1. The dwellings of Li’b have been abandoned even by livestock,
Except when a journey brings travelers close.
١. عَفا دَيرُ لِبّى مِن أُمَيمَةَ فَالحَضرُ
وَأَقفَرَ إِلّا أَن يُلِمَّ بِهِ سَفرُ
2. The pools retain just a little water until
They shrink to a carpet of ground by the rain distressed.
٢. قَليلاً غِرارُ العَينِ حَتّى يُقَلِّصوا
عَلى كَالقَطا الجونِيِّ أَفزَعَهُ القَطرُ
3. On every bend of the two hillsides a night camping ground with
Scraping tent pegs, when the saddlebags were taken down and spread.
٣. عَلى كُلِّ فَتلاءِ الذِراعَينِ رَسلَةٍ
وَأَعيَسَ نَعّابٍ إِذا قَلِقَ الضَفرُ
4. Long they were vexed, and now are given up to diversion,
While their neighbors sink ever deeper into foolishness.
٤. قَضَينَ مِنَ الدَيرَينِ هَمّاً طَلَبنَهُ
فَهُنَّ إِلى لَهوٍ وَجاراتِها شُزرُ
5. O you who turned away from us wrongfully and aggressed,
Unknown to us your character in early days.
٥. وَيامَنَّ عَن ساتيدَما وَتَعَسَّفَت
بِنا العيسُ مَجهولاً مَخارِمُهُ غُبرُ
6. Except for their bones, long exposed to the weather, they seem
Like cranes, their whiteness covered by the dust storm's cloak.
٦. سِواهُمُ مِن طولِ الوَجيفِ كَأَنَّها
قَراقيرُ يُغشيهِنَّ آذِيَّهُ البَحرُ
7. When the clan mounts its striped camel stallions, not mares are there,
Nor gray: their beasts are wethers, not females in foal.
٧. إِذا غَرَّقَ الآلُ الإِكامَ عَلَونَهُ
بِمُنتَعِتاتٍ لا بِغالٌ وَلا حُمرُ
8. True-bred she-camels that seem by exhaustion emaciated
As though, by poverty and hunger, captives they had become.
٨. صَوادِقِ عِتقٍ في الرِحالِ كَأَنَّها
مِنَ الجَهدِ أَسرى مَسَّها البُؤسُ وَالفَقرُ
9. From them peer eyes like frightened wild cows, green and wet,
As if the sowing seeds were sprouting in their sockets.
٩. مُحَلِّقَةٍ مِنها العُيونُ كَأَنَّها
قَلاتٌ ثَوَت فيها مَطائِطُها الخُضرُ
10. Locusts have eaten away their high breeding while
Their struts and rods of acacia wood still survive intact.
١٠. وَقَد أَكَلَ الكيرانُ أَشرافَها العُلى
وَأُبقِيَتِ الأَلواحُ وَالعَصَبُ السُمرُ
11. They miscarried, that not a purebred filly from any
Womb of theirs came, whose pedigree was not obscured.
١١. وَأَجهَضنَ إِلّا أَنَّ كُلَّ نَجيبَةٍ
أَتى دونَ ماءِ الفَحلِ مِن رِحمِها سِترُ
12. Rough-haired she-camels with frayed halter ropes, bodies wasted,
Nothing left but skin with bones after their prime fat had gone.
١٢. مِنَ الهوجِ خَرقاءُ العَنيقِ مُطارَةُ ال
فُؤادِ بَراها بَعدَ إِبدانِها الضُمرُ
13. When the black one girds on the loincloth and straightens
His saddle cloths, and the assembly is ringed around the emaciated.
١٣. إِذا اِتَّزَرَ الحادي الكَميشُ وَقَوَّمَت
سَوالِفَها الرُكبانُ وَالحَلَقُ الصُفرُ
14. He turns from the questioners and fears to utter
The words of the caller, "I am fearful and cautious."
١٤. حَمَينَ العَراقيبَ العَصا فَتَرَكنَهُ
بِهِ نَفَسٌ عالٍ مُخالِطُهُ بُهرُ
15. "I fight a soul that may choose to betray me, O sons
Of the mother of the terrified! — and you, O Jabr!
١٥. يَحِدنَ عَنِ المُستَخبِرينَ وَأَتَّقي
كَلامَ المُنادي إِنَّني خائِفٌ حَذرُ
16. If a blow should strike the Ja?dariyya they would invite
Khuza'a or Nasr to them, with sweet words.
١٦. أُقاتِلُ نَفساً قَد يُحِبُّ لَها الرَدى
بَنو أُمِّ مَذعورٍ وَرَهطُكَ يا جَبرُ
17. The Qays woo me and present to me their fine camels,
Yet no victory have the Banu 'Amir gained through me.
١٧. إِذا ما أَصابَت جَحدَرِيّاً بِصَكَّةٍ
دَعَتهُ بِإِقبالٍ خُزاعَةُ أَو نَصرُ
18. No Hilal have I accepted a trust from,
Nor a suppliant who brings wealth, nor a Shimr.
١٨. وَقَيسٌ تَمَنّاني وَتُهدي عَوارِماً
وَلَمّا يُصِب مِنّي بَني عامِرٍ ظُفرُ
19. If the Ja'afira keep their trust in me, yet among them
Are rancors in hearts that harbor long-nursed grudges."
١٩. وَما قَبِلَت مِنّي هِلالٌ أَمانَةً
وَلا عائِذٌ يُغني الضِبابَ وَلا شِمرُ
20. If I pardon them or pass over their ignorance,
The Banu Qays have no reproach for me nor complaint.
٢٠. فَإِن تَكُ عَنّي جَعفَرٌ مُطمَئِنَّةً
فَإِنَّ قُشَيراً في الصُدورِ لَها غِمرُ
21. I used to refrain from insulting 'Amr
And Sa'd though their warriors' verses gave insult enough.
٢١. وَإِن أَعفُ عَنها أَو أَدَعها لِجَهلِها
فَما لِبَني قَيسٍ عِتابٌ وَلا عُذرُ
22. But for the Commander of the Faithful we would be exposed
To tribes who, or time itself, would work us harm.
٢٢. وَقَد كُنتُ أُعفي مِن لِسانِيَ عامِراً
وَسَعداً وَيُبدي عَن مَقاتِلِها الشِعرُ
23. Then we would lift up Tayyi' against them and their allies
The Banu Asad, to the place where dawn's light breaks.
٢٣. وَلَولا أَميرُ المُؤمِنينَ تَكَشَّفَت
قَبائِلُ عَنّا أَو بَلاها بِنا الدَهرُ
24. And like hounds, when the districts of Syria hem us in,
To the Nile as fugitives, even if Egypt should be stricken with drought.
٢٤. إِذاً لَرَفَعنا طَيِّئاً وَحَليفَها
بَني أَسَدٍ في حَيثُ يَطَّلِعُ الوَبرُ
25. They seek the refuge of the Sultan from us, damn them!
Like him with shoulder wounds who cries out when the cautery is applied.
٢٥. وَكَلبٌ إِذا حالَت قُرى الشامِ دونَها
إِلى النيلِ هُرّاباً وَإِن أَجدَبَت مِصرُ
26. Else the Arabs of Bakr, son of Wa'il would leave behind
Emigrants none regards, neither clan nor in-law.
٢٦. يَعوذونَ بِالسُلطانِ مِنّا وَفَلُّهُم
كَذي الغارِبِ المَنكوبِ أَوجَعَهُ الوِقرُ
27. Our swords have left no tribe that fought against us
Without the notch that keeps count of them clear.
٢٧. وَإِلّا تَصُر أَعرابَ بَكرِ بنِ وائِلٍ
مُهاجِرُها لا يُرعَ إِلٌّ وَلا صِهرُ
28. They performed the Pilgrimage, the Banu Nu'man, when their kingdom
Collapsed, and before the Banu Nu'man, 'Amr made war on us.
٢٨. فَما تَرَكَت أَسيافُنا مِن قَبيلَةٍ
تُحارِبُنا إِلّا لَها عِندَنا وِترُ
29. We wore the iron mail with plates over it and above them
The swords of death, pattern-welded of blue steel.
٢٩. حَجَونا بَني النُعمانِ إِذ عَضَّ مُلكُهُم
وَقَبلَ بَني النُعمانِ حارَبَنا عَمروُ
30. Our palms held the horses' reins and saddles' skirts, which excite them,
The double head-stalls did not prevent us grasping them.
٣٠. لَبِسنا لَهُ البيضَ الثِقالَ وَفَوقَها
سُيوفُ المَنايا وَالمُثَقَّفَةُ السُمرُ
31. Time and again, memory returns me to the sister
Of the Banu 'Amir, or the trace of her abode.
٣١. وَأَمسَكَ أَرسانَ الجِيادِ أَكُفُّنا
وَلَم تُلهِنا عَنها الحِجالُ بِها العُفرُ
32. And to a white one — we vie not with the Abyssinian Negus for her —
When the collars shall be set aflame on her neck in the act of love.
٣٢. أَكُلَّ أَوانٍ لا يَزالُ يَعودُني
خَيالٌ لِأُختِ العامِرِيِّينَ أَو ذِكرُ
33. One of those sweet girls who incline toward passion in youth,
While the soul yearns after her, and separation works its grief.
٣٣. وَبَيضاءَ لا نَجرُ النَجاشِيِّ نَجرُها
إِذا اِلتَهَبَت مِنها القَلائِدُ وَالنَحرُ
34. But between her and me stand walls and a palace,
As hard to traverse as a rugged mountain cliff.
٣٤. مِنَ الصُوَرِ اللاتي يَرَحنَ إِلى الصِبا
تَظَلُّ إِلَيها تَنزِعُ النَفسُ وَالهَجرُ
٣٥. وَلَكِن أَتى الأَبوابُ وَالقَصرُ دونَها
كَما حالَ دونَ العاقِلِ الجَبَلُ الوَعرُ