1. Sulayma arrived with furnishings and the west wind blew with her.
My heart yearns for her whenever she is mentioned,
١. حَلَّت سُلَيمى بِدَوغانٍ وَشَطَّ بِها
غَربُ النَوى وَتَرى في خُلقِها أَوَدا
2. One day as a wanderer rejoices at what he found.
I praised the benevolent Jarir, he deserves my praise and gifts.
٢. خَودٌ يَهَشُّ لَها قَلبي إِذا ذُكِرَت
يَوماً كَما يَفرَحُ الباغي بِما وَجَدا
3. Jarir is the flaming torch of war when relied upon by his companions.
Maymun dragged his cannons spreading them over the plains and hills.
٣. إِنّي اِمتَدَحتُ جَريرَ الخَيرِ إِنَّ لَهُ
عِندي بِنائِلِهِ الإِحسانَ وَالصَفَدا
4. Carried by every swift mare decorated with ornaments,
Galloping as if they were zebras.
٤. إِنَّ جَريراً شِهابُ الحَربِ يَسعَرُها
إِذا تَواكَلَها أَصحابُهُ وَقَدا
5. Bent or docked-tailed mares whom wars bequeathed knots in their roots.
You see the birds perching where they used to reach Najd.
٥. جَرَّ القَنابِلَ مَيمونٌ نَقيبَتُهُ
يَغشى بِهِنَّ سُهولَ الأَرضِ وَالجَدَدا
6. On the day of Quda'a, their camel herder, though blind,
You see in his head gray hair.
٦. تَحمِلُهُ كُلُّ مِرداةٍ مُجَلَّلَةٍ
تَخالُ فيها إِذا ما هَروَلَت حَرَدا
7. They were loyal to the Messenger though they secured the wealth of the stranger.
Who then could secure the everlasting?
٧. عُوجٌ عَناجيحُ أَو شُهبٌ مُقَلِّصَةٌ
قَد أَورَثَ الغَزوُ في أَصلابِها عُقَدا
8. Whenever a neighbor settled in their homes,
They returned the favor counting his wealth in full.
٨. ماضٍ تَرى الطَيرَ تَردي في مَنازِلِهِ
عَلى مَزاحيفَ كانَت تَبلُغُ النَجَدا
9. By the will of God they gave sanctuary to our clan,
As no father loves a son more.
٩. يَومَ قُضاعَةُ مَجدوعٌ مَعاطِسُها
وَهوَ أَشَمُّ تَرى في رَأسِهِ صَيَدا
10. A people bowing devoutly in their mosques,
Worshipping no one but the Eternal, the Self-Sufficient.
١٠. صافى الرَسولَ وَمِن قَومٍ هُمُ ضَمِنوا
مالَ الغَريبِ وَمَن ذا يَضمَنُ الأَبَدا
١١. كانوا إِذا حَلَّ جارٌ في بُيوتِهِمِ
عادوا عَلَيهِ وَأَحصَوا مالَهُ عَدَدا
١٢. فَقَد أَجاروا بِإِذنِ اللَهِ عُصبَتَنا
إِذ لا يَكادُ يُحِبُّ الوالِدُ الوَلَدا
١٣. قَومٌ يَظَلّونَ خُشعاً في مَساجِدِهِم
وَلا يَدينونَ إِلّا الواحِدَ الصَمدا