1. Do you know the abode today from the ruins of Mawiya
It endured him yet he did not endure it
١. هَل تَعرِفُ اليَومَ مِن ماوِيَّةَ الطَلَلا
تَحَمَّلَت إِنسُهُ عَنهُ وَما اِحتَمَلا
2. In the valley of Khaynaf from Umm Al-Walid when
Your heart was fulfilled or it had some madness
٢. بِبَطنِ خَينَفَ مِن أُمِّ الوَليدِ وَقَد
تامَت فُؤادَكَ أَو كانَت لَهُ خَبَلا
3. The winds of summer blew on it roughly
Until it changed after companionship or it tilted
٣. جَرَّت عَلَيهِ رِياحُ الصَيفِ حاصِبَها
حَتّى تَغَيَّرَ بَعدَ الأُنسِ أَو خَمَلا
4. So it is nothing but an old owl frequenting it
When it feels a person stopping by like an example
٤. فَما بِهِ غَيرُ موشِيٍّ أُكارِعُهُ
إِذا أَحَسَّ بِشَخصٍ نابِئٍ مَثَلا
5. It sometimes pastures in Khaynaf and the land hides it
An empty land and pouring valleys
٥. يَرعى بِخَينَفَ أَحياناً وَتُضمِرُهُ
أَرضٌ خَلاءٌ وَماءٌ سائِلٌ غَلَلا
6. Two months of Jumada then when it was Rajab
The land completed what it was loaded with ropes
٦. شَهرَي جُمادى فَلَمّا كانَ في رَجَبٍ
أَتَمَّتِ الأَرضُ مِمّا حُمِّلَت حَبَلا
7. As if Attarah spent the night revolving around it
Until it wore the clothing of Al-Wars and slippers
٧. كَأَنَّ عَطّارَةً باتَت تَطيفُ بِهِ
حَتّى تَسَربَلَ ماءَ الوَرسِ وَاِنتَعَلا
8. From the dye of the bright Khuzami that obeyed him
It attained from its tattoo some greenness
٨. مِن خَضبِ نورِ خُزامى قَد أَطاعَ لَهُ
أَصابَ بِالقَفرِ مِن وَسمِيِّهِ خَضَلا
9. So it pleases an eye for its pasture
While the heart feels some fear and dread
٩. فَهوَ يَقَرُّ بِها عَيناً لِمَرتَعِهِ
وَالقَلبُ مُستَشعِرٌ مِن خيفَةٍ وَجَلا
10. Until when the night covers its eyelid, it dresses it
A rain if its wind blows on it flows
١٠. حَتّى إِذا اللَيلُ كَفَّ الطَرفَ أَلبَسَهُ
غَيثٌ إِذا ما مَرَتهُ ريحُهُ سَحَلا
11. Like the Pleiades when its carriers shake
With water, it closes the crevices of the earth and clamors
١١. داني الرَبابِ إِذا اِرتَجَّت حَوامِلُهُ
بِالماءِ سَدَّ فُروجَ الأَرضِ وَاِحتَفَلا
12. So it spent the night filled with lightning watching over it
Like the night of Al-Wasb, neither did it sleep nor neglect
١٢. فَباتَ مُكتَلِئاً لِلبَرقِ يَرقُبُهُ
كَلَيلَةِ الوَصبِ ما أَغفى وَما غَفَلا
13. It spent the night in the cavity of boulders taking refuge in them
If it feels a torrent beneath it, it moves
١٣. فَباتَ في حِقفِ أَرطاةٍ يَلوذُ بِها
إِذا أَحَسَّ بِسَيلٍ تَحتَهُ اِنتَقَلا
14. As if it is prostrating from the soaking of its cloak
Glorifying, standing some of the night supplicating
١٤. كَأَنَّهُ ساجِدٌ مِن نَضخِ ديمَتِهِ
مُسَبِّحٌ قامَ بَعضَ اللَيلِ فَاِبتَهَلا
15. It drives away the dust with its knees and ankles
As the leader of Al-Miqnab did nicely for the optional prayers
١٥. يَنفي التُرابَ بِرَوقَيهِ وَكَلكَلِهِ
كَما اِستَمازَ رَئيسُ المِقنَبِ النَفَلا
16. As if the drops are pearls it showers
When it climbs the back and necks and shoulders
١٦. كَأَنَّما القَطرُ مَرجانٌ يُساقِطُهُ
إِذا عَلا الرَوقَ وَالمَتنَينِ وَالكَفَلا
17. Until when the sun meets it at its rising
A broken down muddy old man greeted it
١٧. حَتّى إِذا الشَمسُ وافَتهُ بِمَطلَعِها
صَبَّحَهُ ضامِرٌ غَرثانُ قَد نَحَلا
18. Desolate, more changing than the mirage of the desert, when
The beasts do not cheer it with any news or traces
١٨. طاوٍ أَزَلُّ كَسِرحانِ الفَلاةِ إِذا
لَم تُؤنِسِ الوَحشُ مِنهُ نَبأَةً خَتَلا
19. It frightens a young gazelle if she ventures
Fearing for her tracks or feathers
١٩. يُشلي سَلوقِيَّةً غُضفاً إِذا اِندَفَعَت
خافَت جَديلَةَ في الآثارِ أَو ثُعَلا
20. Hunting dogs as if they are watering it
With the blood of enemies honey
٢٠. مُكَلَّبينَ إِذا اِصطادوا كَأَنَّهُمُ
يَسقونَها بِدِماءِ الأُبَّدِ العَسَلا
21. So it surrendered like a shiny planet stripped
By a rain that has poured on it for so long
٢١. فَاِنصاعَ كَالكَوكَبِ الدُرِيِّ جَرَّدَهُ
غَيثٌ تَقَشَّعَ عَنهُ طالَما هَطَلا
22. Until when I said its precedents have attained it
It turned back to them and it had given them a respite
٢٢. حَتّى إِذا قُلتُ نالَتهُ سَوابِقُها
كَرَّ عَلَيها وَقَد أَمهَلنَهُ مَهَلا
23. So it remained stabbing them angrily with its spears
When an attacking shining one kills
٢٣. فَظَلَّ يَطعُنُها شَزراً بِمِغوَلِهِ
إِذا أَصابَ بِرَوقٍ ضارِياً قَتَلا
24. As if they are dressed in blood
Invading a fire kindling flames
٢٤. كَأَنَّهُنَّ وَقَد سُربِلنَ مِن عَلَقٍ
يَغشَينَ موقَدَ نارٍ تَقذِفُ الشُعَلا
25. When a wounded one takes refuge with them
The stance of horsemen who bring victory to the hero
٢٥. إِذا أَتاهُنَّ مَكلومٌ عَكَفنَ لَهُ
عَكفَ الفَوارِسِ هابوا الدارِعَ البَطَلا
26. Until they distance themselves from him high up and difficult
And it did not guide the guidance of a defeated one or decline
٢٦. حَتّى تَناهَينَ عَنهُ سامِياً حَرِجاً
وَما هَدى هَديَ مَهزومٍ وَما نَكَلا
27. And the worries of the self keep me awake
From them windows until I make the camel kneel down
٢٧. وَقَد تَبيتُ هُمومُ النَفسِ تَبعَثُني
مِنها نَوافِذُ حَتّى أُعمِلَ الجَمَلا
28. As the land of enemies does not heat me, nor
Does the injustice of the country if its trenches decline
٢٨. إِذ لا تَجَهَّمُني أَرضُ العَدُوِّ وَلا
عَسفُ البِلادِ إِذا حِرباؤُها جَذَلا
29. It remains taking shade for the sun melting it
When it sees the sun turn aside straight
٢٩. يَظَلُّ مُرتَبِئاً لِلشَمسِ تَصهَرُهُ
إِذا رَأى الشَمسَ مالَت جانِباً عَدَلا
30. As if when the day stretches out for it
When the right one recites the long surahs
٣٠. كَأَنَّهُ حينَ يَمتَدُّ النَهارُ لَهُ
إِذا اِستَقَلَّ يَمانٍ يَقرَءُ الطولا
31. And I have worn out for this life its epochs
Until the white hair covered my head and ignited
٣١. وَقَد لَبِستُ لِهَذا الدَهرِ أَعصُرَهُ
حَتّى تَجَلَّلَ رَأسي الشَيبُ وَاِشتَعَلا
32. For every Müdlifeh, if not for a trusted brother
They would not be favours upon me or have glory
٣٢. مِن كُلِّ مُضلِعَةٍ لَولا أَخو ثِقَةٍ
ما أَصبَحَت أَمَماً عِندي وَلا جَلَلا
33. And I may be the chief of drinking, the wailing
Of the drunkard is heard in its echo clamour
٣٣. وَقَد أَكونُ عَميدَ الشَربِ تُسمِعُنا
بَحّاءُ تَسمَعُ في تَرجيعِها صَحَلا
34. From the cups a passion for so long
For youths desiring amusement and love
٣٤. مِنَ القِيانِ هَتوفٌ طالَما رَكَدَت
لِفِتيَةٍ يَشتَهونَ اللَهوَ وَالغَزَلا
35. So my youth disappeared from me after its pleasure
As if it had been a guest lodging then departing
٣٥. فَبانَ مِنّي شَبابي بَعدَ لَذَّتِهِ
كَأَنَّما كانَ ضَيفاً نازِلاً رَحَلا
36. As I do not obey the command of censurers, nor
Leave wealth if one in need asked
٣٦. إِذ لا أُطاوِعُ أَمرَ العاذِلاتِ وَلا
أُبقي عَلى المالِ إِن ذو حاجَةٍ سَأَلا
37. And a grumpy one turning away from me I forgave him
And I clarify from him annoyance and inclination
٣٧. وَكاشِحٍ مُعرِضٍ عَنّي غَفَرتُ لَهُ
وَقَد أُبَيِّنُ مِنهُ الضِغنَ وَالمَيَلا
38. And if I faced him from me with a calamity
He would not be like the wolf feeling lucky for what he ate
٣٨. وَلَو أُواجِهُهُ مِنّي بِقارِعَةٍ
ما كانَ كَالذِئبِ مَغبوطاً بِما أَكَلا
39. And an affliction was of relatives, so I was saddened by it
A day, and I became hopeful after it of wishes
٣٩. وَموجَعٍ كانَ ذا قُربى فُجِعتُ بِهِ
يَوماً وَأَصبَحتُ أَرجو بَعدَهُ الأَمَلا
40. And I do not see death comes to one it protects
Except it suffices him and finds business with him
٤٠. وَلا أَرى المَوتَ يَأتي مَن يُحَمُّ لَهُ
إِلّا كَفاهُ وَلاقى عِندَهُ شُغُلا
41. While the person is feeling lucky in his refuge
Time betrayed him from what he was so he moved on
٤١. وَبَينَما المَرءُ مَغبوطٌ بِمَأمَنِهِ
إِذ خانَهُ الدَهرُ عَمّا كانَ فَاِنتَقَلا
42. Leave the submerged one, do not ask about his death
And ask about what the bright Bakhri did
٤٢. دَعِ المُغَمَّرَ لا تَسأَل بِمَصرَعِهِ
وَاِسأَل بِمَصقَلَةَ البَكرِيِّ ما فَعَلا
43. With a reconciler and a benefit, he does not prevent and
The soul does not destroy him for what missed him of maturity
٤٣. بِمُتلِفٍ وَمُفيدٍ لا يَمُنُّ وَلا
تُهلِكُهُ النَفسُ فيما فاتَهُ عَذَلا
44. Of abundant giving, and people if asked
Give a little like the small bucket is niggardly
٤٤. جَزلُ العَطاءِ وَأَقوامٌ إِذا سُئِلوا
يُعطونَ نَزراً كَما تَستَوكِفُ الوَشَلا
45. And a horseman not stopping at his flag
The day of hatred until he makes the captives
٤٥. وَفارِسٍ غَيرِ وَقّافٍ بِرايَتِهِ
يَومَ الكَريهَةِ حَتّى يُعمِلَ الأَسَلا
46. Huge, on him the blood monies of lives hang
When the hundred are commanded above him to carry
٤٦. ضَخمٌ تُعَلَّقُ أَشناقُ الدِياتِ بِهِ
إِذا المِئُونَ أُمِرَّت فَوقَهُ حَمَلا
47. And if a weak one undertook them his joints
Or a narrow armed one the likes of them would strain
٤٧. وَلَو تَكَلَّفَها رِخوٌ مَفاصِلُهُ
أَو ضَيِّقُ الباعِ عَن أَمثالِها سَعَلا
48. You have untied their shackles from the captives
And they do not hope for shelter or entry
٤٨. وَقَد فَكَكتَ عَنِ الأَسرى وِثاقَهُمُ
وَلَيسَ يَرجونَ تَلجاءً وَلا دَخَلا
49. You saved them from the depth of darkness
When the coward sees the like of it he shakes
٤٩. وَقَد تَنَقَّذتَهُم مِن قَعرِ مُظلِمَةٍ
إِذا الجَبانُ رَأى أَمثالَها زَحَلا
50. So they are your redemption as they all cry
And they do not see for themselves glory or weight
٥٠. فَهُم فِداؤُكَ إِذ يَبكونَ كُلُّهُمُ
وَلا يَرَونَ لَهُم جاهاً وَلا ثِقَلا
51. There is no gallantry like a young man whose excellence sustains him
When he intends a righteous matter he acts
٥١. ما في مَعَدٍّ فَتىً يُغني رَباعَتَهُ
إِذا يَهُمُّ بِأَمرٍ صالِحٍ عَمِلا
52. The grantor gives one hundred Camels guided
Its springs flow when it moves from its resting place
٥٢. الواهِبُ الماءَةَ الجُرجورَ سائِقُها
تَنزو يَرابيعُ مَتنَيهِ إِذا اِنتَقَلا
53. Indeed, Rabiah will not cease being righteous
As long as Allah delays your death
٥٣. إِنَّ رَبيعَةَ لَن تَنفَكَّ صالِحَةً
ما أَخَّرَ اللَهُ عَن حَوبائِكَ الأَجَلا
54. Deluded not counting that the world will make him immortal
And not saying about something that passed: what did it do?
٥٤. أَغَرُّ لا يَحسِبُ الدُنيا تُخَلِّدُهُ
وَلا يَقولُ لِشَيءٍ فاتَ ما فَعَلا