1. Do not blame me if I see you
Early with coffee, redness in it
١. أَعاذِلَ ما عَلَيكِ بِأَن تَرَيني
أُباكِرُ قَهوَةً فيها اِحمِرارُ
2. In which the souls of drinking are contained
Until in their eyes defeat is reflected
٢. تَضَمَّنُها نُفوسُ الشَربِ حَتّى
يَروحوا في عُيونِهِمِ اِنكِسارُ
3. The merchants promised it until they ended
So the merchants brought it to the Arabs
٣. تَواعَدَها التِجارُ إِلى إِناها
فَأَطلَعَها إِلى العَرَبِ التِجارُ
4. Thus they made it expensive for us though it
Refused or was considerate
٤. فَأَعطَينا الغَلاءَ بِها وَكانَت
تَأبى أَو يَكونَ لَها يَسارُ
5. Do not blame me, you are about to see me
Fallen, I neither visit nor don apparel
٥. أَعاذِلَ توشِكينَ بِأَن تَرَيني
صَريعاً لا أَزورُ وَلا أُزارُ
6. When it flutters over me and dresses me
In the gleam of its vast wilderness
٦. إِذا خَفَقَت عَلَيَّ وَأَلبَسَتني
مَلامِعَ آلِها البيدُ القِفارُ
7. By the life of my father, if a people lost
The blessings of the brother of preservation, we have a wall
٧. لَعَمرُ أَبي لَئِن قَومٌ أَضاعوا
لِنِعمَ أَخو الحِفاظِ لَنا جِدارُ
8. It protected us when we were one-eyed and we feared
And fed us when the short were followed
٨. حَمانا حينَ أَعوَرنا وَخِفنا
وَأَطعَمَ حينَ يُتَّبَعُ القُتارُ
9. So it lit the fire of glory and honor
Yet with Jusham no fire was lit
٩. فَأَوقَدَ نارَ مَكرُمَةٍ وَمَجدٍ
فَلَم توقَد مَعَ الجُشَمِيِّ نارُ
10. It fed the glorious Pleiades until
Covered by its beard the cheeks
١٠. وَأَطعَمَ أَشهُرَ الشَهباءِ حَتّى
تَضَرَّجَ عَن مَنابِتِهِ الحَسارُ
11. So if it pours into your palm, milk it
And do not make it turbid
١١. فَإِذ دَرَّت بِكَفِّكَ فَاِحتَلِبها
وَلا تَكُ دِرَّةً فيها غِرارُ
12. And refrain your eyes until
It is clear where the caves will take you
١٢. وَأَمسِك عَنكَ بِالطَرَفَينِ حَتّى
تَبَيَّنَ أَينَ يَصرِفُكَ المَغارُ
13. For the outcomes of days are feared
Their cycles and the homes change
١٣. فَإِنَّ عَواقِبَ الأَيّامِ تُخشى
دَوائِرُها وَتَنتَقِلُ الدِيارُ
14. And women knew when we met
And they behind us that we are jealous
١٤. وَقَد عَلِمَ النِساءُ إِذا اِلتَقَينا
وَهُنَّ وَراءَنا أَنّا نَغارُ
15. We controlled the peninsula after Qais
So it became compared to Qais a wasteland
١٥. تَرَبَّعنا الجَزيرَةَ بَعدَ قَيسٍ
فَأَضحَت وَهيَ مِن قَيسٍ قِفارُ
They drive the donkeys in the land of Najd
١٦. يُزَجّونَ الحَميرَ بِأَرضِ نَجدٍ
وَما لَهُمُ مِنَ الأَمرِ الخِيارُ
17. And they have no choice in the matter
They saw a gap surrounded by calamities
١٧. رَأَوا ثَغراً تُحيطُ بِهِ المَنايا
وَأَكبَدَ ما تُغَيِّرُهُ الغِيارُ
18. And the most enduring that adversaries change
Towering over it Marid's camels
١٨. تُسامي مارِدونَ بِهِ الثُرَيّا
فَأَيدي الناسِ دونَهُما قِصارُ
19. So people's hands fall short of them
And the children of Sarhi appointed
١٩. وَأَولادُ الصَريحِ مُسَوَّماتٍ
عَلَيها الأُزدُ غُضفاً وَالنِمارُ
20. Over it Uzud filth and ostrich
Grayish hair that used to have
٢٠. شَوازِبَ كَالقَنا قَد كانَ فيها
مِنَ الغاراتِ وَالغَزوِ اِقوِرارُ
21. From raids and attacks frequent occurrence
Flowing from every ferocious stingy one
٢١. ذَوابِلَ كُلَّ سَلهَبَةٍ خَنوفٍ
وَأَجرَدَ ما يُثَبِّطُهُ الخَبارُ
22. And the most firm that rumors undermine
So the transgressors tore its flesh until
٢٢. فَأَترَزَ لَحمَهُ التَعداءُ حَتّى
بَدَت مِنهُ الجَناجِنُ وَالفَقارُ
23. The intestines and vertebrae showed
And the necklace of every young camel was disturbed
٢٣. وَقَد قَلِقَت قِلادَةُ كُلِّ غَوجٍ
يُطِفنَ بِهِ كَما قَلِقَ السِوارُ
24. Circling it as the bracelet was disturbed
You see it as if a free-roaming pure-bred
٢٤. تَراهُ كَأَنَّهُ سِرحانُ طَلٍّ
زَهاهُ يَومَ رائِحَةٍ قِطارُ
25. Whose scent the breeze of spring bore
So war and gallantry left from it
٢٥. فَأَبقى الحَربُ وَاللَزَباتُ مِنها
صَلادِمَ ما تَخَوَّنُها المِهارُ
26. Impregnable what skill cannot protect
Did you not see me move Bani Fuqaim
٢٦. أَلَم تَرَني أَجَرتُ بَني فُقَيمٍ
بِحَيثُ غَلا عَلى مُضَرَ الجِوارُ
27. Where even close neighborliness was expensive
With the dough of spaciousness, so they did not walk
٢٧. بِعاجِنَةِ الرَحوبِ فَلَم يَسيروا
وَسُيِّرَ غَيرُهُم مِنها فَساروا