
You left and did not visit the people of well-being,

ذهبت ولم تزر أهل الشفاء

1. You left and did not visit the people of well-being,
And there is no benefit for you in visiting.

١. ذَهَبتَ وَلَم تَزُر أَهلَ الشِفاءِ
وَما لَكَ في الزِيارَةِ مِن جَداءِ

2. You grew up and are no longer among the youthful lovers,
And you parted from your youth other than secretly.

٢. كَبِرتَ فَلَستَ مِن شَرطِ الغَواني
وَفارَقتَ الصِبا غَيرَ الخَفاءِ

3. Your children have grown up so you became shy before them
And you inclined to chastity and shyness.

٣. وَشابَ بَنوكَ فَاِستَحيَيتَ مِنهُم
وَأُبتَ إِلى العَفافَةِ وَالحَياءِ

4. I carried the burden of a beloved other than you
And I was unfaithful in love and loyalty.

٤. وَغُرمٍ قَد حَمَلتُ جَناهُ غَيري
وَفَيتُ بِهِ عَلى حُبِّ الوَفاءِ

5. I counseled a master until I grew weary,
His affairs overwhelmed me completely.

٥. وَمَولى قَد نَصَحتُ لَهُ فَأَعيَت
عَلَيَّ أُمورُهُ كُلَّ العَياءِ

6. If I were not so noble and long-suffering,
Bearing injustice and rejecting baseness,

٦. فَلَو ما كُنتُ أَروَعَ أَبطَحِيّاً
أَبِيَّ الضَيمِ مُطَّرِحَ الدَناءِ

7. I would have left the peninsula before the day
Which causes the people to forget the purest women.

٧. لَوَدَّعتُ الجَزيرَةَ قَبلَ يَومٍ
يُنَسّي القَومَ أَطهارَ النِساءِ

8. I would have been there, happier than a ram
Stretched out atop a hill for the shepherds.

٨. فَكُنتُ هُناكَ أَحيَنَ مِن ثَفالٍ
يُعَدَّلُ فَوقَهُ سَقَطُ الرِعاءِ

9. But this is your dwelling amidst the Qais,
And among them spilling of blood prevails.

٩. فَذالِكَ أَم مُقامُكَ وَسطَ قَيسٍ
وَتَغلِبَ بَينَها سَفكُ الدِماءِ

10. Kinanah filled the land from Egypt
To the uplands of Tehama and barren land.

١٠. وَقَد مَلَأَت كِنانَةُ بَينَ مِصرٍ
إِلى عُليا تِهامَةَ فَالرُهاءِ

11. Squadrons passing in review
And regiments marching under one banner.

١١. بَرازيقاً تَمُرُّ مُسَوَّماتٍ
وَأَلوِيَةً تَؤولُ إِلى لِواءِ

12. The clan of Sheikh, who died in Makkah,
We buried at Abtah, the unhealthy place.

١٢. بَنو شَيخٍ بِمَكَّةَ خِندِفِيٍّ
دَفَنّاهُ بِأَبطَحَ ذي كَداءِ

13. They dishonor souls with all sincerity
Even if they were to be sold, they would be costly.

١٣. يُهينونَ النُفوسَ بِكُلِّ صِدقٍ
وَلَو بيعَت لَقامَت بِالغَلاءِ