1. When I visit Abdallah, I ransom him with my soul,
I return with grace from his benevolence and gifts.
١. إِذا زُرتُ عَبدَ اللَهِ نَفسي فِداؤُهُ
رَجَعتُ بِفَضلٍ مِن نَداهُ وَنائِلِ
2. And if I am absent from him, he keeps our love intact,
He does not neglect me while I am away.
٢. وَإِن غِبتُ عَنهُ كانَ لِلوُدِّ حافِظاً
وَلَم يَكُ عَنّي في المَغيبِ بِغافِلِ
3. Abdullah's slave came to my rescue when
My enemies revealed their malice and were ready to fight.
٣. تَدارَكَني عَبدُ الإِلَهِ وَقَد بَدَت
لِذي الحِقدِ وَالشَنآنِ مِنّي مَقاتِلُ
4. He saved me from the flood of death after I had seen
The valleys of death brimming with adversaries.
٤. فَأَنقَذَني مِن غَمرَةِ المَوتِ بَعدَما
رَأَيتُ حِياضَ المَوتِ جُمَّ المَناهِلِ
5. He loved me when I came to him with gifts
And a beautiful slave girl with tinkling anklets.
٥. حَبانِيَ لَمّا جِئتُهُ بِعَطِيَّةٍ
وَجارِيَةٍ حَسناءَ ذاتِ خَلاخِلِ