
This heart has not recovered from its rapture

لم يصح هذا الفؤاد من طربه

1. This heart has not recovered from its rapture
And its inclination towards love and its playfulness

١. لَم يَصحُ هَذا الفُؤادُ مِن طَرَبِه
وَمَيلِهِ في الهَوى وَفي لَعِبِه

2. Welcome, welcome to the one who came to you
With gentleness, walking to you slowly in his dignity

٢. أَهلاً وَسَهلاً بِمَن أَتاكَ مِنَ ال
رَقَّةِ يَسري إِلَيكَ في سُخُبِه

3. He spent the night in Hulwan seeking you
As the people of Al-Walid sent seeking him

٣. باتَت بِحُلوانَ تَبتَغيكَ كَما
أَرسَلَ أَهلُ الوَليدِ في طَلَبِه

4. Love guided him, so you quenched your thirst
As the blood of kings quenches his thirst from his cup

٤. فَدَلَّها الحُبُّ فَاِشتَفَيتَ كَما
تَشفي دِماءُ المُلوكِ مِن كَلَبِه

5. If only Aburumh had delayed the call to prayer
He would have come to you from his resting place

٥. لَو أَنَّهُ أَخَّرَ النِداءَ أَبو
رُمحٍ لَقَضّى إِلَيكَ مِن أَرَبِه

6. Watering Hulwan, land of vineyards, and what he composed
Of its figs and grapes

٦. سَقياً لِحُلوانَ ذي الكُرومِ وَما
صَنَّفَ مِن تينِهِ وَمِن عِنَبِه

7. Palm trees are water springs in the meadow
Overwhelmed by the cool breeze, swaying as they drink

٧. نَخلٌ مَواقيرُ بِالفَناءِ مِنَ ال
بَرنِيِّ غُلبٌ يَهتَزُّ في شَرَبِه

8. Its black inhabitants are doves, so
Its crows do not stop pecking at its ripe dates

٨. أَسوَدُ سُكّانُهُ الحَمامُ فَما
تَنفَكُّ غِربانُه عَلى رُطَبِه

9. Egypt and Iraq sing your praises
As do the Levant's splendor and gold

٩. لِتَهنِهِ مِصرُ وَالعِراقُ وَما
بِالشَأمِ مِن بَزِّهِ وَمِن ذَهَبِه

10. Among them is glory when you come to them
And attainment that does not diminish from its abundance

١٠. فيهِم بَهاءٌ إِذا أَتيتَهُمُ
وَنائِلٌ لا يَغيضُ مِن حَلَبِه

11. Praise the good son of Layla when
You praise his religion and lineage

١١. أَثنِ عَلى الطَيِّبِ اِبنِ لَيلى إِذا
أَثنَيتَ في دينِهِ وَفي حَسَبِه

12. One who keeps his word and fights, who
Fears God in his forbearance and anger

١٢. مَن يَصدُقُ الوَعدَ وَالقِتالَ وَيَخ
شى اللَهَ في حِلمِهِ وَفي غَضَبِه

13. One whose hands overflow with bounty, one who
Seizes praise when it is fitting

١٣. وَمَن تُفيضُ النَدى يَداهُ وَمَن
يَنتَهِبُ الحَمدَ عِندَ مُنتَهَبِه

14. Your mother is fair, from Quda'a, in the
House shaded by its branches

١٤. أُمُّكَ بَيضاءُ مِن قُضاعَةَ في ال
بَيتِ الَّذي يُستَظَلُّ في طُنُبِه

15. While you are the refined jewel
From Abd Manaf, your hands seizing its cause

١٥. وَأَنتَ في الجَوهَرِ المُهَذَّبِ مِن
عَبدِ مَنافٍ يَداكَ في سَبَبِه

16. The whites of your sons will succeed you
As fresh twigs succeed in its valleys

١٦. يَخلُفُكَ البيضُ مِن بَنيكَ كَما
يَخلُفُ عودُ النُضارِ في شُعَبِه

17. They are not of weak character
Nor like its weak branches or those exiled

١٧. لَيسوا مِنَ الخِروَعِ الضَعيفِ وَلا
أَشباهِ عيدانِهِ وَلا غَرَبِه

18. Scenting the Byzantines, they look
As the eagles of the Cross peered from its ridge

١٨. شُمُّ العَرانينِ يَنظُرونَ كَما
جَلَّت صُقورُ الصُلَيبِ مِن حَدَبِه

19. We are on the oath to the Messenger and what
Was given of non-Arabs and Arabs

١٩. نَحنُ عَلى بَيعَةِ الرَسولِ وَما
أُعطِيَ مِن عُجمِهِ وَمِن عَرَبِه

20. With it we were victorious over the enemy and
Hope for the unseen in its distance and nearness

٢٠. بِها نُصِرنا عَلى العَدوِّ وَنَر
عى الغَيبَ في نَأيِهِ وَفي قُرُبِه

21. We will come when you call in the
Everlasting meadow, their bodies and robes

٢١. نَأتي إِذا ما دَعَوتَ في الحَلَقِ ال
ماذِيِّ أَبدانُهُ وَفي جُبَبِه

22. Leading stallions in front of the she-camels, their
Faces obscured by their howdahs

٢٢. يَهدي رِعالاً أَمامَ أَرعَنَ لا
يُعرَفُ وَجهُ البَلقاءِ في لَجَبِه

23. Among them Kurayb leads donkeys
Which the judges do not equal in their address

٢٣. فيهِم كُرَيبٌ يَقودُ حِميَرَ لا
يَعدِلُ أَهلُ القَضاءِ عَن خُطَبِه

24. And one like the red mountains of Mudar
Who cured the lame of his ailment

٢٤. وَعارِضٌ كَالجِبالِ مِن مُضَرَ ال
حَمراءِ يَشفي ذا العَرِّ مِن جَرَبِه

25. And the two sons of Nizar, when together
Leave no fugitive to his escape

٢٥. وَاِبنا نِزارٍ إِذا هُما اِجتَمَعا
لَم يَترُكا هارِباً عَلى هَرَبِه