
The heart recalled from her names a memory

تذكر القلب من أسمائه ذكرا

1. The heart recalled from her names a memory
And had over the nation of forgiveness shown patience

١. تَذَكَّرَ القَلبُ مِن أَسمائِهِ ذِكَرا
وَكانَ عَن أَمَةِ الغَفّارِ قَد صَبَرا

2. By Allah, her name was not mentioned near me
Except the water of the eye trickled down pouring

٢. وَاللَهِ ما ذُكِرَت عِندي سَمِيَّتُها
إِلّا تَرَقرَقَ ماءُ العَينِ فَاِنحَدَرا

3. As if it is a pearl in the string of a composer
The powers collapsed from the newness of the string scattering

٣. كَأَنَّهُ لُؤلُؤٌ في سِلكِ ناظِمَةٍ
بُتَّ القُوى مِن جَديدِ السِلكِ فَاِنتَثَرا

4. O one whom God prospered a house you inhabit
O mother of good news and your house rainwater quenched

٤. يا نَضَّرَ اللَهُ بَيتاً أَنتَ عامِرُهُ
يا أُمَّ بِشرٍ وَأَسقى دارَكِ المَطَرا

5. Raising two, one of which is like the sun when it rose
On a gloomy day and another is similar to the moon

٥. تِربينِ إِحداهُما كَالشَمسِ إِذ بَزَغَت
في يَومِ دَجنٍ وَأُخرى تُشبِهُ القَمَرا