
Youth has passed and perhaps I blamed it

الكاملبان الشباب وربما عللته

1. Youth has passed and perhaps I blamed it
On the singing girls and the yellow wine.

١. بانَ الشَبابُ وَرُبَّما عَلَّلتُهُ
بِالغانِياتِ وَبِالشَرابِ الأَصهَبِ

2. Indeed I drank wine in its tavern
And played with the glasses, a reckless game.

٢. وَلَقَد شَرِبتُ الخَمرَ في حانوتِها
وَلَعِبتُ بِالقَيناتِ عَفَّ المَلعَبِ

3. I was entrusted with the embroidered robe
Its collar guarded by the sword, like a mangy hyena.

٣. وَلَقَد أُوَكَّلُ بِالمُدَجَّجِ تُتَّقى
بِالسَيفِ عُرَّتُهُ كَعُرَّةِ أَجرَبِ

4. He charges at me with his armor and weapon
Walking with his bow like a limping camel.

٤. يَسعى إِلَيَّ بِبَزَّهِ وَسِلاحِهِ
يَمشي بِشِكَّتِهِ كَمَشيِ الأَنكَبِ

5. And I used to attack the merchants with a whip
Their camels scattering like howling dogs.

٥. وَلَقَد غَدَوتُ عَلى التِجارِ بِمِسمَحٍ
هَرَّت عَواظِلُهُ هَريرَ الأَكلُبِ

6. A pleasure kissed by luxury as if
Its clothes were washed with scented water.

٦. لَذٌّ تُقَبَّلَهُ النَعيمُ كَأَنَّما
مُسِحَت تَرائِبُهُ بِماءٍ مُذهَبِ

7. Wearing the cloak of kings pleases him
In the eyes of every watcher, a stupid crow.

٧. لَبّاسُ أَردِيَةِ المُلوكِ يَروقُهُ
مِن كُلِّ مُرتَقَبٍ عُيونُ الرَبرَبِ

8. They peek through the curtains when he appears
The gaze of the runt at the robust Phoenician.

٨. يَنظُرنَ مِن خَلَلِ السُتورِ إِذا بَدا
نَظَرَ الهِجانِ إِلى الفَنيقِ المُصعَبِ

9. The wine bearer, when he moves gracefully, his
Promises are not like flashes of dry thunder.

٩. خَضلُ الكِئاسِ إِذا تَنَشّى لَم تَكُن
خُلُفاً مَواعِدُهُ كَبَرقِ الخُلَّبِ

10. And if the bottle is cracked, it is not
At drinking a gross frowner.

١٠. وَإِذا تُعُوِّرَتِ الزُجاجَةُ لَم يَكُن
عِندَ الشَرابِ بِفاحِشٍ مُتَقَطِّبِ

11. The swords, their marching and returning
Left the Hawazin like the horn of a one-eyed goat,

١١. إِنَّ السُيوفَ غُدُوَّها وَرَواحَها
تَرَكَت هَوازِنَ مِثلَ قَرنِ الأَعضَبِ

12. And left your uncle, though once wealthy,
Next to a ragged hole like a fox’s burrow.

١٢. وَتَرَكنَ عَمَّكَ مِن غَنِيٍّ مُمسِكاً
بازاءِ مُنخَرِقٍ كَجُحرِ الثَعلَبِ

13. They left the Bani Sulaym followers
Of the Bani Dhubyanah like following a fox’s cubs.

١٣. وَتَرَكنَ فَلَّ بَني سُلَيمٍ تابِعاً
لِبَني ضَبينَةَ كَاِتِّباعِ التَولَبِ

14. Cast off the mail coats, O Bani Sulaym,
They are disgraced and their edges did not vanish.

١٤. أَلقوا البِرينَ بَني سُلَيمٍ إِنَّها
شانَت وَإِنَّ حَزازَها لَم يَذهَبِ

15. I knew when the brand of humiliation was hung
On every angry snout.

١٥. وَلَقَد عَلِمتُ بِأَنَّها إِذ عُلِّقَت
سِمَةُ الذَليلِ بِكُلِّ أَنفٍ مُغضَبِ

16. The horses gallop with the brave warriors as if
They are lions of battle from the knights of Taghlib.

١٦. وَالخَيلُ تَعدو بِالكُماةِ كَأَنَّها
أُسدُ الغَياطِلِ مِن فَوارِسِ تَغلِبِ