
You have awoken from the Mother of Boys,

أصحوت عن أم البنين

1. You have awoken from the Mother of Boys,
Her mention, her care, and her troubles,

١. أَصَحَوتَ عَن أُمِّ البَني
نَ وَذِكرِها وَعَنائِها

2. And you have abandoned her with the abandonment of a man
Who did not say the choicest of her purity,

٢. وَهَجَرتَها هَجرَ اِمرِئٍ
لَم يَقلُ صَفوَ صَفائِها

3. A Qurashi woman, like the sun the light
Of which shone with its splendor,

٣. قُرَشِيَّةٌ كَالشَمسِ أَش
رَقَ نورُها بِبَهائِها

4. She surpassed white silk in her beauty and purity
When she donned herself for the youth and was content with her gown,

٤. زادَت عَلى البيضِ الحِسا
نِ بِحُسنِها وَنَقائِها

5. She did not look back at her possessions,
And went on in her infatuation,

٥. لَمّا اِسبَكَرَّت لِلشَبا
بِ وَقُنِعَت بِرِدائِها

6. If it were not for love of the Mother of Boys,
And my need to meet her,

٦. لَم تَلتَفِت لِلِداتِها
وَمَضَت عَلى غُلَوائِها

7. A racing camel would have been brought near for me
Imprisoned for its quickness.

٧. لَولا هَوى أُمِّ البَني
نَ وَحاجَتي لِلِقائِها