1. My heart suffers from pain
From worries that weary my ribs
١. باتَ قَلبي تَشُفُّهُ الأَوجاعُ
مِن هُمومٍ تُجِنُّها الأَضلاعُ
2. From talk I heard that denied sleep
So my heart is troubled by what I heard
٢. مِن حَديثٍ سَمِعتُهُ مَنَعَ النَو
مَ فَقَلبي بِما سَمِعتُ يُراعُ
3. When the father of Sulaim came with what we hated
In himself were worries and pain
٣. إِذ أَتانا بِما كَرِهنا أَبو السَل
لاسِ كانَت بِنَفسِهِ الأَوجاعُ
4. He said what he said then fled quickly
Death overtook him rapidly
٤. قالَ ما قالَ ثُمَّ راغَ سَريعاً
أَدرَكَت نَفسَهُ المَنايا السِراعُ
5. He complained of headache though he was sick
It's you, not what you implied as headache
٥. قالَ يَشكو الصُداعَ وَهوَ سَقيمٌ
بِكَ لا بِالَّذي عَنيتَ الصُداعُ
6. You meant the son of Asma, not his father
He is not a helpless crier
٦. أَبنَ أَسماءَ لا أَبا لَكَ تَعني
إِنَّهُ غَيرُ هالِكٍ نَفّاعُ
7. A Hashimite with his palm the honor
A register which demeans merchandise
٧. هاشِمِيٌّ بِكَفِّهِ مِن سِجالِ ال
مَجدِ سَجلٌ يُهانُ فيهِ المَتاعُ
8. The morals of people, all that is in him
The morals of generosity, no deception in it
٨. شِيَمُ الناسِ كُلُّ ذَلِكَ فيهِ
شيمَةُ الجودِ لَيسَ فيها خِداعُ
9. I did not find loyal friends after you
Except like a worn garment with specks or patches
٩. لَم أَجِد بَعدَكَ الأَخِلّاءَ إِلّا
كَثِمادٍ بِها قَذىً أَو نِقاعُ
10. His house from the houses of Abd Manaf
A place extended in expanse
١٠. بَيتُهُ مِن بُيوتِ عَبدِ مَنافٍ
مَدَّ أَطنابَهُ المَكانُ اليَفاعُ
11. The utmost glory, prophethood and virtue
When the ignoble stop suckling
١١. مُنتَهى المَجدِ وَالنُبُوَّةِ وَالخَي
رِ إِذا قَصَّرَ اللِئامُ الرُضاعُ
12. So you will receive praise from a noble one
Who attained from the dew of your honor a portion
١٢. فَسَتَأتيكَ مِدحَةٌ مِن كَريمٍ
نالَهُ مِن نَدى سِجالِكَ باعُ