawn and dusk

٨. لَها مِن وَراقٍ ناعِمٍ ما يُكِنُها
مَرَفٌّ تَرَعّاهُ الضُحى وَرُبولُ

9. And how many Arwa killed without a spear belonging to it
Yet Arwa is for the relief of men, a slayer

٩. وَكَم قَتَلَت أَروى بِلا تِرَةٍ لَها
وَأَروى لِفُرّاغِ الرِجالِ قَتولُ

10. If a crying time had cried, I would have cried it
But the worst of singing slave girls is unending

١٠. فلَو كانَ مَبكى ساعَةٍ لَبَكَيتُها
وَلَكِنَّ شَرَّ الغانِياتِ طَويلُ

11. I have lingered as if drinking Babylonian
Stagnant fever in the bones pervading

١١. ظَلِلتُ كَأَنّي شارِبٌ بابِلِيَّةً
رَكودُ الحُمَيّا في العِظامِ شَمولُ

12. The stupor of a young Philistine woman tended it
From the exultation, from the length of parting, a friend

١٢. صَريعُ فِلَسطينِيَّةٍ راعَهُ بِها
مِنَ الغَورِ عَن طولِ الفِراقِ خَليلِ

13. They refused to rest when their day kindled
And the thickets of gazelles had been made to rest

١٣. أَبوا أَن يَقيلوا إِذ تَوَقَّدَ يَومُهُم
وَقَد جَعَلَت عُفرُ الظِباءِ تَقيلُ

14. The she-lizards of noon basked
While they were upon their limbs ungainly

١٤. وَأَشرَفَ حِرباءُ الظَهيرَةِ يَصطَلي
وَهُنَّ عَلى عيدانِهِنَّ جُذولُ

15. They met an evening that caused them to disappear
Crazed from the slim waisted and stirred

١٥. أَجَدّوا نَجاءً غَيَّبَتهُم عَشِيَّةً
خَمائِلُ مِن ذاتِ الغَضى وَهُجولُ

16. I was sound of heart until I was struck
By the brilliant, shining, stare of a gazelle

١٦. وَكُنتُ صَحيحَ القَلبِ حَتّى أَصابَني
مِنَ اللامِعاتِ المُبرِقاتِ خُبولُ

17. Of the swaying, sliding, oh now, and she
On his declivity or union is heedless

١٧. مِنَ المائِلاتِ الغيدِ وَهناً وَإِنَّها
عَلى صُرمِهِ أَو وَصلِهِ لَغَفولُ

18. And they bar me from their times
While they are a death wish for men, a marauder

١٨. وَكُنَّ عَلى أَحيانِهِنَّ يَصِدنَني
وَهُنَّ مَنايا لِلرِجالِ وَغولُ

19. For a man will not abstain from going astray
If his soul desires it, obscure

١٩. فَإِنَّ اِمرَأً لا يَنتَهي عَن غَوايَةٍ
إِذا ما اِشتَهَتها نَفسُهُ لَجَهولُ