
Abdul Aziz, you have disgraced your whole army,

عبد العزيز فضحت جيشك كلهم

1. Abdul Aziz, you have disgraced your whole army,
And left them slain in every road.

١. عَبدَ العَزيزِ فَضَحتَ جَيشَكَ كُلَّهُم
وَتَرَكتَهُم صَرعى بِكُلِّ سَبيلِ

2. Amongst the thirsty who freely gave their souls,
And the brave covered with wounds midst the valiant dead.

٢. مِن بَينِ ذي عَطَشٍ يَجودُ بِنَفسِهِ
وَمُلَحَّبٍ بَينَ الرِجالِ قَتيلِ

3. Why did you not show patience and fight with the martyrs?
When you retreated breaking your vows.

٣. هَلّا صَبَرتَ مَعَ الشَهيدِ مُقاتِلاً
إِذ رُحتَ مُنتَكِثَ القُوى بِأَصيلِ

4. And left your army with no commander,
So return covered in shame to live a long life.

٤. وَتَرَكتَ جَيشَكَ لا أَميرَ عَلَيهِمُ
فَاِرجِع بِعارٍ في الحَياةِ طَويلِ

5. And forgot your wedding when your bride is led captive,
Eyes weeping with wailing and lament.

٥. وَنَسيتَ عِرسَكَ إِذ تُقادُ سَبِيَّةً
تُبكي العُيونَ بِرَنَّةٍ وَعَويلِ