1. My love for you consumes me, O daughter of Al-Abshami
Have mercy on a man who is dying for your love
١. أَعاتِكَ بِنتَ العَبشَمِيَّةِ عاتِكا
أَثيبي اِمرَأً أَمسى بِحُبِّكِ هالِكا
2. When she appeared among her people, she killed me
Thus do women kill men, in this manner
٢. بَدَت لِيَ في أَترابِها فَقَتَلنَني
كَذَلِكَ يَقتُلنَ الرِجالَ كَذالِكا
3. They looked at us with faces like
Swords unsheathed above spirited steeds
٣. نَظَرنَ إِلَينا بِالوُجوهِ كَأَنَّما
جَلَونَ لَنا فَوقَ البِغالِ السَبائِكا
4. Whenever her eyes that see us grew inattentive
They took us wherever the roads led
٤. إِذا غَفَلَت عَنّا العُيونُ الَّتي تَرى
سَلَكنَ بِنا حَيثُ اِشتَهَينَ المَسالِكا
5. And she said, "If only we were able, two doctors
From among us, learned in curing your illness, would visit you"
٥. وَقالَت لَوَ أَنّا نَستَطيعُ لَزارَكُم
طَبيبانِ مِنّا عالِمانِ بِدائِكا
6. But after our pact and your pact, my people created
Rancor and were burdened with your affair
٦. وَلَكِنَّ قَومي أَحدَثوا بَعدَ عَهدِنا
وَعَهدِكَ أَضغاناً كَلِفنَ بِشانِكا
7. You remind me of the slain at Hurrat Wakim
Whose bonds were severed and ropes cut
٧. تُذَكِّرُني قَتلى بِحَرَّةِ واقِمٍ
أُصيبَت وَأَرحاماً قُطِعنَ شَوابِكا
8. Before that, my people and her people
Had entwined around it a staff of perfected glory
٨. وَقَد كانَ قَومي قَبلَ ذاكَ وَقومُها
قَدَ اورَوا بِها عَوداً مِنَ المَجدِ تامِكا
9. They would mend the tear after it was rent
With wisdom, guiding pilgrims in their rituals
٩. هُمُ يَرتُقونَ الفَتقَ بَعدَ اِنخِراقِهِ
بِحِلمٍ وَيَهدونَ الحَجيجَ المَناسِكا
10. So bonds were severed and a group ambushed
And the traditions of wisdom returned after your absence
١٠. فَقُطِّعَ أَرحامٌ وَفُضَّت جَماعَةٌ
وَعادَت رَوايا الحِلمِ بَعدُ رَكائِكا
11. Is there anyone to convey a message from me
To my dear friend Uyaynah in Iraq and its outskirts?
١١. فَمَن مُبلِغٌ عَنّي خَليلَيَّ آيَةً
عُيَينَةَ أَعني بِالعِراقِ وَمالِكا
12. Is there a doctor in Iraq who may
Heal a noble one, sick and wasting away?
١٢. فَهَل مِن طَبيبٍ بِالعِراقِ لَعَلَّهُ
يُداوي كَريماً هالِكاً مُتَهالِكا
13. Were it not for the Syrian armies, his cure
Would be near, but I fear the manic assaults
١٣. فَلَولا جُيوشُ الشَأمِ كانَ شِفاؤُهُ
قَريباً وَلَكِنّي أَخافُ النَيازِكا
14. Without them I fear the whims, and dread
A dog without them and the barking wolves
١٤. أَخافُ الرَدى مِن دونِها أَن أَرومَها
وَأَرهَبُ كَلباً دونَها وَالسَكاسِكا
15. Men who are the epitomes of warriors since the days of Rahat
Crossing the wastelands between us and the bloodbaths
١٥. رِجالٌ هُمُ الأَقتالُ مِن يَومِ راهِطٍ
أَجازوا الغِوارَ بَينَنا وَالتَسافُكا
16. The only peace is to lead against them
Bleating sheep pursued by nimble shepherds
١٦. فَلا سِلمَ إِلّا أَن نَقودَ إِلَيهِمُ
عَناجيجَ يَتبَعنَ القِلاصَ الرَواتِكا
17. When the horsemen drive them into a gallop, you see them
Like well-rounded old camels, accustomed to their runs
١٧. إِذا حَثَّها الفُرسانُ رَكضاً رَأَيتَها
مَصاليتَ بِالذَحلِ القَديمِ مَدارِكا
18. Overtaking our rear while we advance ahead
And we follow the auspicious guide carefully
١٨. تَدارَكُ أُخرانا وَنَمضي أَمامَنا
وَنَتبَعُ مَيمونَ النَقيبَةَ ناسِكا
19. Whenever his claws finish off one tribe
He turns his sharpened swords against another
١٩. إِذا فَرِغَت أَظفارُهُ مِن قَبيلَةٍ
أَمالَ عَلى أُخرى السُيوفَ البَواتِكا
20. He pledged allegiance to Mus'ab on the pledge of Islam
Regiments of horses and a thickening crowd
٢٠. عَلى بَيعَةِ الإِسلامِ بايَعنَ مُصعَباً
كَراديسَ مِن خَيلٍ وَجَمعاً ضُبارِكا
21. With God's help you warded off their enemy
So you protect their basin with your spears
٢١. نَفَيتَ بِنَصرِ اللَهِ عَنهُم عَدوَّهُم
فَأَصبَحتَ تَحمي حَوضَهُم بِرِماحِكا
22. You came to their rescue when an adversary had overwhelmed them
And God made you apt for that task
٢٢. تَدارَكتَ مِنهُم عَثرَةً نَهَكَت بِهِم
عَدُوَّهُمُ وَاللَهُ أَولاكَ ذالِكا