
Do not be ignorant of your people, nor be

وقومك لا تجهل عليهم ولا تكن

1. Do not be ignorant of your people, nor be
Harsh and fault-finding, fighting with them.

١. وَقَومَكَ لا تَجهَل عَلَيهِم وَلا تَكُن
بِهِم هَرِشاً تَغتابُهُم وَتُقاتِلُ

2. For a man in an assembly not his own
Is weak in speech, his stature much diminished.

٢. فَإِنَّ اِمرَأً في مَعشَرٍ غَيرِ قَومِهِ
ضَعيفُ الكَلامِ شَخصُهُ مُتَضائِلُ

3. When he wills, he cannot outstretch tongue or hand,
And no tents shield his cheeks from shame.

٣. إِذا شاءَ لَم يَبسُط لِساناً وَلا يَداً
وَلَم تَنبُ عَن ذي صَفحَتَيكَ المَعابِلُ