1. The two plains became desolate, so it is as if it had no intimacy
Thus the monastery is stronger for the ruins, as the prayer niches of a nation strengthened, whose people perished
١. أَقفَرَتِ الرَقَّتانِ فَالقَلَسُ
فَهوَ كَأَن لَم يَكُن بِهِ أَنَسُ
2. The enemy spent the night in its outskirts, and at the top of its highest fortresses is a guard
We could not attain it except with an assailant, naked of armor, while under him is a horse
٢. فَالدَيرُ أَقوى إِلى البَليخِ كَما
أَقوَت مَحاريبُ أُمَّةٍ دَرَسوا
3. Seekers of the lute string as if its form is the crescent of a full moon shining or ember
And youths like swords, settled on horses and corpses, while the night is dark
٣. أَمسى بِحَوماتِها العَدوُّ وَفي
أَعلى أَعالي حُصونِها حَرَسُ
4. Seeking prey in Thul-Kala and in an old dog, while the prey is sought
The lute string may be sought with bloodshed, and revenge may be attained and filth washed away
٤. لَم نَستَطِعها إِلّا بِمُستَلِمٍ
عاري الظَنابيبِ تَحتَهُ فَرَسُ
5. So they spent the night alive, their women howling at their crime, like how a bell howled
٥. طَلّابُ وِترٍ كَأَنَّ صورَتَهُ
هِلالُ بَدرٍ أَضاءَ أَو قَبَسُ
٦. وَفِتيَةٍ كَالسُيوفِ مُقتَعِدي ال
خَيلِ وَجيفاً وَاللَيلُ مُدلَمِسُ
٧. يَطلُبُ ذَحلاً في ذي الكَلاعِ وَفي
كَلبٍ قَديماً وَالذَحلُ مُلتَمَسُ
٨. قَد يُطلَبُ الوِترُ بِالدِماءِ وَقَد
يُدرَكُ ثَأرٌ وَيُغسَلُ الدَنَسُ
٩. فَباتَ حَيٌّ يَعوي نِساؤُهُمُ
بِجُرمِهِم مِثلَ ما عَوى جَرَسُ