1. Do homes know their people, I wonder,
Or does the drawing speak, made eloquent?
١. هَل لِلدِيارِ بِأَهلِها عِلمُ
أَم هَل تُبينُ فَيَنطِقُ الرَسمُ
2. Serenity said, why do you oppose us?
I am serene; do not frown at me.
٢. قالَت سُكَينَةُ فيمَ تَصرِمُنا
أَسُكَينُ لَيسَ لِوَجهِكِ الصَرمُ
3. You step with two anklets filled
With legs of a snake slithering over them.
٣. تَخطو بِخَلخالَينِ حَشوُهُما
ساقانِ مارَ عَلَيهِما اللَحمُ
4. Oh companion, did our stance make you weep
Or does weeping over us hold blame?
٤. يا صاحِ هَل أَبكاكَ مَوقِفُنا
أَم هَل عَلَينا في البُكا إِثمُ
5. Or is your weeping not for a deserted place
Bleak, looming as if it were a tattoo?
٥. أَم ما بُكاؤُكَ مَنزِلاً خَلَقاً
قَفراً يَلوحُ كَأَنَّهُ وَشمُ