
Do you know the empty quarter, devoid of people

هل تعرف الربع مقفرا خلقا

1. Do you know the empty quarter, devoid of people
It has become like the intense cold of Yemen, crushed

١. هَل تَعرِفُ الرَبعَ مُقفِراً خَلَقا
أَضحى كَبُردِ اليَمانِ قَد سَحَقا

2. As if the full moon, its image appeared
When I gazed upon the cheek and the nape

٢. كَأَنَّما البَدرُ لاحَ صورَتُهُ
حينَ تَأَمَّلتُ الجيدَ وَالعُنُقا

3. She said to her mistress, go ask him
If he will leave before dawn

٣. قالَت لِمَولاتِها اِذهَبي فَسَلي
إِن كانَ قَبلَ الرَواحِ مُنطَلِقا

4. Will the young man come to us, so we can reproach him
Even if he came at dawn, he would not tear anything

٤. هَل يَأتِيَنّا الفَتى نُعاتِبُهُ
وَلَو أَتانا الرَواحَ ما خَرِقا

5. When the messenger came to me, concealing
I started walking as the star flickered

٥. لَمّا أَتاني الرَسولُ مُكتَتِماً
أَقبَلتُ أَمشي وَالنَجمُ قَد خَفَقا

6. I rolled up my sleeve for her and she escorted me
A heart, if the scene is true, was sincere

٦. شَمَّرتُ بُردي لَها وَشَيَّعَني
قَلبٌ إِذا كانَ مَشهَدٌ صَدَقا