
The ignoble called his family and sons,

ودعا اللؤم أهله وبنيه

1. The ignoble called his family and sons,
They responded, standing still and settling down.

١. وَدَعا اللُؤمُ أَهلَهُ وَبَنيهِ
فَأَجابوهُ وُقَّفاً وَنُزولا

2. Muharib and Ghaniyy responded,
And he called others besides them, obedient and submissive.

٢. فَأَجابَت مُحارِبٌ وَغَنِيٌّ
وَدَعا دونَ ذاكَ شِبراً سَلولا