
O Zaid, by God! Why raise a banner, after the affair is lost,

ألا يالزيد اللات ما بال راية

1. O Zaid, by God! Why raise a banner, after the affair is lost,
To defend barefoot women, whose anklets and dress hems are torn,

١. أَلا يالَزَيدِ اللاتِ ما بالُ رايَةٍ
رَفَعتُم عَصاها بَعدَما أَدبَرَ الأَمرُ

2. Whose legs can be seen, as their robes are short?

٢. لَتَحموا نِساءً بادِياً ثَلَباتُها
قِصاراً هَواديها وَأَوساطُها عُجرُ