1. What a generous protector is Simak of the Bani Asad
In Al-Marj when their neighbors Mudar killed them
١. نِعمَ المُجيرُ سِماكٌ مِن بَني أَسَدٍ
بِالمَرجِ إِذ قَتَلَت جيرانَها مُضَرُ
2. For no reason at all, may Allah lessen their goodness
They have no blood-debt among them or any vengeance
٢. في غَيرِ شَيءٍ أَقَلَّ اللَهُ خَيرَهُمُ
ما إِن لَهُم دِمنَةٌ فيهِم وَلا ثُؤَرُ
3. Indeed Simak built glory for his family
Until death and doing good hastens
٣. إِنَّ سِماكاً بَنى مَجداً لِأُسرَتِهِ
حَتّى المَماتِ وَفِعلُ الخَيرِ يُبتَدَرُ
4. I used to think he was weak and tell him
But today his character is cleansed of any evil
٤. قَد كُنتُ أَحسِبُهُ قَيناً وَأُنبَؤُهُ
فَاليَومَ طَيَّرَ عَن أَثوابِهِ الشَرَرُ
5. It did not distract him from the path of goodness, they knew
The matter of the weak, nor from his patience fatigue
٥. لَم يُلهِهِ عَن سَوامِ الخَيرِ قَد عَلِموا
أَمرُ الضَعيفِ وَلا مِن حِلمِهِ البَطَرُ
6. He endured an honorable affliction, his glory will remain
And through its consequences, pride and boast for him
٦. أَبلى بَلاءَ كَريمٍ لَن يَزالَ لَهُ
مِنهُ بِعاقِبَةٍ مَجدٌ وَمُفتَخَرُ
His ways illuminate the dark night
٧. تُضيءُ في اللَيلَةِ الظَلماءِ سُنَّتُهُ
كَما يُضيءُ لِمَن يَسري بِهِ القَمَرُ
8. As the moon illuminates for the one traveling under it
So if a group has reached their death sites
٨. فَإِن يَكُن مَعشَرٌ حانَت مَصارِعُهُم
مَنى لَهُم غَيرَ ماني مُنيَةٍ قَدَرُ
9. There is no destiny for them other than the intended fate
For we may be honorable, never oppressed
٩. فَقَد نَكونُ كِراماً ما نُضامُ وَقَد
يَنمي لَنا قَبلَ مَرجِ الصُفَّرِ الظَفَرُ
10. And victory may grow for us before the yellow battlefield
And the horses intensify, their riders come
١٠. وَالخَيلُ تَشتَدُّ مَعقوداً قَوادِمُها
تَعدو وَتَمتَخِضُ الأَكفالُ وَالسُرَرُ
11. Galloping, and the young foals and pack-saddles
In the evening the green regiment will crush them
١١. عَشِيَّةَ الفَيلَقُ الخَضراءُ تَحطِمُهُم
ما إِن يُواجِهُها سَهمٌ وَلا حَجَرُ