1. I wonder, is this the first tumult,
Or is it an age in turmoil other than tumult?
١. لَيتَ شِعري أَأَوَّلُ الهَرجِ هَذا
أَم زَمانٌ في فِتنَةٍ غَيرِ هَرجِ
2. If Mus'ab lives, then we are well,
We have already gotten from his life what we hope for.
٢. إِن يَعِش مُصعَبٌ فَإِنّا بِخَيرٍ
قَد أَتانا مِن عَيشِهِ ما نُرَجّي
3. A king who decides matters and does not
Include the weak waverer in his opinion.
٣. مَلِكٌ يُبرِمُ الأُمورَ وَلا يُش
رِكُ في رَأيِهِ الضَعيفَ المُزَجّي
4. He brought horses from Tihama until
His horses reached the palaces of Zaranj,
٤. جَلَبَ الخَيلَ مِن تِهامَةَ حَتّى
وَرَدَت خَيلُهُ قُصورَ زَرَنجِ
5. Where before him the horses of the possessor of crowns had not come,
Returning between rugged land and meadow.
٥. حَيثُ لَم تَأتِ قَبلَهُ خَيلُ ذي الأَك
تافِ يَرجِعنَ بَينَ قُفٍّ وَمَرجِ
6. They brought down from their towers the daughters of the
Turks who come after difficulty with difficulty.
٦. أَنزَلوا مِن حُصونِهِنَّ بَناتِ ال
تُركِ يَأتينَ بَعدَ عَرجٍ بِعَرجِ
7. Every ripped garment, half-naked and thin,
Dark-faced beneath the curves of the saddle.
٧. كُلُّ خِرقٍ سَمَيدَعٍ وَشَنونٍ
ساهِمِ الوَجهِ تَحتَ أَحناءِ سَرجِ
8. He clothes the army with armies and gives them to drink
The milk of good fortune in the meadows of date palms.
٨. يَلبِسُ الجَيشَ بِالجُيوشِ وَيَسقي
لَبَنَ البُختِ في عِساسِ الخَلَنجِ