
I think that Nizar will someday gather them,

إني أظن نزارا سوف يجمعها

1. I think that Nizar will someday gather them,
After separation, a war resembling their sighs.

١. إِنّي أَظُنُّ نِزاراً سَوفَ يَجمَعُها
بَعدَ التَفَرُّقِ حَربٌ شَبَّها زُفَرُ

2. The determined leader knows the prayer of the forehead,
When the bitterness of his soul is uncovered.

٢. صَلتُ الجَبينِ رَشيدُ الأَمرِ تَعرِفُهُ
إِذا تَكَشَّفَ عَن عِرنينِهِ القَتَرُ

3. He took them through their land at night and woke them up
With an unprecedented battle, no warnings preceded it.

٣. سارى بِهِم أَرضَهُم لَيلاً فَصَبَّحَهُم
بِوَقعَةٍ لَم يُقَدَّم قَبلَها النُذُرُ

4. So they were taken by surprise, it made clear to them
A public matter, not what they had conspired.

٤. فَهُم عَلى آلَةٍ قَد بَيَّنَت لَهُمُ
أَمراً عَلانِيَةً غَيرَ الَّذي اِئتَمَروا

5. Until they saw it in the morning, in a fiery
Dust storm, its edges flashing before the eyes.

٥. حَتّى رَأَوهُ صَباحاً في مُلَملَمَةٍ
شَهباءَ يَبرَقُ في حافاتِها البَصَرُ

6. Among packs of dogs who shine when
The enemies get some of them, and they bark and flee.

٦. في عارِضٍ مِن كِلابٍ يُبرِقونَ إِذا
نالَ الأَعادِيَ مِنهُم فَيلَقٌ هَبَروا

7. He strove with the strings of the people and reached them.
Had it not been for his hands, they would not have endured or been victorious.

٧. سَعى بِأَوتارِ أَقوامٍ فَأَدرَكَها
لَولا أَياديهِ ما اِمتَنّوا وَلا اِنتَصَروا