
Do you know the abode whose loved ones have been erased

هل تعرف الدار قد محت معارفها

1. Do you know the abode whose loved ones have been erased
As though its Builder had raised it after us?

١. هَل تَعرِفُ الدارَ قَد مَحَّت مَعارِفُها
كَأَنَّما قَد بَراها بَعدَنا باري

2. With the sweet-scented herbs that alternate
Shading it for a time, then leaving it nude in the rains,

٢. مِمّا تَعاوَرُها الريحانِ آوِنَةً
طَوراً وَطَوراً تُعَفّيها بِأَمطارِ

3. I had not been to the dwellings of the living before parting
Had stripped me bare of them now and again.

٣. وَلَم أَكُن لِنِساءِ الحَيِّ قَد شَمِطَت
مِنّي المَفارِقُ أَحياناً بِزَوّارِ

4. Now it holds nothing but tent pegs and structures
And ever-blazing coals through it flare.

٤. وَما بِها غَيرُ أَدماثٍ وَأَبنِيَةٍ
وَخالِداتٍ بِها ضَبحٌ مِنَ النارِ

5. Had we been bound for the son of Khudaysh
Or the sons of Dajajah's tribe, they were noble,

٥. وَلَو إِلى اِبنِ خُدَيشٍ كانَ مَرحَلُنا
وَاِبنَي دَجاجَةَ قَومٍ كانَ أَخيارِ

6. Or 'Amr ibn Haznabal in his litter
And Majid, son of a carpenter, of free birth,

٦. وَاِبنِ الحَزَنبَلِ عَمروٍ في رَكِيَّتِهِ
وَماجِدِ العودِ مِن أَولادِ نَجّارِ

7. But to Jarthum the mangy when she gave birth
To a slave of 'Ilij of the two castles, most vile.

٧. لَكِن إِلى جُرثُمَ المَقّاءِ إِذ وَلَدَت
عَبداً لِعِلجٍ مِنَ الحِصنَينِ أَكّارِ

8. I remember Zayd - no praiser is he -
At Marj the day we halted at Hammar,

٨. إِنّي لَذاكِرُ زَيدٍ غَيرُ مادِحِهِ
بِالمَرجِ يَومَ نَزَلنا مَرجَ حَمّارِ

9. Who joined Zayd the morning after Marj to his daughter:
A villain acts in accord with his villainy!

٩. أَلحَقتَ زَيداً غَداةَ المَرجِ بِاِبنَتِهِ
إِنَّ اللَئيمَ عَلى مِقدارِهِ جاري