
The scouts of ruin have warned one another, so

فوارس خروب تناهوا فإنما

1. The scouts of ruin have warned one another, so
A man's brother is he who protects him and agrees with him

١. فَوارِسَ خَرّوبٍ تَناهَوا فَإِنَّما
أَخو المَرءِ مَن يَحمي لَهُ وَيُلائِمُه

2. Yet you have fallen in the days of dogs, while others
Have been allowed their booty and forbidden pleasures

٢. فَخَرتُم بِأَيّامِ الكُلابِ وَغَيرُكُم
أُبيحَت لَهُ أَسلابُهُ وَمَحارِمُه

3. So which unlucky day was it when we were not
The sons of our uncle, his repeated onslaughts and his resolves?

٣. فَفي أَيِّ يَومٍ باسِلٍ لَم يَكُن لَنا
بَني عَمِّنا مِرّاتُهُ وَعَزائِمُه

4. We are still leaders of our people's affairs
Good fortune and ill fortune depend on us

٤. وَإِنّا لَقَوّادونَ لِلأَمرِ قَومَنا
يَكونُ بِنا مَيمونُهُ وَأَشائِمُه

5. We reward good with good to its people
And evil with evil until the evildoer is sated with evil

٥. وَإِنّا لَجَزّاؤونَ بِالخَيرِ أَهلَهُ
وَبِالشَرِّ حَتّى يَسأَمَ الشَرَّ سائِمُه