
Tomorrow Wael's sons will come to reproach me,

غدا ابنا وائل ليعاتباني

1. Tomorrow Wael's sons will come to reproach me,
Though more glorious than reproach lies between us,

١. غَدا اِبنا وائِلٍ لِيُعاتِباني
وَبَينَهُما أَجَلُّ مِنَ العِتابِ

2. Matters that allow no sleep on their thorns,
Tormenting those of bitter disposition with drink,

٢. أُمورٌ لا يُنامُ عَلى قَذاها
تُغِصُّ ذَوي الحَفيظَةِ بِالشَرابِ

3. They thrived among the date palms and made us wait awhile
For the blood of your nobles on the day of dogs,

٣. تَرَقّوا في النَخيلِ وَأَنسِئونا
دِماءَ سَراتِكُم يَومَ الكُلابِ

4. Miserable are those who the morning after tents
Were folded on the stopping places, and the tents struck,

٤. فَبِئسَ الطالِبونَ غَداةَ شالَت
عَلى القُعُداتِ أَستاهُ الرِبابِ

5. The girls of Hallab wander among them,
And we drive them off amid threats and fear,

٥. تَجولُ بَناتُ حَلّابٍ عَلَيهِم
وَنَزجُرُهُنَّ بَينَ هَلٍ وَهابِ

6. When the dust rises they come out of it
With the yellowness of a serpent's back,

٦. إِذا سَطَعَ الغُبارُ خَرَجنَ مِنهُ
بِأَسحَمَ مِثلِ خافِيَةِ العُقابِ

7. And Abdu'l-Qais has turned ashen his cheek,
As if the hems of their gowns were shreds of mist.

٧. وَعَبدُ القَيسِ مُصفَرٌّ لِحاها
كَأَنَّ فُساءَها قِطَعُ الضَبابِ

8. They neither led the stallions nor hamstrung them,
Nor mounted the saddles with cruppers high,

٨. فَما قادوا الجِيادَ وَلا اِفتَلَوها
وَلا رَكِبوا مُخَيَّسَةَ الرِكابِ

9. Following the asses with them haltered
While their dogs surround them,

٩. عَلى إِثرِ الحَميرِ مُوَكِّفيها
جَنائِبُهُم حَوالِيُّ الكِلابِ

10. Abu Ghassan, you did not humiliate me,
But you did humiliate the clan of Shihab,

١٠. أَبا غَسّانَ إِنَّكَ لَم تُهِنّي
وَلَكِن قَد أَهَنتَ بَني شِهابِ

11. I came to you asking and you denied my request,
And gave me nothing but dust,

١١. أَتَيتُكَ سائِلاً فَحَرَمتَ سُؤلي
وَما أَعطَيتَني غَيرَ التُرابِ

12. If after you I choose Jahdar
Qais will not be saddened by my choice.

١٢. إِذا ما اِختَرتُ بَعدَكَ جَحدَرِيّاً
عَلى قَيسٍ فَلا آبَت رِكابي