1. Deliver unto Abu Dalama this message from me:
Your poet Ij'an is of little worth,
١. أَلا أَبلِغ أَبا الدَلماءِ عَنّي
بِأَنَّ عِجانَ شاعِرِكُم قَصيرُ
2. If he disparages me, he is no poet of fame,
And if I disparage him, disparagement comes easy to me.
٢. فَإِن يَطعُن فَلَيسَ بِذي غَناءٍ
وَإِن يُطعَن فَطَعنَتُهُ يَسيرُ
3. Whenever he meets me with my weapons at hand,
He will fall back with a whimper and stammer.
٣. مَتى ما يَلقَني وَمَعي سِلاحي
يَخِرَّ عَلى القَفا وَلَهُ نَخيرُ