
A protector from his people departed, so their pastures

عفا واسط من أهله فمذانبه

1. A protector from his people departed, so their pastures
Became desolate and their watering places empty.

١. عَفا واسِطٌ مِن أَهلِهِ فَمَذانِبُه
فَرَوضُ القَطا صَحراؤُهُ وَنَصائِبُه

2. But time itself has become fleeting -
It galloped away while misfortunes pressed on it.

٢. وَلَكِنَّ هَذا الدَهرَ أَصبَحَ فانِياً
تَسَعسَعَ وَاِشتَدَّت عَلَيهِ تَجارِبُه

3. I thought he would remain forever - his people
Would never erase what his scribe had inscribed.

٣. وَقَد كانَ مَحضوراً أَرى أَنَّ أَهلَهُ
بِهِ أَبَداً ما أَعجَمَ الخَطَّ كاتِبُه

4. He of pure counsel departed from them and became their companion
At night when only a few small stars shine.

٤. عَفا ذو الصَفا مِنهُم فَأَمسى أَنيسُهُ
قَليلاً تَعاوى بِالضُباحِ ثَعالِبُه

5. He settled in the wilderness of oblivion, a forlorn place
Where he did not belong when we made war against him.

٥. وَحَلَّ بِصَحراءِ الإِهالَةِ حَذلَمٌ
وَما كانَ حَلّالاً بِها إِذ نُحارِبُه

6. It was empty for the sons of the Bishr clan of Bakr ibn Wa'il -
The courses of pebbles from the gorge flowed on its side.

٦. خَلا لِبَني البَرشاءِ بَكرِ بنِ وائِلٍ
مَجاري الحَصى مِن بَطنِ فَلجٍ فَجانِبُه

7. Their cavalrymen warded the enemies away from them
And a rushing squadron whose steeds are green.

٧. نَفى عَنهُمُ الأَعداءَ فُرسانُ غارَةٍ
وَدَهمٌ يَغُمُّ البُلقَ خُضرٌ كَتائِبُه

8. We are a brother for whom none can match among men
When the days grew long and his eyebrows turned white.

٨. فَنَحنُ أَخٌ لَم يُلقَ في الناسِ مِثلُنا
أَخاً حينَ شابَ الدَهرُ وَاِبيَضَّ حاجِبُه

9. We are steadfast among our people's battle sites
When the slender, fine-scripted letter roused its war.

٩. وَإِنّا لَصُبرٌ في مَواطِنِ قَومِنا
إِذا ما القَنا الخَطِّيُّ عُلَّت مَخاضِبُه

10. We bear the burden of the enemy when he attacks
Riding a ship whose planks are not joined smoothly.

١٠. وَإِنّا لَحَمّالو العَدُوِّ إِذا غَدا
عَلى مَركَبٍ لا تُستَلَذُّ مَراكِبُه

11. Another boiled with enmity - his chest
Thrashed about wildly but his claws did not reach me.

١١. وَغَيرانَ يَغلي بِالعَداوَةِ صَدرُهُ
تَذَبذَبَ عَنّي لَم تَنَلني مَخالِبُه

12. If you have opened the Kulaibites with victory
Then their habits in the barren land destroyed them.

١٢. فَإِن كُنتَ قَد فُتَّ الكُلَيبِيَّ بِالعُلى
فَقَد أَهلَكَتهُ في الحِراءِ مَثالِبُه

13. A hazy day remained between Ukab and Rahit
Whose stars do not hide.

١٣. وَظَلَّ لَهُ بَينَ العُقابِ وَراهِطٍ
ضَبابَةُ يَومٍ لا تُوارى كَواكِبُه

14. I saw you burdening yourself beyond your capacity
Like something past, its seeker cannot reach.

١٤. رَأَيتُكَ وَالتَكليفَ نَفسَكَ دارِماً
كَشَيءٍ مَضى لا يُدرِكُ الدَهرَ طالِبُه

15. If youthfulness has gone, still I may excuse
My drinking the sweet, delicious beverage.

١٥. فَإِن يَكُ قَد بانَ الشَبابُ فَرُبَّما
أُعَلِّلُ بِالعَذبِ اللَذيذِ مَشارِبُه

16. On a night of intimacy that charmed its people,
I snatched away a lovely gazelle in the dark.

١٦. وَلَيلَةِ نَجوى يَعتَري أَهلَها الصِبا
سَلَبتُ بِها ريماً جَميلاً مَسالِبُه

17. So it was veiled from me, though its traces
And playground remained visible.

١٧. فَأَصبَحَ مَحجوباً عَلَيَّ وَأَصبَحَت
بِظاهِرَةٍ آثارُهُ وَمَلاعِبُه

18. We remained like the guest of a jinn in the night
Who returns to heal his sick heart.

١٨. وَبِتنا كَأَنّا ضَيفُ جِنٍّ بِليلَةٍ
يَعودُ بِها القَلبَ السَقيمَ طَبائِبُه

19. Oh me! My inattention that I did not guard against,
Oh heart! Its ways destroyed you.

١٩. فَيالَكِ مِنّي هَفوَةً لَم أَعُد لَها
وَيالَكَ قَلباً أَهلَكَتهُ مَذاهِبُه

20. His generosity invited me to the best of kings
And I am one who praises and eulogizes him.

٢٠. دَعاني إِلى خَيرِ المُلوكِ فُضولُهُ
وَإِنّي اِمرُؤٌ مُثنٍ عَلَيهِ وَنادِبُه

21. I cling to the means of a man - if it falls
It falls on a generous one whose gifts do not fail.

٢١. وَعالِقُ أَسبابِ اِمرِئٍ إِن أَقَع بِهِ
أَقَع بِكَريمٍ لا تُغِبُّ مَواهِبُه

22. To a doer - if the Nile betrayed him, its flooding
And foam would crawl from the Nile.

٢٢. إِلى فاعِلٍ لَو خايَلَ النيلَ أَزحَفَت
مِنَ النيلِ فَوّاراتُهُ وَمَثاعِبُه

23. If I devote myself to Al-Walid, his origins
Lead back to the best branches that spread.

٢٣. وَإِن أَتَعَرَّض لِلوَليدِ فَإِنَّهُ
نَمَتهُ إِلى خَيرِ الفُروعِ مَضارِبُه

24. The women of Bani Ka'b, 'Abs and others bore him -
Blessed for my life are those who pulled him in the cradle.

٢٤. نِساءُ بَني كَعبٍ وَعَبسٍ وَلَدنَهُ
فَنِعمَ لَعَمري الجالِباتُ جَوالِبُه

25. Of lofty purpose, no ill-omened one can carry it
Nor one with a grim face whose eyebrows are knit.

٢٥. رَفيعُ المُنى لا يَستَقِلُّ بِحِملِهِ
سَؤومٌ وَلا مُستَنكَشُ البَحرِ ناضِبُه

26. His cauldrons bubble with the flesh of buffaloes
When the abode does not provide two armfuls of firewood.

٢٦. تَجيشُ بِأَوصالِ الجُزورِ قُدورُهُ
إِذا المَحلُ لَم يَرجِع بِعودَينَ حاطِبُه

27. Their brows shine at dawn when the darkest
Of frowning ones crease their eyebrows.

٢٧. مَطاعيمُ تَغدو بِالعَبيطِ جِفانُهُم
إِذا القُرُّ أَلوَت بِالعِضاهِ عَصائِبُه

28. No horsemen of a leader before him reached
Where his raiders and battles arrived.

٢٨. تُضيءُ لَنا الظَلماءَ غُرَّةُ وَجهِهِ
إِذا الأَقعَسُ المِبطانُ أَرتَجَ حاجِبُه

29. The mountains of Rome became dust from his raiding -
What his attacks and onslaughts ignited.

٢٩. وَما بَلَغَت خَيلُ اِمرِئٍ كانَ قَبلَهُ
بِحَيثُ اِنتَهَت آثارُهُ وَمَحارِبُه

30. From invading until every sand dune merged
And lengthened from the quantity of spears.

٣٠. وَتُضحي جِبالُ الرومِ غُبراً فِجاجُها
بِما أَشعَلَت غاراتُهُ وَمَقانِبُه

31. He extends his reach to the people until
The ropes of strength were cut and its twisted strands unraveled.

٣١. مِنَ الغَزوِ حَتّى اِنضَمَّ كُلُّ ثَميلَةٍ
وَحَتّى اِنطَوَت مِن طولِ قَودٍ جَنائِبُه

32. A young man whom no warriors could defeat
Nor singers compete with Qais in his prime.

٣٢. يَمُدُّ المَدى لِلقَومِ حَتّى تَقَطَّعَت
حِبالُ القُوى وَاِنشَقَّ مِنهُ سَبائِبُه

٣٣. فَتى الناسِ لَم تُصهِر إِلَيهِ مُحارِبٌ
وَلا غَنَوِيٌّ دونَ قَيسٍ يُناسِبُه