
O May, won't some of your affection reward

يا مي هلا يجازي بعض ودكم

1. O May, won't some of your affection reward
A captive, or can't prisoners with you be ransomed?

١. يا مَيَّ هَلّا يُجازي بَعضُ وَدَّكُمُ
أَم لا يُفادى أَسيرٌ عِندَكُم غَلِقُ

2. This must not be our pact with you.
For purpose, after the abode's ruin, conforms.

٢. فَلا يَكونَنَّ هَذا عَهدَنا بِكُمُ
إِنَّ النَوى بَعدَ شَحطِ الدارِ تَتَّفِقُ

3. You may see me desiring, as years take me,
And old age dresses me in its finery,

٣. إِمّا تَريني حَناني الدَهرُ مِن كِبَرٍ
وَأَلبَسَتني لَهُ ديباجَةٌ خَلَقُ

4. So girls who'd mock me now befriend me,
And I seem usual near the smooth-skinned beauties.

٤. فَقَد تُهازِلُني المُستَقتِلاتُ وَقَد
يَعتادُني عِندَ ذاتِ الموتَةِ الأَنَقُ

5. My heart may task me, so I restrain it,
Mornings their madness makes my quarters desolate.

٥. وَقَد يُكَلِّفُني قَلبي فَأَزجُرُهُ
رَبعاً غَداةَ غَدَوا أَهواؤُهُم فِرَقُ

6. I may say to a bull, “Do you see a loved one
My guardian hurries to him worried, fearful?”

٦. وَقَد أَقولُ لِثَورٍ هَل تَرى ظُعُناً
يَحدو بِهِنَّ حِذاري مُشفِقٌ شَنِقُ

7. As if they are ships driven on by the winnower
Or a pliant litter of smooth Meccan howdahs.

٧. كَأَنَّها بِالرَحا سُفنٌ مُلَجِّجَةٌ
أَو حائِشٌ مِن جُواثى ناعِمٌ سُحُقُ

8. The clan raises them up for the next, but a
Keen edge and edge below them catch up.

٨. يَرفَعُها الآلُ لِلتالي فَيُدرِكُهُم
طَرفٌ حَديدٌ وَطَرفٌ دونَهُم غَرِقُ

9. Till we met them, the day had faded, and
For them lightning flickered at the clouds' hem,

٩. حَتّى لَحِقنا وَقَد زالَ النَهارُ وَقَد
مالَت لَهُنَّ بِأَعلى خَينَفَ البُرَقُ

10. With eyes whose blackness blue had never tinged
They shoot us from every vantage unseen.

١٠. فَهُنَّ يَرمينَنا مِن كُلِّ مُرتَقَبٍ
بِأَعيُنٍ لَم يُخالِط كُحلَها الزَرَقُ

11. They sap the strength for fight of the aged
And the refined libertine is their obedient.

١١. يُبطِرنَ ذا الشَيبِ وَالإِسلامِ هَمَّتَهُ
وَيَستَقيدُ لَهُنَّ الأَهيَفُ الرَوِقُ

12. I have raised over their proud litters for them
Lads who are no weaklings. The curtain waves

١٢. وَفِتيَةٍ غَيرِ أَنذالٍ رَفَعتُ لَهُم
سَحقَ الرِداءِ عَلى عَلياءَ تَختَفِقُ

13. As if it were a bird afoot in their turbans,
My soul ransom for Father of War mornings

١٣. رَفَعتُهُ وَهوَ يَهفو في عَمائِمِهِم
كَأَنَّهُ طائِرٌ في رِجلِهِ عَلِقُ

14. When he consorted with jinn or was lonely, forlorn.
Bearing a list that lets fly the she-camel's scorn

١٤. نَفسي فِداءُ أَبي حَربٍ غَداةَ غَدا
مُخالِطُ الجِنِّ أَو مُستَوحِشٌ فَرِقُ

15. At the coward's urging when necks were called.
So his war-mares lay in the sun all morning

١٥. عَلى مُذَكَّرَةٍ تَرمي الفُروجَ بِها
غَولِ النَجاءِ إِذا ما اِستُعجِلَ العَنَقُ

16. As if choking back tears. The feet
Pursuing the fore, the hand, when you see them go,

١٦. فَظَلَّ حِرباؤُها لِلشَمسِ مُصطَخِداً
كَأَنَّهُ وارِمُ الأَوداجِ مُختَنِقُ

17. As if, after the straps' binding, he had shaped them
From the wild cows of Ghazzah, branding their flanks.

١٧. وَالرِجلُ لاحِقَةٌ مِنها بِأَوَّلِها
وَفي يَدَيها إِذا اِستَعرَضتَها دَفَقُ

18. He slept by her side. The long night, the heart
Full of fear, kept him awake.

١٨. كَأَنَّها بَعدَ ضَمِّ السَيرِ جَبلَتَها
مِن وَحشِ غَزَّةَ موشِيُّ الشَوى لَهَقُ

19. Lightning flashed about him all night
And a drizzle from the cloud's rain kept falling.

١٩. باتَ إِلى جانِبٍ مِنها يُكَفِّئُهُ
ليلٌ طَويلٌ وَقَلبٌ خائِفٌ أَرِقُ

20. The drops were scattered pearls. When
His robe clung to him, they shook down.

٢٠. باتَت لَهُ لَيلَةٌ هاجَت بَوارِقُها
وَمُرزِمٌ مِن سَحابِ العَينِ يَأتَلِقُ

21. He took refuge from her in a irrigation ditch
While branches dripped above the margin's gravel.

٢١. فَالقَطرُ كَاللُؤلُؤِ المَنثورِ يَنفُضُهُ
إِذا اِقشَعَرَّ بِهِ سِربالُهُ اللَثِقُ

22. Till daybreak's light was about to shame him
And the night's darkness abandon him,

٢٢. يَلوذُ لَيلَتَهُ مِنها بِغَرقَدَةٍ
وَالغُصنُ يَنطُفُ فَوقَ المَتنِ وَالوَرَقِ

23. Some gaunt hags charged him, their girths
Like split gall bladders. He plunged on

٢٣. حَتّى إِذا كادَ ضَوءُ الصُبحِ يَفضَحُهُ
وَكادَ عَنهُ سَوادُ اللَيلِ يَنطَلِقُ

24. While the dogs gave chase, almost upon him.
Death retreated before him. He gained on it, reached it.

٢٤. هاجَت بِهِ ذُبَّلٌ مُسحٌ جَواعِرُها
كَأَنَّما هُنَّ مِن نَبعِيَّةٍ شِقَقُ

25. When they caught up with him, he wheeled his club
And their veins flowed from his piercing stab.

٢٥. فَظَلَّ يَهوي إِلى أَمرٍ يُساقُ لَهُ
وَأَتبَعَتهُ كِلابُ الحَيِّ تَستَبِقُ

26. A man of war warded off his essence
When they both dodged the club's swing.

٢٦. يُفَرِّجُ المَوتَ عَنهُ قَد تَحَضَّرَهُ
وَكِدنَ يَلحَقنَهُ أَو قَد دَنا اللَحَقُ

27. Some he struck down before him were left
Prostrate, and some, when his swing came, fled.

٢٧. لَمّا لَحِقنَ بِهِ أَنحى بِمِغوَلِهِ
يَملَأ فَرائِصَها مِن طَعنِهِ العَلَقُ

28. The day we met you we shot poisoned arrows.
Our coats of mail were almost set on fire

٢٨. فَكَرَّ ذو حَربَةٍ يَحمي حَقيقَتَهُ
إِذا نَحا لِكُلاها الرَوقَ يَمتَرِقُ

29. As the pleats of their eyes poured down their cheeks
When the milky way jostled them.

٢٩. فَهُنَّ مِن بَينِ مَتروكٍ بِهِ رَمَقٌ
صَرعى وَآخَرَ لَم يُترَك بِهِ رَمَقُ

30. In a cloudburst they soared up, floating briefly
Before it ripped apart. Gaunt flesh

٣٠. يَومَ لَقَيناكَ تَرمينا السَمومُ وَقَد
كادَ المُلاءُ مِنَ الكَتّانِ يَحتَرِقُ

31. Makes them lead the race when their kin perspire.
As if, from keeping so long their spite smothered,

٣١. عَلى مَسانيفَ يَجري ماءُ أَعيُنِها
إِذا تَلَغَّبَهُنَّ السَربَخُ القَرِقُ

32. Their ribs were full of echoing, rustling spite.
They rise above the waste once the mirage fails them

٣٢. في غَمرَةٍ مِن سَحابِ الآلِ يَرفَعُهُم
يَطفونَ فيها قَليلاً ثُمَّ تَنخَرِقُ

33. Like hungry hyenas, their long necks emaciated.
To a man who lacks fellows or kinsmen in need

٣٣. عَن ذُبَّلِ اللَحمِ تَهديهِنَّ مُعجَلَةٌ
إِذا تَفَصَّدَ مِن أَقرابِها العَرَقُ

34. When the pasturage is dry and grazing's bound short,
Whose spirit's hardened, who wastes no words when

٣٤. كَأَنَّ أَنساعَها مِن طولِ ما ضَمَرَت
وُشحٌ تَقَعقَعَ فيها رَفرَفٌ قَلِقُ

35. He shakes the spear, no coward who lags behind,
You, O son of Ziyad are virtuous to us.

٣٥. تَعلو الفَلاةَ إِذا خَبَّ السَرابُ بِها
كَما تَخُبُّ ذِئابُ القَفرَةِ الوُرُقُ

36. Distress comes from you, yet you are the kindly adviser,
Though undertaking matters beyond your might

٣٦. إِلى اِمرِئٍ لا تَخَطّاهُ الرِفاقُ وَلا
جَدبِ الخُوانِ إِذا ما اِستُبطِئَ المَرَقُ

37. With a rabble lacking thunder and lightning.
You are the best born of your aunt, one whose intercession is sought

٣٧. صُلبِ الحَيازيمِ لا هَذرِ الكَلامِ إِذا
هَزَّ القَناةَ وَلا مُستَعجِلٌ رَهِقُ

38. When above the mighty army the banners shake.
Lord of an abased house, his qualities are praised

٣٨. وَأَنتَ يا اِبنَ زِيادٍ عِندَنا حَسَنٌ
مِنكَ البَلاءُ وَأَنتَ الناصِحُ الشَفِقُ

39. By the litter-bearers, neither heavy nor troublesome.

٣٩. وَالمُستَقِلُّ بِأَمرٍ لا يَقومُ لَهُ
غُسٌّ مِنَ القَومِ رِعديدٌ وَلا فَرِقُ

٤٠. وَأَنتَ خَيرُ اِبنِ أُختٍ يُستَطافُ بِهِ
إِذا تَزَعزَعَ فَوقَ الفَيلَقِ الخِرَقُ

٤١. مُوَطَّأُ البَيتِ مَحمودٌ شَمائِلُهُ
عِندَ الحَمالَةِ لا كَزٌّ وَلا وَعِقُ