
Joy has appeared, so my eyes are tearful

بانت سعاد ففي العينين ملمول

1. Joy has appeared, so my eyes are tearful
With love for her, though my body's healthful.

١. بانَت سُعادُ فَفي العَينَينِ مَلمولُ
مِن حُبِّها وَصَحيحُ الجِسمِ مَخبولُ

2. When I remember her, sickness haunts my heart,
And my frame grows limp, though vigorous at the start.

٢. فَالقَلبُ مِن حُبِّها يَعتادُهُ سَقَمٌ
إِذا تَذَكَّرتُها وَالجِسمُ مَسلولُ

3. If I forget her or claim she's fled far away,
Her allure comes back, and I'm bound as her prey.

٣. وَإِن تَناسَيتُها أَو قُلتُ قَد شَحَطَت
عادَت نَواشِطُ مِنها فَهوَ مَكبولُ

4. She's kept safe in chambers, out of people's sight,
Where the spy can't hope to peer, or slip inside at night.

٤. مَرفوعَةٌ عَن عُيونِ الناسِ في غُرَفٍ
لا يَطمَعُ الشُمطُ فيها وَالتَنابيلُ

5. When I wake from sleep, the heart she rules with delight
Stirs as the eyelids lift at first morning's light.

٥. يُخالِطُ القَلبَ بَعدَ النَومِ لَذَّتُها
إِذَ تَنَبَّهَ وَاِعتَلَّ المَتافيلُ

6. Her sweet lips quench the thirst which her necklace instills
As it adorns the soft skin where her braid spills.

٦. يُروي العِطاشَ لَها عَذبٌ مُقَبَّلُهُ
في جيدِ آدَمَ زانَتهُ التَهاويلُ

7. Like a carving it shines on her breast snowy white
As figures shine in churches, bestrewn with sunlight.

٧. حَليٌ يَشُبُّ بَياضَ النَحرِ واقِدُهُ
كَما تُصَوَّرُ في الدَيرِ التَماثيلُ

8. It sprouted like a sapling nourished by a brook
Sheltered from the noon blaze under a shady nook.

٨. أَو كَالعَسيبِ نَماهُ جَدوَلٌ غَدِقٌ
وَكَنَّهُ وَهَجَ القَيظِ الأَظاليلُ

9. Smooth and bright are her cheeks, slit with laughing flashes
As if her eyes were kohled by unerring pens' slashes.

٩. غَرّاءُ فَرعاءُ مَصقولٌ عَوارِضُها
كَأَنَّها أَحوَرُ العَينَينِ مَكحولُ

10. One day the hot season set it ablaze in its niche
Though sheltered in the lotus tree's leafy reach.

١٠. أَخرَقَهُ وَهوَ في أَكنافِ سِدرَتِهِ
يَومٌ تُضَرِّمُهُ الجَوزاءُ مَشمولُ

11. Ask her quietly in the night's secrecy
When the messengers are still and all is husky.

١١. فَسَلِّها بِأَمونِ اللَيلِ ناجِيَةٍ
فيها هِبابٌ إِذا كَلَّ المَراسيلُ

12. With knees spread wide and prominent hips jumping free
While her thighs and waist bend lithely as a willow tree.

١٢. قَنواءَ نَضّاخَةِ الذِفرى مُفَرَّجَةٍ
مِرفَقُها عَن ضُلوعِ الزَورِ مَفتولُ

13. As if the sparks in her arms were set there for me
By the flint that loves to spark the blaze angrily.

١٣. تَسمو كَأَنَّ شَراراً بَينَ أَذرُعِها
مِن ناسِفِ المَروِ مَرضوحٌ وَمَنجولُ

14. She is like a mare of purest stock, proudly prancing,
While mares and fillies nobly circle her dancing.

١٤. كَأَنَّها واضِحُ الأَقرابِ في لِقَحٍ
أَسمى بِهِنَّ وَعِزَّتهُ الأَناصيلُ

15. When thirst came to mind and the watering pools looked far,
And finding the water source seemed a hopeless star,

١٥. تَذَكَّرَ الشِربَ إِذ هاجَت مَراتِعُهُ
وَذو الأَشاءِ طَريقُ الماءِ مَشغولُ

16. He gathered resolve and led the mares onward,
Though seawater can't slake a thirst left smoldering.

١٦. فَظَلَّ مُرتَبِئاً عَطشانَ في أَمرٍ
كَأَنَّ ما مَسَّ مِنهُ الشَمسُ مَملولُ

17. Then down the slopes they plunged helter skelter
His hooves striking the ground - no strength left to welter.

١٧. يَقسِمُ أَمراً أَبَطنَ الغَيلِ يورِدُها
أَم بَحرَ عانَةَ إِذ نَشفَ البَراغيلُ

18. A two year old whose first youth was flying fast
His forelock dangling loose from his galloping past.

١٨. فَأَجمَعَ الأَمرَ أُصلاً ثُمَّ أَورَدَها
وَلَيسَ ماءٌ بِشُربِ البَحرِ مَعدولُ

19. He raced like a prize stud's hasty gait I know
When the mares he's served discipline him with their blow.

١٩. فَهاجَهُنَّ عَلى الأَهواءِ مُنحَدِرٌ
وَقعُ قَوائِمِهِ في الأَرضِ تَحليلُ

20. He brought them to a blue-hued meadow drinking pool
Where the female deer and fawns could refresh when they're full.

٢٠. قارِحُ عامَينِ قَد طارَت نَسيلَتُهُ
سُنبُكُهُ مِن رُضاضِ المَروِ مَفلولُ

21. Drinking the fresh, cool water, their eyes still dart
Fearing the hunter who'll aim for their soft part.

٢١. يَحدو خِماصاً كَأَعطالِ القَسِيِّ لَهُ
مِن وَقعِهِنَّ إِذا عاقَبنَ تَخبيلُ

22. They drank but little, then shied in sudden alarm
At a hunter wearing congealed blood upon his arm.

٢٢. أَورَدَها مَنهَلاً زُرقاً شَرائِعُهُ
وَقَد تَعَطَّشَتِ الجِحشانُ وَالحولُ

23. They bolted like birds flushed by a noisy yell
As if ropes entwined them under the hunter's spell.

٢٣. يَشرَبنَ مِن بارِدٍ عَذبٍ وَأَعيُنُها
مِن حَيثُ تَخشى وَوارى الرامِيَ الغيلُ

24. Facing the sun's blaze he rushed to scatter them,
Throwing the does into panicked mayhem.

٢٤. نالَت قَليلاً وَخاضَت ثُمَّ أَفزَعَها
مُرَمَّلٌ مِن دِماءِ الوَحشِ مَعلولُ

25. If one revealed her rear, his attention stirred
A shaggy beast, raking her flesh, fangs bared.

٢٥. فَاِنصَعنَ كَالطَيرِ يَحدوهُنَّ ذو زَجَلٍ
كَأَنَّهُ في تَواليهِنَّ مَشكولُ

26. He hounded them like storm winds blowing free
Gusts alternating, some strong and some fleeting.

٢٦. مُستَقبِلٌ وَهَجَ الجَوزاءِ يَهجِمُها
سَحَّ الشَآبيبِ شَدٌّ فيهِ تَعجيلُ

27. Oh you who'd ride out! Rush, do not delay!
Unless you hurry, dead you'll be this day.

٢٧. إِذا بَدَت عَورَةٌ مِنها أَضَرَّ بِها
بادي الكَراديسِ خاظي اللَحمِ زُغلولُ

28. Put no trust in his oath or vow to spare you
When the brigand reaches you, nothing can spare you.

٢٨. يَتبَعُهُ مِثلُ هُدّابِ المُلاءِ لَهُ
مِنها أَعاصيرُ مَقطوعٌ وَمَوصولُ

29. How often we charged them with drawn swords flashing white
Our steeds frothing, riders pressing the fight.

٢٩. يا أَيُّها الراكِبُ المُزجي مَطِيَّتَهُ
أَسرِع فَإِنَّكَ إِن أُدرِكتَ مَقتولُ

30. When their women wail, they only redouble their cries
Their robes hitched up high, nothing left to disguise.

٣٠. لا يَخدَعَنَّكَ كَلبِيٌّ بِذِمَّتِهِ
إِنَّ القُضاعِيَّ إِن جاوَزتَهُ غولُ

٣١. كَم قَد هَجَمنا عَلَيهِم مِن مُسَوَّمَةٍ
شُعثٍ فَوارِسُها البيضُ البَهاليلُ

٣٢. نَسبي النِساءَ فَما تَنفَكُّ مُردَفَةً
قَد أَنهَجَت عَن مَعاريها السَرابيلُ