
The hyena frightens none by his yawning

لا يرهب الضبع من أمست بعقوته

1. The hyena frightens none by his yawning
Save the abject Zayd and the sheep.

١. لا يَرهَبُ الضَبعَ مَن أَمسَت بِعَقوَتِهِ
إِلّا الأَذِلّانِ زَيدُ اللاتِ وَالغَنَمُ

2. While they are meeting disaster though they dislike it.

٢. هاتا لَهُنَّ ثُغاءُ وَهيَ جائِلَةٌ
وَهَؤُلا قابِلو خَسفٍ وَإِن رَغَموا