
Answer my call, my love, should you hear it,

هنيء أجيبي دعوة إن سمعتها

1. Answer my call, my love, should you hear it,
Don't be constantly happy or in dread.

١. هَنيءَ أَجيبي دَعوَةً إِن سَمِعتِها
وَلا تُكثِري أَمناً هَنيءَ وَلا ذُعرا

2. Be as if you never felt dread,
Whenever an angry virgin meets a virgin.

٢. وَكونوا كَأَنَّ الذُعرَ لَم تَشعُروا بِهِ
إِذا لَقِيَت بَكرٌ عَلى حَنَقٍ بَكرا

3. Yet keep in awe of our spears,
O sons of Abd Bakr, and gaze intently.

٣. وَكونوا عَلى مَخشِيَّةٍ مِن رِماحِنا
بَني عَبدِ بَكرٍ فَاِنظُروا نَظَراً شَزرا

4. At a people who have treated you harshly, as though
You were thirsty, given no milk or wine.

٤. لِقَومٍ أَلَظّوكُم بِبُؤسى كَأَنَّكُم
نَشاوى وَلَم تُسقَوا طِلاءً وَلا خَمرا

5. Do not allege it was the rugged land protected you,
When the rugged land protected neither belly nor back.

٥. وَلا تَزعُموا بِالوَعرِ أَن قَد مَنَعتُم
وَلَم تَمنَعوا بِالوَعرِ بَطناً وَلا ظَهرا

6. You cannot prevent it, yet you
Are still made to pay it, willy nilly.

٦. فَما أَنتُمُ بِالمانِعينَ وَأَنتُمُ
تُؤَدّونَها مِن كُلِّ فائِجَةٍ قَسرا

7. We have pressed you hard, as though
We hunted oryx and gray rabbits with hounds.

٧. شَدَدنا عَلَيكُم شَدَّةً فَكَأَنَّما
طَرَدنا بِوَدمٍ وَالنَخابِقَةِ الحُمرا

8. Nor did you shoot arrows into the plain, saving when
You repulsed the attack of Ibn Harb and the yellow Syrian woman.

٨. وَما رِمتُمُ البَطحاءَ حَتّى رَدَدتُمُ
هِجانَ اِبنِ حَربٍ وَالشَآمِيَّةَ الصُفرا

9. By a man of diverse skills, both inquirer and his friends,
No harm was done them in battle, nor any shame.

٩. وَبِالمَرءِ أُفنونٍ فَسائِل وَرَهطِهِ
فَما ضَرَّ في الهَيجا أَباناً وَلا كِسرا

10. Ask [our enemies] Hanash and Ibn Malik
About our war, and your grandfather did not return fleers or cavalry.

١٠. وَسَل حَنَشاً عَن حَربِنا وَاِبنَ مالِكٍ
وَجَدُّكَ لَم يُرجِع سَواماً وَلا وَفرا

11. We drove him off into enemy land, till the faces
Of [his clan] Sufyan turned sallow because of us.

١١. نَفَيناهُ في أَرضِ العَدُوِّ فَأَصبَحَت
وُجوهُ صُفَيٍّ مِن عَداوَتِنا صُفرا

12. Had the rope of the sons of Tarif been hanging
On my most honorable kinsmen, they would have stirred up trouble against them.

١٢. فَلَو كانَ حَبلُ اِبنَي طَريفٍ مُعَلَّقاً
بِأَحقي كِرامٍ أَحدَثوا فيهِما أَمرا

13. Verily their neighbor was a slain man and a fearful one
Deaf — they increased his deafness and repelled him.

١٣. لَقَد كانَ جاراهُم قَتيلاً وَخائِفاً
أَصَمَّ فَقَد زادوا مَسامِعَهُ وَقرا