
She came to grieve us often

ظعنت لتحزننا كثير

1. She came to grieve us often
She may become our little princess

١. ظَعَنَت لِتَحزُنَنا كَثيرَ
وَلَقَد تَكونُ لَنا أَميرَه

2. Those days were like
A cow with a flowing udder

٢. أَيّامَ تِلكَ كَأَنَّها
حَوراءُ مِن بَقَرٍ غَريرَه

3. She grew up before her time
White, with a long dress

٣. شَبَّت أَمامَ لِداتِها
بَيضاءُ سابِغَةُ الغَديرَه

4. Delicate, riding behind, going
Between the tall and the short

٤. رَيّا الرَوادِفِ غادَةٌ
بَينَ الطَويلَةِ وَالقَصيرَه

5. She landed on the meadows and the valleys
While my tribe landed on the island

٥. حَلَّت فَلاليجَ السَوا
دِ وَحَلَّ أَهلي بِالجَزيرَه

6. The West threw her there
May she not become bitter for us

٦. قَذَفَت بِها غَربُ النَوى
فَعَسى تَكونُ لَنا مَريرَه

7. Yellow like willow
Her sweetness not lacking freshness

٧. صَفراءُ كَالسِيَراءِ لَم
تَشمِط عُذوبَتَها بُحورَه

8. Of women white like eggs
In the rainy foggy valleys

٨. مِن نِسوَةٍ كَالبَيضِ في ال
أُدحِيِّ بِالدَمَثِ المَطيرَه

9. Neither picking greens nor
Hitting the animal barn

٩. لَم يَصطَلينَ غَضاً وَلَم
يَضرِبنَ لِلبَهمِ الحَظيرَه

10. Cheeses from the spotted she-goat and the shiny doe
Above the skins the smell of basil smells in their forearms

١٠. جُبنَ الفُروجَ مِنَ المَرا
جِلِ وَالمُضَلَّعَةِ المَنيرَه

11. I am a man who does not tolerate
Defending the honor of my clan

١١. فَوقَ الجُلودِ يَفوحُ في
أَردانِها عَبَقُ الذَريرَه

12. In her tent is dignity and from
Her good manners a bed

١٢. إِنّي اِمرُؤٌ لا يُزدَرى
دَفعِيَ عَن أَعراضِ العَشيرَه

13. I refuse small boats
And smash large ships

١٣. في بَيتِها حَسَباً وَمِن
أَخلاقِ صالِحِها سَريرَه

14. My mother is to Qais at heart
And my father to the glorious `Atikah

١٤. أَنفي القَراقيرَ الصِغا
رَ وَأَحطِمُ الفُلكَ الكَبيرَه

15. The daughter of the sheltered one from Bani
Dhakwan, no lacking poor

١٥. أُمّي لِقَيسٍ في الذُرى
وَأَبي لِعاتِكَةَ المَهيرَه

16. In her tent many men
And around her plenty of Mudar

١٦. بِنتِ العَواتِكِ مِن بَني
ذَكوانَ لا عَدمى فَقيرَه

17. It was built upon her just as
The frequented house was built

١٧. في بَيتِها عَدَدُ الرِجا
لِ وَحَولَها مُضَرُ الكَثيرَه

18. She calls so the courageous
Stallions come to her

١٨. بُنِيَت عَلَيها مِثلَما
بُنِيَت عَلى البَيتِ الضَفيرَه

19. With ostriches and however
Wild pregnant she camels

١٩. تَدعو فَتَأتيها بِها ال
جُردُ البَهاليلُ الذُكورَه

20. They gasp as if
Her rabbits were snatched by vultures

٢٠. بِالمُردِ وَالشُمطِ المُجَر
رَبَةِ الخَضارِمَةِ المُغيرَه

21. And a flat nose
In it the speckles of many stones

٢١. يَخطَفنَ أَنفاساً كَما
خَطِفَت أَرانِبَها الصُقورَه

22. What man belittled men
His soul is that despicable

٢٢. وَأَرومَةٌ عادِيَّةٌ
فيها وَقِبصُ حَصىً كَثيرَه

23. But plenty of life I have seen
Truly miserable big

٢٣. أَيُّ اِمرِئٍ حَقَرَ الرِجا
لَ فَنَفسُهُ تِلكَ الحَقيرَه

24. So believing that is false
If it was not fruitful work

٢٤. بَل رُبَّ دُنيا قَد رَأَي
تُ كَبيرَةٍ حَقّاً مَزيرَه

٢٥. فَإِخالُ ذالِكَ باطِلاً
ما لَم يَكُن عَمَلاً ذَخيرَه