1. Alas, Qurayshi girl mocked me
With her shaking procession
١. أَلا هَزِئَت بِنا قُرَشِي
يَةٌ يَهتَزُّ مَوكِبُها
2. She saw me gray-haired
Yet my charm does not fade for her
٢. رَأَت بي شيبَةً في الرَأ
سِ مِنّي ما أُغَيِّبُها
3. She said, son of Qais is still
Handsome despite the gray hair
٣. فَقالَت أَبنُ قَيسٍ ذا
وَغَيرُ الشَيبِ يُعجِبُها
4. She saw vigor still dwells in me
Her girlfriends are jealous of her
٤. رَأَتني قَد مَضى مِنّي
وَغَضّاتٌ صَواحِبُها
5. And one like you has flirted with her
Perfect beauty would not age for her
٥. وَمِثلِكِ قَد لَهَوتُ بِها
تَمامُ الحُسنِ أَعيَبُها
6. She has a jealous husband who waits
By the door to prevent her
٦. لَها بَعلٌ غَيورٌ قا
عِدٌ بِالبابِ يَحجُبُها
7. He sees me walk like this
And threatens her and beats her
٧. يَراني هَكَذا أَمشي
فَيوعِدُها وَيَضرِبُها
8. I lingered by her carpets
Protecting her and deceiving him
٨. ظَلِلتُ عَلى نَمارِقِها
أُفَدّيها وَأَخلُبُها
9. I talk to her and she believes me
I am truthful and lie to her
٩. أُحَدِّثُها فَتُؤمِنُ لي
فَأَصدُقُها وَأَكذِبُها
10. Leave this, I have a need
I have been wanting to ask her
١٠. فَدَع هَذا وَلَكِن حا
جَةٌ قَد كُنتُ أَطلُبُها
11. When will the mother of sons
Arrange for us to meet?
١١. إِلى أُمِّ البَنينَ مَتى
يُقَرِّبُها مُقَرِّبُها
12. She came to me in a dream and said
Now is the time, do not delay
١٢. أَتَتني في المَنامِ فَقُل
تُ هَذا حينَ أُعقَبُها
13. When I was delighted to see her
And she leaned towards me softly
١٣. فَلَمّا أَن فَرِحتُ بِها
وَمالَ عَلَيَّ أَعذَبُها
14. I drank her saliva until
I was quenched, and craved for more
١٤. شَرِبتُ بِريقِها حَتّى
نَهِلتُ وَبِتُّ أُشرِبُها
15. And I slept in her embrace
Delighting her and she delighting me
١٥. وَبِتُّ ضَجيعَها جَذلا
نَ تُعجِبُني وَأُعجِبُها
16. I make her laugh and make her cry
Dress her and undress her
١٦. وَأُضحِكُها وَأُبكيها
وَأَلبِسُها وَأَسلُبُها
17. She fights me and I appease her
Anger her and please her
١٧. أُعالِجُها فَتَصرَعُني
فَأُرضيها وَأُغضِبُها
18. One night we talked till dawn
Flirting and having fun
١٨. فَكانَت لَيلَةٌ في النَو
مِ نَسمُرُها وَنَلعَبُها
19. A caller for morning prayers awoke us
Watching over it and interrupting us
١٩. فَأَيقَظَنا مُنادٍ في
صَلاةِ الصُبحِ يَرقُبُها
20. It was an apparition of a female jinn
Who vanished before we knew
٢٠. فَكانَ الطَيفُ مِن جِنِّي
يَةٍ لَم يُدرَ مَذهَبُها
21. Disturbs us when we sleep
And takes her away from you
٢١. يُؤَرِّقُنا إِذا نِمنا
وَيَبعُدُ عَنكَ مَسرَبُها
22. Mus'ab has the most and best
Of rhyming phrases
٢٢. لَمُصعَبُ عِندَ جِدِّ القَو
لِ أَكثَرُها وَأَطيَبُها
23. That fills the gaps
When she marches with her troops
٢٣. وَأَمضاها بِأَلوِيَةٍ
يَسُدُّ الفَجَّ مِقنَبُها
24. With God's help she prevails
Leading and conquering them
٢٤. إِذا خَرَجَت بِرابِيَةٍ
سَراياها وَمَوكِبُها
25. Lighting her path when
Her star appears
٢٥. بِنَصرِ اللَهِ يَعلوها
وَيَمريها وَيَغلِبُها
٢٦. وَيُذكيها بِكَفَّيهِ
إِذا ما لاحَ كَوكَبُها