1. My heart healed except from the sorrows of love,
With which an obstinate prince afflicted me, and so we parted.
١. صَحا القَلبُ إِلّا مِن ظَعائِنَ فاتَني
بِهِنَّ أَميرٌ مُستَبِدٌّ فَأَصعَدا
2. They brought beauty and adornment closer to separation,
With redness from the mud of Iraq and blackness.
٢. فَقَرَّبنَ لِلبَينِ الجِمالَ وَزُيِّنَت
بِأَحمَرَ مِن لَكِّ العِراقِ وَأَسوَدا
3. They wandered with beasts that no longer visit you after
The rising of Al-Bazee to go hunting.
٣. وَطِرنَ بِوَحشٍ ما تُواتيكَ بَعدَ ما
دَنَت نَهضَةُ البازي لَأَن يَتَصَيَّدا
4. Pillars for goblets, goblets held by Hameez,
That stir up cats, if not for their scratched gowns.
٤. عَوامِدَ لِلأَلجامِ أَلجامِ حامِزٍ
يُثِرنَ قَطاً لَولا سُراهُنَّ هَجَّدا
5. They want the desert when the sheep herders of
Awf ibn Bakr and Ahoud cannot endure it.
٥. يَرِدنَ الفَلاةَ حينَ لا يَستَطيعُها
ذَوُو الشاءِ مِن عَوفِ بنِ بَكرٍ وَأَهوَدا
6. If I say they have won or gained what they sought,
They throw it back to the farthest seer.
٦. إِذا قُلتُ قَد حازَينَ أَو حانَ نائِلٌ
تَقاذَفنَ لِلرائي الَّذي كانَ أَبعَدا
7. If you want to be amused by some of their talk,
They raise and lower the trained cat.
٧. إِذا شِئتَ أَن تَلهو لِبَعضِ حَديثِها
رَفَعنَ وَأَنزَلنَ القَطينَ المُوَلَّدا
8. And say to their singers, narrate to us,
About Al-Hadra or the daughter of Al-Kinani.
٨. وَقُلنَ لِحاديهِنَّ وَيحَكَ غَنِّنا
بِحَدراءَ أَو بِنتِ الكِنانِيِّ فَدفَدا
9. They lessen, when summer confronts the cooking pot,
And heat intensifies doubt, so it is wasted.
٩. يَقِلنَ إِذا ما اِستَقبَلَ الصَيفُ وَقدَةً
وَحَرَّ عَلى الجُدِّ الظَنونِ فَأَنفَدا
10. I did not befriend Umm Muhalim
And Duhma except to rave and suppress my rage.
١٠. وَما عَلَقَت نَفسي بِأُمِّ مُحَلِّمٍ
وَدَهماءَ إِلّا أَن أَهيمَ وَأَكمَدا
11. When my heart nearly faces the eminent ones,
On them rest the burdens of youth, so I wavered.
١١. إِذا كادَ قَلبي يَستَبِلُّ اِنبَرى لَهُ
بِهِنَّ تَكاليفُ الصِبا فَتَرَدَّدا
12. I do not see Al-Fazra except with anticipation
And Khaifa, protected by the clan of Umm Ajrad.
١٢. وَما إِن أَرى الفَزراءَ إِلّا تَطَلُّعاً
وَخيفَةَ يَحميها بَنو أُمِّ عَجرَدا
13. And in the morning Umm Malik interpreted
For Al-Radi satisfaction from the Sultan, so he threatened.
١٣. وَإِنّي غَداةَ اِستَعبَرَت أُمُّ مالِكٍ
لِراضٍ مِنَ السُلطانِ أَن يَتَهَدَّدا
14. If not for Yazid the son of kings and his generosity,
I would have donned the hide of great harm and enmity.
١٤. وَلَولا يَزيدُ اِبنُ المُلوكِ وَسَيبُهُ
تَجَلَّلتُ حِدباراً مِنَ الشَرِّ أَنكَدا
15. How many ropes of yours saved me from oppression,
Although if an elephant were struck by them it would rip apart.
١٥. وَكَم أَنقَذَتني مِن جَرورٍ حِبالُكُم
وَخَرساءَ لَو يُرمى بِها الفيلُ بَلَّدا
16. It defended me the day Ghamra was pitch black
And worries that make me forget the trimmed beard.
١٦. وَدافَعَ عَنّي يَومَ جِلَّقَ غَمرَةً
وَهَمّاً يُنَسّيني السُلافَ المُهَوَّدا
17. It remained loyal in Damascus to the bite of a snake
That does not let the healthy sleep if it bites, and aims straight.
١٧. وَباتَ نَجِيّاً في دِمَشقَ لِحَيَّةٍ
إِذا عَضَّ لَم يَنمِ السَليمُ وَأَقصَدا
18. It weakens him at times when it sees
A radiant face, insisting and exhausting him.
١٨. يُخَفِّتُهُ طَوراً وَطَوراً إِذا رَأى
مِنَ الوَجهِ إِقبالاً أَلَحَّ وَأَجهَدا
19. Abu Khalid, you defended my dignity
And reached my flesh before it could disintegrate.
١٩. أَبا خالِدٍ دافَعتَ عَنّي عَظيمَةً
وَأَدرَكتَ لَحمي قَبلَ أَن يَتَبَدَّدا
20. You extinguished for me Numaan's fire after
He kindled it for a helpless matter and became detached.
٢٠. وَأَطفَأتَ عَنّي نارَ نُعمانَ بَعدَما
أَغَذَّ لِأَمرٍ عاجِزٍ وَتَجَرَّدا
21. When Numaan saw beneath me the son of Hurra,
He folded the leather for he could not reach me and turned away.
٢١. وَلَمّا رَأى النُعمانُ دوني اِبنَ حُرَّةٍ
طَوى الكَشحَ إِذ لَم يَستَطِعني وَعَرَّدا
22. He met a man whose covenant the people do not break,
He commanded the strong, not the weak, so he reaped.
٢٢. وَلاقى اِمرَأً لا يَنقُضُ القَومُ عَهدَهُ
أَمَرَّ القُوى دونَ الوُشاةِ فَأَحصَدا
23. A brother of loyalty, his people's betrayal does not tempt him
Nor absence from him if he is reunited.
٢٣. أَخا ثِقَةٍ لا يَجتَويهِ ثَوِيُّهُ
وَلا نائِياً عَنهُ إِذا ما تَوَدَّدا
24. It is as if the needy throng around Mu'ab
The choicest of the neighing two-year old horses.
٢٤. كَأَنَّ ذَوي الحاجاتِ يَغشَونَ مُصعَباً
أَزَبَّ الجِرانِ ذا سَنامَينِ أَحرَدا
25. He writhed and resolved war until it submitted
To him in his gray hair and reddish complexion.
٢٥. تَخَمَّطَ فَحلَ الحَربِ حَتّى تَواضَعَت
لَهُ وَاِعتَلاها ذا مَشيبٍ وَأَمرَدا
26. The Quraish did not find in their affairs after him
One more chaste, loyal, and glorious.
٢٦. وَما وَجَدَت فيها قُرَيشٌ لِأَمرِها
أَعَفَّ وَأَوفى مِن أَبيكَ وَأَمجَدا
27. The firmest pillar when their affairs narrowed
And Mu'add intended to plot and smother them.
٢٧. وَأَصلَبَ عوداً حينَ ضاقَت أُمورُها
وَهَمَّت مَعَدٌّ أَن تَخيمَ وَتَخمُدا
28. He struck with his blade even if another than him
Was the day after discord, greater and more steadfast.
٢٨. وَأَورى بِزَندَيهِ وَلَو كانَ غَيرُهُ
غَداةَ اِختِلافِ الأَمرِ أَكبى وَأَصلَدا
29. So you became their master among the people after him
And the Quraish rightly feared and praised him.
٢٩. فَأَصبَحتَ مَولاها مِنَ الناسِ بَعدَهُ
وَأَحرى قُرَيشٍ أَن يُهابَ وَيُحمَدا
30. In every horizon you have cast a star
From war, feared when ignited.
٣٠. وَفي كُلِّ أُفقٍ قَد رَمَيتَ بِكَوكَبٍ
مِنَ الحَربِ مَخشِيٍّ إِذا ما تَوَقَّدا
31. The mountains of Al-Awair shine with a doer
Who lights fires when night falls.
٣١. وَتُشرِقُ أَجبالُ العَويرِ بِفاعِلٍ
إِذا خَبَتِ النيرانُ بِاللَيلِ أَوقَدا
32. An avenger whom the people do not feel safe from his wrath,
Nor the condition of an enemy if he has promised it.
٣٢. وَمُنتَقِمٍ لا يَأمَنُ الناسُ فَجعَهُ
وَلا سَورَةَ العادي إِذا هُوَ أَوعَدا
33. Muzzabid does not rise above the islands of Hameez,
Cleaving towards them a hollow ship that drowned.
٣٣. وَما مُزبِدٌ يَعلو جَزائِرَ حامِزٍ
يَشُقُّ إِلَيها خَيزُراناً وَغَرقَدا
34. The people of Aanah took precautions against him after
He covered their highest wall with piled rubbish.
٣٤. تَحَرَّزَ مِنهُ أَهلُ عانَةَ بَعدَ ما
كَسا سورَها الأَعلى غُثاءً مُنَضَّدا
35. He torments with salt until fear makes him
Desist, though the accustomed is daring.
٣٥. يُقَمِّصُ بِالمَلّاحِ حَتّى يَشُفُّهُ ال
حِذارُ وَإِن كانَ المُشيحُ المُعَوِّدا
36. With the continuous pain of injury, as if
He brought ostriches driven wildly to An-Na'm.
٣٦. بِمُطَّرِدِ الآذِيِّ جَونٍ كَأَنَّما
زَفى بِالقَراقيرِ النَعامَ المُطَرَّدا
37. It is as if the daughters of water in his encampments
Are jugs gifted by Diyaf to Sarakhad.
٣٧. كَأَنَّ بَناتِ الماءِ في حَجَراتِهِ
أَباريقُ أَهدَتها دِيافُ لِصَرخَدا
38. With the finest horses from Yazeed, if fate
Carries him on them bearing a kingdom and gifts.
٣٨. بِأَجوَدَ سَيباً مِن يَزيدَ إِذا غَدَت
بِهِ بُختُهُ يَحمِلنَ مُلكاً وَسُؤدَدا
39. He shortens with the long sword his garment
A shirt if the robe on him is ripped.
٣٩. يُقَلِّصُ بِالسَيفِ الطَويلِ نِجادُهُ
خَميصٌ إِذا السِربالُ عَنهُ تَقَدَّدا
40. I swore to never forget the hand of fate or his sword
The morning of torrents however much it provisioned and prepared.
٤٠. فَأَقسَمتُ لا أَنسى يَدَ الدَهرِ سَيبَهُ
غَداةَ السَيالى ما أَساغَ وَزَوَّدا