1. The living one has passed away, so set forth
And his soul burst open into fragments
١. قَد تَوَلّى الحَيُّ فَاِنطَلَقا
وَاِستَطارَت نَفسُهُ شِقَقا
2. Who will soothe an eye granted sleeplessness
And a grieving mind madness
٢. مَن لِعَينٍ تُمنَحُ الأَرَقا
وَلِهَمٍّ حادِثٍ طَرَقا
3. They left no trace of them
When they departed ripped and torn
٣. غادَروا لا دَرَّ دَرَّهُمُ
حينَ راحوا جُؤذُراً خَرِقا
4. With urine soaking his garment
And musk perfume sprayed on him
٤. وَحِلاً في اللَحمِ مِئزَرُهُ
عَبِقاً بِالطيبِ مُختَلَقا
5. We wished to visit him
If only we were brought hastily
٥. قَد تَمَنَّينا زِيارَتَهُ
لَو أَتانا الزَورُ مُنسَرِقا
6. We would have fulfilled our wish from his embalming
Only one who loved feels longing
٦. لَقَضَينا مِن لُبانَتِهِ
إِنَّما يَشتاقُ مَن عَشِقا
7. They surrendered it in Damascus as
A savage beast surrendered and bellowed
٧. أَسلَموها في دِمَشقَ كَما
أَسلَمَت وَحشِيَّةٌ وَهَقا
8. The mother of the sons did not leave him
With him any remnant of his sanity
٨. لَم تَدَع أُمُّ البَنينِ لَهُ
مَعَهُ مِن عَقلِهِ رَمَقا