
I enjoin you, O Shuraih, if I should perish, and my fortress,

أوصي شريحا إن هلكت ومحصنا

1. I enjoin you, O Shuraih, if I should perish, and my fortress,
To help the neighbor, and leave forbidden things,

١. أُوَصّي شُرَيحاً إِن هَلَكتُ وَمِحصَناً
بِعَونٍ عَلى الجُلّى وَتَركِ المَحارِمِ

2. And defend the neighbor who wears his rope
With both their ropes, and the allied partner,

٢. وَذَبٍّ عَنِ الجارِ المُلَبِّسِ حَبلَهُ
بِحَبلَيهِما وَبِالحَليفِ المُقاسِمِ

3. And if the Master makes war, make war with his war,
And if the Master makes peace with you, then make peace.

٣. وَإِن حارَبَ المَولى فَحارِب بِحَربِهِ
وَإِن سالَمَ المَولى عَلَيكَ فَسالِمِ

4. For you are among the Whites from the family of Jabir,
And among the Bani Shibl and the Alaqmi,

٤. فَإِنَّكَ بَينَ البيضِ مِن آلِ جابِرٍ
وَبَينَ بَني شِبلٍ وَبَينَ العَلاقِمِ

5. And you have attained a branch from Lu'ayy son of Ghalib,
Pillars they were, among the best of pillars.

٥. وَقَد نِلتَ فَرعاً مِن لُؤَيِّ بنِ غالِبٍ
دَعائِمَ كانَت مِن خِيارِ الدَعائِمِ